My last post on this blog was April 10, 2019. Today is November 23, 2019. What happened during my almost 8-month sabbatical?
Well, I met a man that completely swept me off my feet. I fell madly in love and now he’s my husband!
Here’s a quick timeline for those of you that are a bit shocked:
March 23 – joined Bumble and swiped on each other
March 28 – talk on the phone
March 31 – talk on the phone again
April 3 – our first date *meet each other in person for the first time
April 6 – Landon asked to intentionally pursue me
April 9 – told Landon I’m going to marry him
April 10 – held hands for the first time
April 13 – said “I love you”
April 17 – Landon asked me to be his GIRLFRIEND! *officially dating
June 30 – we’re ENGAGED!!!
September 14 – we’re MARRIED!!!!!
On our honeymoon, we hit 5 months of being together. How could a love story like that truly happen? By God’s provision and grace alone. I hope you’ll read the whole story below!
Consider this post #1 of my dating, engagement, wedding, and marriage series. I’ve been dying to share more of my experiences, what God has been teaching me, and help those of you that are just curious to hear more!
- Our Love Story
- Why We Waited To Kiss and Have Sex Till Marriage
- 4 Practical Dating Tips for Christian Women In Their Early 20’s
- The 7 Best Christian Books You Need To Read Before Marriage
- How To Accomplish A Gorgeous Wedding For Only $2,000
- How To Easily Prevent Pregnancy Without Birth Control
- 6 Things I Learned In The First Three Months Of Marriage
- 13 Surprising Benefits When You Get Married Young
- How To Plan A Remote Honeymoon In The Mountains
- How To Keep Your House Clean With Puppies
Our love story below was written out by Landon during our engagement, to allow all friends and family to know the details and support us better.
Don’t forget to Pin this for later!
Hi there, friend.
Kelsey and I are so thankful for your support and prayers these last few months. This road God has led us down is not by choice and is one less traveled, in fact, it has been a difficult one but filled with so many God moments. We wanted to jot a few things down for you about how we met and where God has been taking us and why he led us down the path he has. Our hope in writing this is to share our story, which ultimately, is God’s story. Our hope is to not rest in our own laurels but rest in Christ and share the adventures we have had with all of you, all to the glory of God our King.
Our story began from before time and the years leading up to our meeting were instrumental in the materials needed to build a Christ-centered marriage. God had aligned our paths on a surface level, as well as our upbringing, principles, values, and vision. We both logged on to a dating app called, Bumble, at almost the exact same time. We were focused on meeting someone not based on pictures, profile, or catchphrase brilliance, but someone who was bold about their walk with Christ. Well, after a few hours of finding no success I saw her profile; the description read, “God, first and foremost.” My heart jumped out of my chest; I must have read that line a million times over. For the next 24 hours, I was a nervous wreck waiting for her to respond; towards the end, I extended the connection time another 24 hours hoping to get a chance to talk to her, if only for a minute. Turns out she was looking for the same thing in guys and found my profile, we matched on 3/25/19. In Bumble, the women must make the first move to start a conversation. I couldn’t sit still until she messaged me, simply because I didn’t know if she would. But in the evening on the 26th I got the message while I was driving home from fishing; I nearly crashed 3 or 4 times. All she said was, “Hey Landon.” It was enough; I was a goner at that!
You see, God had been doing surgery on my heart the last few months. He had shifted my only aim in life to be giving glory to God by being a good husband and father. I was ready! Little did I know that Kelsey was in a similar place as I was, only God could have planned it to be so. We began writing long messages back and forth to each other mostly about current life, likes and dislikes, as well as our walk with Christ. Our first conversation over the phone was on the 28th of March. In that, we found out that we had many things in common and have had overlaps in life in more than one area. Only in God’s providence, we hadn’t met until he was ready for us to meet. There was a level of friendship and relatability already formed as a result of the foreknowledge.
Kelsey, for some time, had been listening to a podcast called Real Christianity by Dale and Veronica Partridge. Early on, it was started as a marriage podcast; heavy-hitting stuff straight from Scripture about what God intended for marriage to be and how to live that out in a culture where marriage is under attack. We both began to listen and talk about it together week by week, starting after our first conversation on the phone. We began week by week, to discover what God says about dating, marriage, roles and so many other tough topics within marriage. What was encouraging is that, while tough at times to swallow, it was truth from Scripture that aligned our thinking by discussion and transparency. Neither of us was timid nor playing games about what we were looking for long term. We were so confident in how God was leading that we chose Christ over fronting to be liked by each other.
After a couple of conversations on the phone, I asked Kelsey on a date. Our first date was 4/3/19, we went to a place in Kenosha, WI called Waterfront Warehouse, it is a small restaurant bar off of Lake Michigan. Little did we know how our lives would grow and be changed after that meeting. During the day, leading up to the evening, I cannot tell you how much spiritual attack I underwent throughout the day. I was both physically and mentally exhausted. When something in life is God-honoring and good, demons will try everything in their power to stop and hinder that from giving glory to God. It was in those moments that I was most reassured to not back down but to walk in obedience.
When she walked in, she lit up the room with the way she shined Jesus so clearly. Both inwardly and outwardly she was so beautiful; I was blown away! Wow! During that first date I began to talk about the most recent times I had come within moments from dying. It morphed into me sharing my entire life testimony – the good, the bad, and the ugly. I shared everything that God had been doing in my life, where he has been leading me, the mess of my past, and how my identity in Christ is the most important aspect of my life now. I have nothing to hide, nothing to fear, and nothing to prove! All I have is Christ and he is who leads my heart, my life, my everything! I shared who I was, simply because I wanted to follow Christ more than anything and I wanted Kelsey to know.
That first date felt like two old friends catching up, simply because we were transparent and open. We could see God moving in each other so clearly. In the days that followed, I heard Kelsey’s story and testimony on how she gave her life to Christ. We discussed what a biblical marriage looks like and shared our values and what was important to one another. Our firm foundation was in Christ and we began to build on that every day, intentionally learning about each other, learning about Christ, and growing in our love for each other and Him. I asked to intentionally pursue her on the 6th and asked her to be my girlfriend 11 days later. Three months later, on 6/30/19, we were engaged and on 9/14/19 we were married.
Relationally, it was founded on Christ and logistically, there were no barriers. Had we met in earlier years we would have been in a place of immaturity both in life and spiritually. But at the point of meeting, I had been in the workplace for 5 years since I had graduated college when I was 18. So, I had a house and car and an established line of work. Kelsey had also graduated earlier and had been in the workplace for 2 years herself. Through a miracle, only in God’s divine way, we both became debt-free a day apart from each other (except for the mortgage).
We logistically weren’t bound to wait on anything; emotionally and spiritually God was leading us together. Close spiritual mentors and a spiritual family that know us both were encouraging us in Christ. They saw our love for each other and the transparency in our walk grow and flourish in Christ. God was bringing our paths together and we were following him. We weren’t led on our own physical attractions or because we just wanted to have sex or because we wanted to prove people wrong but simply because God was leading us together so clearly.
With nothing hindering us from moving forward in marriage, we began, very early on, to walk down the road of preparing for marriage. When we met, we never planned on being married in the same year. In fact, we wouldn’t have chosen this road; it’s hard, very hard. We have had many hard conversations with family and friends, but our confidence has always remained and relied on Christ; he clearly was leading us forward and blessing us in ways unforeseen.
If we, as Christians, are on this earth to give glory to God, then everything we do should be done to his glory even when it seems counter-cultural or counter-intuitive. We have been able to share the gospel with coworkers and friends as a result of our story because in every area it points back to Christ. With no reason to wait, already planning for marriage and God opening doors and opportunities; we moved forward in confidence. Every reason was pointing us towards marriage and the only thing that wasn’t was fear. Fear says, “Do dating like everyone else. Take the safe road. Be normal. Make everyone happy. Go with the flow and mimic culture by going slow. You need conflict before marriage. To really know, you need more time, etc.”
But God says:
And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. (Romans 12:2).
Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father but is of the world. And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth forever. (1 John 2:15-17)
Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them. (Psalm 139:16)
In their hearts, humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps. (Proverbs 16:9)
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. (Proverbs 3:5-6)
Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever you do, do all to the glory of God. (1 Corinthians 10:31)
That the name of our Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified in you, and ye in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.” (2 Thessalonians 1:12)
God had led us forward based on prayer, timing, logistics, and plans that only in his divine intervention have been planned. We are not perfect and have made many missteps, but we strive to give God glory in all things. Kelsey nor I planned it or saw it coming, but as he leads, we will follow in this adventure called life.
Would you share part of your love story with me below in the comments?(: I would love to hear it!

Kelsey at GoodPointGrandma

Latest posts by Kelsey at GoodPointGrandma (see all)
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- 12 Encouraging Podcasts for Christian Women On All Topics - March 15, 2025
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[…] you missed the first post in this series, Our Love Story, be sure to go check it out […]
[…] Our Love Story […]
[…] Our Love Story […]
Talk about a fast timeline! Ya’ll really booked it through dating and engagement. But it seems like you knew what you were doing, and God had placed you in the perfect season for all of it. I’m glad you found each other and are happily married now!
Thanks Stephanie, all the glory to God (:
This is so sweet I married my best friend as well. Love is wonderful
It really is <3
This was so sweet to read, it warms my heart! I’m so happy for you both! I wish you all the happiness in the world 🙂
Thank you so much Jiawun!
This is so sweet! And you know what, I think when you know you know. I was positive a month after meeting my husband that we would get married. We still waited two years because of logistical stuff (still in college at the time) but now we’ve been together for 11 years.
That’s exactly it – when you know you know! That’s amazing Becky!
[…] Our Love Story […]
[…] Our Love Story […]
[…] Our Love Story […]
[…] Our Love Story […]
[…] it was much easier for me to set up my own morning routine when I was single before I married my husband. However, once we got our system down after we got married it was amazing having the accountability […]
[…] and I (Kelsey) met and were married within the short span of about 5 months (which you can read all about here). Landon grew up in the northern Chicago suburbs and I grew up in West Michigan. While neither of […]
[…] dating app profile you create if that’s the first step (it was for me, which you can read about here!), make your intentions […]
[…] Our Love Story […]