How can you establish peace in your home, consistently? These homemaker habits and skills will help you not perfect homemaking, because that’s unachievable, but pursue the best version possible of it!
I’ve heard it said that we should find a happy medium in our homemaking. As mothers, we shouldn’t be disappointed when it isn’t perfect. But we also shouldn’t just allow chaos to define our motherhood and homemaking. Instead, we can find the happy medium, the balance, of having a lived-in yet peaceful and beautiful space.
I’m grateful to have had role models in my life, specifically coaches, who taught me to always pursue excellence. That didn’t mean just doing my best in sports but striving to be the best version of myself in all areas of my life.
While I’ve transitioned from being an athlete to being a mother, I’ve slowly learned how to apply that skill to my homemaking. I can have a peaceful home and be the best homemaker I can be when I humble myself, sacrificially serve my family, and pursue excellence!
If you want to achieve this peace, try adding these homemaker habits and skills into your daily routine. And remember, work hard but with the right mindset and perspective!
Let’s check them out…
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As a Christian, I can’t have a peaceful and productive home if I don’t turn it over to the Lord each day. By relying on His strength, I can be the best mother and homemaker I can be!
By sending up little prayers throughout my day I can remain grounded in intense moments, stay on track when everything gets derailed, and remind myself of the truth when lies of self-doubt flood my head.
I’m not saying I’m perfect, and I’m not saying it is easy. But, with prayer, I can stay focused on what truly matters throughout my day. It’s nothing fancy, just whispers to the Lord.
It is one of the homemaker habits and skills that is truly a secret weapon in my back pocket! These blog posts dive deeper into the topic:
6 Powerful Reasons To Pray For Your Future Children
The 7 Best Books For Christian Moms To Read Over And Over
Listening to calming and peaceful music throughout the day will keep your mind and nerves at ease. I’ve noticed that when I play worship music, even kid versions, it keeps my mind from wandering to areas where it shouldn’t.
Instead of focusing on more worry or doubt, I can instead hum the tune or sing the lyrics. Even after the music gets turned off, the songs remain in my head throughout the day. It truly helps me stay positive and be a better homemaker!
Check out these related posts:
10 Essential Ways To Prevent Mom Burnout And Stay Joyful
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I constantly tell people that I love having animal chores because it guarantees to get me out of the house at least twice a day, no matter the weather! Before we were homesteading, I found that it was very easy to become lazy in the morning or at night.
I would so easily plop on the couch and mindlessly turn to some sort of lazy and unproductive media. Now, I have to go outside and tend to our animals, and I don’t have a choice because I need to keep them alive!
Getting outside always makes me feel more productive, happier, and more equipped to conquer my day! Make it a point to get outside every day to be the best homemaker you can be.
Here are some blog post suggestions for you:
11 Easy First-Year Homesteading Goals To Make And Achieve As A Newbie
The 7 Best Books About Unschooling And Finding Education Freedom
The 7 Best Books On Getting Children Outside More For Parents
If I could, cleaning would be the one task I skip every day. I don’t naturally enjoy it and often feel so much dread before conquering a cleaning task.
However, I’m sure you’ve experienced this too, it is incredible how much it changes a space after you clean it. And in turn, it’s amazing how much it changes everyone’s attitude. My children are more excited to entertain themselves and my husband and I feel more at peace when everything is tidy.
One of the best homemaker habits and skills is to just constantly clean! I know that isn’t rocket science but it’s something I have to remind myself of daily to be the best homemaker I can be.
If you are struggling in this area, check out some of my favorite books on the topic here:
The 7 Best Homemaking Books For A Cozy And Peaceful Home
7 More Books On Homemaking You Can’t Miss Out On
Limit Screens
Mindlessly scrolling on your phone or staring at a screen for too long is awful for your brain, just look at all the studies done. Set limits on your phone and computer to avoid this.
I use Newsfeed Eradicator on my computer and Minimalist Phone on my smartphone to help me set boundaries in this area. You can also do a Detox here:
4 Reasons To Perform A Christian Social Media Detox
6 Practical Phone Boundaries For Parents To Set A Healthy Example
13 Screenless Things To Do While Breastfeeding To Enjoy The Moment
Instead of scrolling on your phone, pick up a book and read! I especially love to read books on a topic I am interested in at that time, whether it’s gardening, cooking, home remedies, parenting, homeschooling, birth, or home inspiration!
Reading is one of the easy homemaker habits and skills that you can do to stay in tune with what truly matters and avoid distractions. Check these out first:
The 7 Best Books For Christian Moms To Read Over And Over
7 More Christian Motherhood Books For Christian Moms
Set The Mood
As a mother and homemaker, you set the mood for your day. If you’re happy and pleasant to be around, it’s easier for your children and husband to be in pleasant moods as well.
I’ve been on a mission lately to radiate true joy in my mothering. Instead of focusing on the things that annoy me or y to-do list, I pause and find some way to express joy. Usually, that’s reading a book, singing a song, or playing a game with my child for a few minutes!
How To Be A Peaceful And Calm Stay-At-Home Mom Today
How To Cultivate Contentment In Motherhood And Be Grateful Everyday
Do you know that baking is one of the homemaker habits and skills that you can always get better at? I’ve improved dramatically over the years since staying home with my children. The more I practice the better at it I become.
I’ve been learning how to have patience as I incorporate my children as I bake and teach them what I’m learning. These books have especially been helpful to me:
The 7 Best Cookbooks On Cooking From Scratch With Real Farm Ingredients
The Top 7 Pregnancy Cookbooks You Need To Stay Happy And Healthy
The Top 10 Cookbooks Every Homesteader Needs In Their Kitchen
This blog is my creative outlet as a mom. It gives me the chance to express myself, help others, and share my heart! But, perhaps your hobby is motherhood is different. What hobby do you enjoy doing once you put the kids to bed?
Do that hobby more! Don’t let it overcome your homemaking tasks, but do allow it to improve your life by giving you an outlet to express yourself after long homemaking days.
If you are interested in starting a blog check this out:
How To Easily Start A Blog Today
10 Reasons To Start A Blog After You Graduate College
8 Aggravating Things No One Ever Told You About Blogging
Saving Money
As a homemaker, I don’t bring in an income. My husband provides for our family, yet I consider it my job to save our money and spend it wisely on the things we need. As they say, “A penny saved is a penny earned.”
By saving money and budgeting wisely, I help our family just as much! I share more about it in these posts here:
How To Save Money On Groceries As A Stay-At-Home Mom
11 Natural Household Items To Make Yourself And Save Money
7 Multiuse Reusable Items To Save Money In Your Homemaking
7 Ways Homesteading Saves You Tons Of Money When Done Correctly
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Make The Bed
I once watched a video of a navy seal sharing the impact of making your bed in the morning can have on your day. And he was right. I always feel more productive in my day when I start completing the task of making my bed.
Start changing your mindset here:
5 Incredible Mindset Shifts For Moms That Need To Be Made Today
Do you have a planner? How do you stay on top of all your tasks as a homemaker? One of the homemaker habits and skills that you need to stay on top of everything is just to plan it all out!
While that looks different for everyone, consider how you can start or update this habit so that your household runs smoothly each week. I share some of my favorite tips here:
11 Things I No Longer Do As A Mom Since Taking My Job As A Homemaker Seriously
Need Meal Ideas? Here Are My Top Go-To Meals As A Homestead Mom
Drink your water! Eat healthy! Move your body! The simple, physical things of just taking care of yourself go a long way. I’m just saying this to remind myself, and you, that something as simple as drinking enough water is a valuable skill to maintain.
21 Quick Ways To Be Healthy In Your 20’s
My 10 Time Saving Kitchen Mom Hacks I Can’t Live Without
Think of Others
I’ve been truly learning what it means to live a selfless life as a mother and a homemaker. It’s not easy, but being sacrificial and putting everyone else’s needs before my own truly changes me for the better.
I need to continually think of others, serve my family, and die to myself each and every day. Before you get out of bed each morning, remind yourself to be humble, yet joyful, as you serve your family again that day! Check out these posts where I go into more depth:
6 Incredible Ways Having Children Changed Our Marriage For The Better
12 Powerful Motherhood Lessons I Learned During My First Year
Ready For Anything
While I encourage you to plan as one of the homemaker habits and skills to have, I also encourage you to be adaptable. How true is it that nothing ever really goes to plan?
The baby skips their nap, the neighbor stops by to chat, the weather is changing, and before you know it you don’t have dinner on the table in time. Life happens! Being a mother means we have to just let some things go and that’s ok.
11 Things I Have Gained Since Becoming A Mother And Wife
Put your marriage first. It’s some of the best advice I have ever received, but now, after being married for several years I understand why.
It’s so easy to put my children’s needs, even the needs of our homestead, before the needs of my marriage. Marriage requires being intentional and I have to daily chose to do this homemaker skill! Check out these resources:
The 7 Best Christian Marriage Books You Need To Keep On Your Shelf
How To Strengthen Your Marriage With Love Notes
What Is The Best Genuine Christian Advice For Newlywed Couples Today?
Be Present
Lastly, chose to be intentional with everything each day. That’s a lot to ask, isn’t it?! You will fail, and you won’t be perfect, but as you pursue excellence your homemaking will improve, your family will thrive, and your home will be glorious!
The 3 Best Books To Help You Decide To Be A Stay At Home Mom
The 7 Best Homeschool Mom Books That You Need To Read Today
The 7 Best Homeschooling Books For Beginners You Need To Read Today
How To Find Great Read-A-Loud Book Lists For Christian Families
Sacrifice, intentionality, and humility are some of the hardest things we can learn as a homemaker, but they are vital homemaker habits and skills to practice all the time! Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.

Kelsey at GoodPointGrandma

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