No matter what kind of lifestyle you live, if you have children, it is so important to be reading out loud to them! I love these read-a-loud book lists in various resource formats to find wonderful books to read to my kids.
As a soon-to-be homeschool mom, as all my children are still very young, I am looking forward to the times when we sit down and have read-aloud time. But, honestly, I’ve basically been doing that since day one. My daughter constantly grabs books and sits on my lap to read them together.
There is no perfect age or time to start reading to your children. Just do it as soon as you, whenever you can, and as often as you can! Some of the books I share below dive deeper into why it is so important to read aloud to our children. They also share read-a-loud book lists to make it easy to purchase or rent books from the library.
Looking back on my childhood, I remember 5th grade being my favorite year of school. One reason was that I loved my teacher and every day after lunch she spent what felt like an hour reading fun and engaging books to us!
I still remember listening to her read a book about a mouse on an adventure and it made me want to read more books than ever before! Perhaps you have a similar memory of your childhood. I hope to pass that same feeling on to our children by reading out loud to them daily.
Let’s check it out…
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One great place to find read-a-loud book lists is Ambleside is a free homeschool curriculum that uses Charlotte Mason inspired teachings.
If you’ve heard of Charlotte Mason then you know that this homeschooling approach focuses on “Living Books.” I like to think of Living Books as books that are only the best or are of extremely high quality. You can read more about them here.
Because Charlotte Mason has a strong focus on high-quality books and literature, you can find lots of wonderful book lists, such as here on Ambleside. If you go to their Resources page, you will find a link to a Master Book List.
Related Post: The 7 Best Homeschooling Books For Beginners You Need To Read Today
On that same note, I have come across wonderful resources on other homeschool mom blogs as well, that have been doing this a lot longer than me!
TreehouseSchoolhouse has a great list here of places to find read-a-loud book lists. Another family that reads a lot shares their books here. Social media is another great place to read-a-loud book recommendations. Often the best place to find read-a-loud book lists is just from others recommending them to you, whether that be in person or online!
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If you’ve heard of reading out loud to your children before then I am sure you have heard of Read Aloud Revival. Sarah Mackenzie, the founder, has a wonderful website with lots of book lists for your family, even including these audiobooks! (We love using our Yoto for audiobooks.)
She has also written several books on the topic and become a mentor to many in the homeschooling community. But, you don’t have to homeschool at all to be a part of this community!
Reading to our child at night before bed for half an hour is a common time of day when parents will be intentional. Snuggling up with a book and being physically connected with your child can make all the difference in their emotional well-being!
Check out her great resources here and find more read-a-loud book lists.
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This is a book I plan to keep on my shelf for years and years to come. I love that the book has been updated with new additions over the years. I know that the book lists apply to what I am doing and teaching to my children today!
The first part of the book focuses on important topics around the subject of reading to your kids. What makes a good book, fantasy, poetry, influences in books, and more are great things to consider as you are picking out your books.
The second part of the book has book lists broken up into age categories: ages 0-3, classic picture books for ages 4-8, more picture books for 4-8, beginner reader books, children’s novels 9-12, and several more categories for ages 9-12 and 12-14. There are even book lists for special occasions and your child’s spiritual life!
As your child grows, you can feel guided as you choose wonderful books for them to read with this book!
Check it out on Amazon here!
This is another wonderful resource to have on your shelf. Not only does it make finding the next book to read to your children easily, but it gives you confidence in reading it! That is because you know these books are wholesome and only the highest quality literature.
So many books today are filled with meaningless stories or simply poor quality. I love that these books are broken down into age and topic categories, so you can really pick out an age-appropriate book your child will love.
Check it out on Amazon here!
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This is another classic book that has been revised and updated over the years. I love that it first talks so deeply on the topic of reading out loud. I learned so much about the different stages children go through and the dos and don’ts of reading out loud.
The second half of the book is a whole treasury of books recommended to read-out-loud to your children. I appreciate the little summary under each book to quickly scan if it is something our family is interested in.
As a Christian family, I want to make sure everything we as parents read is only edifying and supporting of our faith. This book helps us make decisions on great classic books without having to do hours and hours of research ourselves.
Check it out on Amazon here!
I hope to keep updating this blog post as I find more great places to find read-a-loud book lists! Which place will you be starting in to find your next book? Let me know in the comments below!

Kelsey at GoodPointGrandma

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