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“The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.” Have you heard that quote before? It certainly shows the importance of reading books to decide to be a stay-at-home mom.


When I was pregnant with our daughter, our first child, I read Home by Choice. At the time I was in a corporate job, slowly moving up the career ladder.


Growing up, I always knew I wanted to be a stay-at-home mom. In my corporate job I saw every single mother I worked with return back to the office after maternity leave and I saw almost every single one of them crying at their desk at some point. When my husband and I were dating I told him that was my desire, to stay home with my babies, and he agreed he would do whatever he could to make it possible.


But, the voice of our culture is pretty loud and the growing trends of feminism slowly creep into our minds. Being a stay-at-home mom is no longer a respectable position. Stay-at-home moms often feel the need to justify their decision with a side hustle or other activities.


Culture tells us that to be a successful mom you should have it all and do it all.





Feminism says you can be a wife, a mother, a CEO, a homemaker, and the breadwinner of your family all at once. In fact, you deserve it.


And as a result, the next generation is being raised by strangers. Parents actually spend less time with their children than other people. And, apparently, that’s the dream goal in our society.


Now, I understand the several instances when there really is no other option but for the mother to return to her career after giving birth. I feel so blessed that I can be a stay-at-home mom. However, in most cases, mothers that simply lower their cost of living, change their life goals, and desire to be with their children more can make being a stay-at-home mother possible!


These books to decide to be a stay-at-home mom helped me understand my “why” – the reason I deep down wanted to be a stay-at-home mom. They also helped me realize the joy I can find being a stay-at-home mom, even when it is not supported by culture.


Let’s dive in…


The 3 Best Books To Help You Decide To Be A Stay At Home Mom

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  1. Home By Choice: Facing the effects of mother’s absence by Brenda Hunter


This book is an amazing option to read with your husband, perhaps a chapter each night before bed.


Not only does it acknowledge that stay-at-home moms are the least appreciated jobs of our current culture, but also touches on the real impact of daycare on children.


You see, no matter how wonderful the daycare provider is or how close you are to the person you are leaving to watch your child, they still aren’t you. The best person to love and care for your child is you!


A child needs to grow up feeling loved, secure, and have self-worth and that is grown within the family unit. A stay-at-home mom shapes her child into the person they are today!


There is so much joy found in raising your own children. It’s not just cooking, cleaning, and laundry. It’s so much more than that and sadly our culture doesn’t acknowledge it.


This book is a wonderful read to help encourage you in your motivation to be a stay-at-home! I recommend reading it when you are pregnant with your first as I did.



Check it out on Amazon here!



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  1. In Praise of Stay-at-Home Moms by Dr. Laura Schlessinger


While this book is somewhat dated now, it is still packed with wisdom!


Dr. Laura is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist with several books on the market. In this book, she goes into detail on how stay-at-home moms can thrive in the role they are currently in. She is an encouragement to those of us that feel the weight of the cultural lies of feminism.


I really appreciate that she touches on the common misconceptions of being a stay-at-home mom. If you are contemplating becoming a stay-at-home mom then I am certain that you have preconceived notions. I would encourage you to read this book to hear all the sides of the puzzle!


It has helped me become a confident stay-at-home mom!


Check it out on Amazon here!



  1. The Stay-at-Home Mom: For Women at Home And Those Who Want to Be by Donna Otto


This is an old book but don’t let that steer you away! Donna Otto is wonderful at encouraging moms to find their purpose in the daily tasks of a stay-at-home mom.


This book is wonderful for moms that are contemplating staying at home with their children because it gives a gentle new perspective. You’ll read tips and tricks that you probably have never considered before.


And if you’re wondering what in the world the rewards of being a stay-at-home mother could be, then please read this book. It will show you the joy and blessings that can be found, and the ultimate impact you are making!


Check it out on Amazon here!




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Bonus Books To Decide To Be A Stay At Home Mom


If you want to keep reading then here are a few more books to decide to be a stay-at-home mom!


Finding Your Way Home: How To Become A Successful Stay-At-Home Parent by Lucynda Koesters


Domestically Challenged: A Working Mom’s Survival Guide to Becoming a Stay-at-Home Mom by Alana Morales


Prayer Journal For a Stay-at-Home Mom: 3 Month Prayer Notebook to Write in For Stay at Home Mothers


The Stay-at-Home Survival Guide: Field-Tested Strategies for Staying Smart, Sane, and Connected While Caring for Your Kids by Melissa Stanton



I’d love to hear from you, what are your thoughts on being or becoming a stay-at-home mom? Let me know in the comments below!


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Kelsey at GoodPointGrandma

Hey there, I'm Kelsey! I'm so glad you are here. I'm a 20-something helping you live your most fulfilling life. I hope you'll join me in this old-fashioned & simple lifestyle!
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