Becoming a wife, and then a stay-at-home mom was certainly a learning curve for me! One thing that made the job easier over time was using these kitchen mom hacks over and over again.
As a brand new wife, I assumed several new roles, one being the manager of the home. Of course, my husband would help keep the house tidy, but he mostly managed all outdoor projects. This included setting up systems for our new homestead, car maintenance, and house projects.
I was the one cooking the meals, doing the laundry, washing the dishes, deep cleaning, and grocery shopping. I really did enjoy the honor it was to serve my husband and beginning our lives as a new family!
But, I had a lot of learning to do. Over time I became better at cooking and learned how to make more meals from scratch. I started watching other moms on YouTube and realized that there is so much potential to show my family love through what I make in the kitchen!
That’s why I want to share these kitchen mom hacks with you. You don’t have to dread cooking healthy and nutritious meals in the kitchen! There are so many things in today’s modern world that can make that task so much easier.
Let me share them with you…
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Cauliflower Base Stew
One of my favorite cookbooks is this paleo one. It has so many simple and easy recipes that are extremely nutritious! It is in one of these recipes that I first discovered making a cauliflower base for any soup or stew.
We raise our own meat chickens each summer on the homestead. Each week I cook a whole chicken and then we use the leftover meat for a second meal. I also turn the bones into a delicious broth, basically giving us three meals from one bird!
To make the cauliflower soup base, one of the easiest kitchen mom hacks, I finely chop a head of cauliflower and add it to the broth. I either simmer it on the stove or cook it for a few minutes in the Instant Pot.
After it cooks, I use an immersion blender to blend it all together for a thick creamy base. Then I add the remaining ingredients and cook the recipe like normal. The soup base is thick and delicious, and no one knows there is a whole head of cauliflower in it at all!
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Homemade All-Purpose Seasoning
Another favorite of the kitchen mom hacks is making my own all-purpose seasoning that I literally can use on everything! After making so many meals from cookbooks I realized that most recipes all for pretty much all the same spices.
Instead of constantly opening up six different spice and seasoning containers, I wanted to make my life easier and created this all-purpose seasoning blend! Please feel free to make it yourself and use it in any recipe!
It is wonderful on top of any casserole, soup, roasted veggie, and cut of meat.
All-Purpose Seasoning
6 parts fine sea salt (We use Redmond Real Salt)
1 part black pepper
1 part onion powder
1 part garlic powder
1 part chili powder
½ part curry powder
No Dishwasher And Minimal Dishes
This is one of the kitchen mom hacks that is probably the most surprising to most people. But, that also means that it is one of the most life-changing in my opinion!
We only have enough plates, mugs, utensils, bowls, etc. for each family member. So, for example, three people would mean there are only three plates, three mugs, three bowls, etc. in the kitchen. That means that after you use your dish or utensil, you have to wash it again before you can use it again.
This has cut down on all the overwhelm and stress of doing dishes and keeping the kitchen clean by so incredibly much!
Because we have so few dishes, doing the dishes is quick and easy. We don’t have a need for a dishwasher because it all gets washed and reused so frequently. We also use cast iron pans, so they do not get washed, and a few mixing bowls and stainless-steel pots, which have to be washed to use again.
I actually never have wanted a dishwasher. I feel that hand-washing dishes is just as fast and easy as loading and unloading, especially when you do them right away and don’t let the food crust on. Plus, in the past, I have experienced so many annoying malfunctions with dishwashers that I have never had a good experience.
If you like to host, keep all the additional dishes out of the kitchen cupboards and into deep storage. Give it a try and let me know if it is as life-changing for you as it was for us!
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Because we live in a tiny house, my husband and I weren’t sure how bulk food storage would work. When we finally took the step and bought several 5-gallon pails and filled them with oats, lentils, beans, rice, flour, and so much more, we realized we had been missing out!
Bulk food storage is so convenient! Even if it does take up more room in our house, we will never go back. We live fairly rurally and running to town or the local mart for items just isn’t easy or cheap. Having bulk food storage on hand means we can make almost any meal or snack whenever we want to!
Cooking is so much more relaxed and throwing meals together is so easy now. Plus, now we have a Home Freeze Dryer which makes preserving even more food and storing it simple and easy!
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Eat Outside
Eat outside and bring the mess outside whenever you can! All summer long we love to eat our meals outside and enjoy the sunshine. All the crumbs go to the dogs and we get our Vitamin D at the same time.
Invest in a good picnic table with an umbrella and maybe a bug net too so you can truly enjoy it!
No Microwave
We gave up our microwave earlier this year and have never gone back! After learning about the harmful radiation and how it kills the healthy nutrition in our meals and drinks, we decided to try without it.
It was one of the kitchen mom hacks I had seen others do and become somewhat trendy so I resisted for a long time. But, since getting rid of our microwave, it really hasn’t been an inconvenience at all.
We have a small stainless steel pot that we heat all our leftovers in and just keep the kettle going for hot water. I challenge you to just give it a try and see if you enjoy it! I actually enjoy having one less gadget to clean and maintain.
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Use Hot Water Twice
Back in the olden days, this was common, but today it just isn’t. To be less wasteful, I’ve learned that I can use my hot water twice in several different ways.
One of my favorite ways is when I cook beans in the Instant Pot. Instead of draining the hot water down the sink, I put the strainer on top of a bowl. Then I use that hot water again as I make my meal that the beans are going into.
The water doesn’t have to be heated up twice, the water doesn’t get wasted, and my meal cooks so much faster! It’s one of the kitchen mom hacks I started using recently and had to share!
I honestly don’t know what I would do without my Instant Pot. I have come to truly adore it because I use it an average of 3 times every day. It does so much and makes cooking so quick and easy!
Before I had my Instant Pot, I used the Crockpot that I thrifted for $12 from Goodwill. It is so cute and still going strong! It makes cooking healthy meals so quick and easy for the seasons of busy motherhood.
If you aren’t making dinner in your instant pot or slow cooker at least a couple of times every week, then you are doing it all wrong! There are so many easy recipes to find online too, just do a quick Pinterest search!
Broth Bag
I truly believe that every person should have a “Broth Bag” in their freezer! I shared a picture of mine on my Instagram here.
This is simply a plastic bag that you fill with all your veggie scraps – peels, ends, cuts – instead of throwing them out. Carrots, celery, garlic, mushrooms, green onions, and regular onions are all great contenders. The bag will live in your freezer.
Then when you have bones from the meat you cooked, dump the bones and contents of the broth bag into the pot and cook up some delicious bone broth! Never buy bone broth from the store again and you will save so much money!
Have you ever heard of this kitchen mom hack before?
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Home Remedies
Lastly, instead of buying medicine and other medication in the store, look in your kitchen cabinets. You can make so many home remedies with just simple ingredients like onions, radishes, honey, garlic, and lemon.
Going down the home remedy path can feel overwhelming at first. Simply start with some nourishing tea and honey. Then try a spoonful of garlic and honey. And then, try making a fire cider!
After that, dive into your research and see what other herbs you can grow on your countertop to combat sickness in your home! Here are some books I recommend to start with – The 7 Best Books On Home Herbal Remedies That Will Change Your Health
There you have it, my best of the best kitchen mom hacks so far! Have you tried any of these? Do you have one you are going to try today?
Let me know in the comments below and thanks for reading!

Kelsey at GoodPointGrandma

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