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What are the best practical dating tips for Christian women these days??


The dating scene is annoying, weird, and plain old frustrating – let’s be honest. And that especially goes for Christian women that hold high standards.


I know because I was in it for what felt like an eternity.


After surrendering my life to Christ in middle school, I wanted to live my life according to God’s standards. And in the dating field, those are high standards.


It felt like I was looking for a needle in a haystack when I was looking for a godly Christian man to marry, who put Christ first in every area of his life. But, even though it was annoying and frustrating at times, I was able to remain hopeful in the fact that God was writing my love story.


God had a man out there that he was preparing to one day be my husband. I didn’t know when that would be, but I did know that I could trust the Lord of my life with it.


But while you’re in the dating process what does that even look like? What are practical dating tips for Christian women in their early 20’s?


Well, I’m glad you asked…



But quick! Before we jump into it, did you know this article is a part of a series??


I took about an 8-month sabbatical from the blog when I met the love of my life! And now I want to share with you everything I learned from the process. This article is number three:


  1. Our Love Story
  2. Why We Waited To Kiss and Have Sex Till Marriage
  3. 4 Practical Dating Tips for Christian Women In Their Early 20’s
  4. The 7 Best Christian Books You Need To Read Before Marriage
  5. How To Accomplish A Gorgeous Wedding For Only $2,000
  6. How To Easily Prevent Pregnancy Without Birth Control
  7. 6 Things I Learned In The First Three Months Of Marriage
  8. 13 Surprising Benefits When You Get Married Young
  9. How To Plan A Remote Honeymoon In The Mountains
  10. How To Keep Your House Clean With Puppies




4 practical dating tips for Christian women in their early 20s

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Practical Dating Tip #1 – Make A Vow To The Lord


Look on any other website about dating and it will probably tell you to make some sort of commitment to yourself. Well, committing to yourself is probably not going to be the best way to stay focused on anything!


I know I commit to eating no sugar at times and cheat days always find a way to arise!


The only way I was able to remain so hopeful and so focused in my dating years was that I made a vow to the Lord when I was in 8th or 9th grade.


My Bible teacher challenged our class to each save our first kiss till marriage.


As crazy as that may sound, I took him up on it. That night I prayed to the Lord, made a vow to Him that I would save my first kiss till my wedding day, and wrote it down. There was no excuse now for me ever failing to the Lord of my life.


Curious about how I did it? Make sure you read these two posts in full, because man it was not easy at times:


Our Love Story & Why We Waited To Kiss And Have Sex Till Marriage


So now, I am turning around and challenging you: Save Your First Kiss Till Your Wedding Day!


There are so many amazing benefits to waiting to kiss; even though, initially it may sound like you are missing out in so many ways.


I wrote this post a while back as well with more insight into those benefits: Why I’m Saving My First Kiss




Practical Dating Tip #2 – Put All Your Fulfillment In God


If you are rolling your eyes because you’ve heard this one before, or many even too many times, then I would encourage you to not skip over it this time.


You see, as much as you may know not to do this, it is so hard to actually follow with action. Finding true fulfillment and joy in Christ is the only chance you will have at finding fulfillment in marriage, and life.


A spouse will never fulfill you. A spouse will fail you, over and over again. But the Lord of the universe will never fail you. He will always be there for you.


Deuteronomy 3:22 says “You shall not fear them, for it is the Lord your God who fights for you.”


Here is how to strengthen your relationship with the Lord so that during the dating process you are finding true fulfillment in Christ alone:


  1. Daily Prayer


Ask yourself: Do you have a prayer journal where you write down prayer requests? I like this one: Prayer Journal


  1. Daily Scripture Reading


Ask yourself: Have you read through the entire Bible? I started this last year and have loved reading through it chapter by chapter. I am learning so much about my Savior. Here’s a great study Bible to check out



Related Post: The 10-Minute, 10-Step Solution For The Best Journaling Bible




  1. Weekly Fellowship With Other Believers


Ask yourself: How many weeks have I attended church in a row? Looking at your calendar helps you realize the number of weeks you may have missed church. Make it a priority to be in fellowship with other believers.


  1. Continually Sharing The Gospel


Ask yourself: When was the last time you shared the good news of the gospel with someone else? It’s not always easy and often uncomfortable, but the more we share Christ with others, the more we can see His hand at work.


The only true way to be in a healthy relationship with someone is to spend time with them. Do you spend time with the Lord of your life? Do you cherish your time with Him and make Him a priority? He needs to be first in your dating life.


Do a reality check today.


practical dating tips for Christian women

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Practical Dating Tip #3 – Be Intentional & Give God The Pen


This practical dating tip for Christian women is one that I can’t take credit for. It comes directly from Eric and Leslie Ludy’s book “When God Writes Your Love Story.


In the book, they focus on the principle of handing God the pen of your love story. God is the true author of our lives, and we try to control what only He can control; we lack trust.


The dating process taught me to trust God.


Handing over the pen to God was not easy. So often I wanted to take matters into my own hands. I wanted to make a decision that I thought was best before taking them to the Lord in prayer.


But when I trusted God was when God lead me to the man of my dreams.


Trusting God does not mean no action is required. It means, action with guidance.






Seek the Lord throughout each step of the dating process. For me, that meant when lies from the devil came and I came hopeless, frustrated, or annoyed, I took it to the Lord in prayer.


That meant when temptation was near, I gave it over to God. That meant when hard situations were in front of me, I looked at scripture to see what it said.


The dating process is a time of sanctification in your life; a time where God is molding you and shaping you into the woman He desires you to be in marriage.


Constantly handing the pen over to God means that you constantly seek Him and His will. Let us not forget that we are his servants, and a servant always comes to His master for a command before acting.


Always go to God first.



Practical Dating Tip #4 – Have A Mentor Speak Truth Into Your Life


Have someone that can speak truth into your life: a practical dating tip for Christian women in every area of life.


Have someone that is actively involved in your dating life. Don’t hide.


I tried to hide for a while so that I would no be judged or looked down at, but slowly godly mentors in my life asked more questions and I shared what my dating life looked like in more detail. When a mentor saw something they didn’t agree with, noticed a boundary I had crossed, or just had more practical advice for me, then I could have greater confidence in the dating scene as a Christian woman.


Allowing a mentor to speak truth into your life shows a high spiritual maturity.


And a godly Christian man will be looking for a godly Christian woman that puts God first and shows spiritual maturity, especially in everyday life.


How do you find a mentor? I would start in the church. Get to know some of the old women in your church that are respectable and have a good reputation.


Ask them out to coffee or attend a Bible study with them.


The term mentor doesn’t have to be scary or intimidating. It just means having a close friendship with someone that can continually speak the truth to you.


One of the most encouraging parts about having a mentor is that you know you have someone praying for you diligently.


But remember: the key to having a good mentor is being a good mentee. Take what is pointed out and begin applying it to your life. It takes a humble heart and it takes action.



So there you have it, 4 Practical Dating Tips for Christian Women In Their Early 20’s. Which tip was your favorite? Which tip did you take away to help you in your dating life going forward?


I would love to know! Share with me in the comments below! What are your best dating tips for Christian women?


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Kelsey at GoodPointGrandma

Hey there, I'm Kelsey! I'm so glad you are here. I'm a 20-something helping you live your most fulfilling life. I hope you'll join me in this old-fashioned & simple lifestyle!
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