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You often don’t realize that some of the best advice you’ve received is truly that, the best advice, until years later. Over the years I’ve been intentional about writing the best advice I have ever received in each of these areas of life and I want to share them with you!


Check out the best advice here:



Learn from everyone else’s mistakes and don’t make the same ones.



Turn off notifications. Yes, all of them. Choose when you interact with your phone. The less you are looking at a new notification every minute, the more you are enjoying the world.



Never look for a shortcut. Always take the hard route. You will create a stable ground and not sink as the others will. You will be trustworthy and ethical. You will outlast the competition.




Ask the hard questions to make your faith your own. Make it number one in your life. It will direct everything else.



Pushing yourself to your limits in your workout teaches you to push yourself for the rest of your life. Get off your butt and do it. That’s when you truly grow.



When your income rises, don’t let your expenses.


My Character-

It is defined by how you respond to hard situations. Your lasting impact is not necessarily going to be based on what you say or do, but on how you respond. Hold values and you’ll never regret it.


Mental Health-

Find people who give off positive energy and never let them go.



Making an impact, a difference, changing the world – it’s only possible by putting others first.



It’s necessary so you might as well give it your all.



Always be refining the inside – books, podcasts, and conferences – whatever it takes to be a better person than you were the day before. You earn respect, not by what you look like, but by the profound fact that you choose to stay humble and kind.



Related Post: 5 Signs Your 20’s Will Not Lead To A Successful Future




You don’t choose them. You can’t change them. Acceptance and forgiveness bring joy.


Life Purpose-

There is no such thing as having one passion that you need to find and make your life destiny. Your life purpose is to glorify the Lord who made you. The more value you add to this world, the more you’ll find your goals, purposes, and passions.


best advice ive been given in every area of my life

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Basically, there’s no way to truly balance life perfectly but you can make an amazing impact by being a servant to others, by staying humble and kind, and by putting others’ needs above your own.


The more you make life more about others and less about yourself, the more you realize how fulfilling life truly is.



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Kelsey at GoodPointGrandma

Hey there, I'm Kelsey! I'm so glad you are here. I'm a 20-something helping you live your most fulfilling life. I hope you'll join me in this old-fashioned & simple lifestyle!
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