Am I equipped to be a wife, mom, and homemaker? Motherhood is a process. Homemaking is a skill that is learned over time. Personal development takes work. Relationships take intentionality. And leaning into the hard changes everything!
Sacrifice. Selflessness. Laying down my life for others. These are the things I have truly learned about and experienced in depth in becoming a wife, mother, and homemaker.
And without the Lord, I would never choose to lean into this. I would never choose the hard. I would give up so quickly. It’s not easy keeping a home. It’s not easy being pregnant and having children. And it certainly isn’t always easy to prioritize your marriage.
We are thrown curveballs. We are faced with trials and difficult decisions. Life is unfair. “But take heart, I have overcome the world” John 16:33
Leaning into the truths of scripture and my relationship with Christ is the only way that I can find true, peaceful, and fulfilling joy as a wife, mom, and homemaker (plus homesteader). I love what I do because of my perspective – I get to do these things! I am blessed with a husband, my children are blessings, and this life is a gift from God!
Yes, I am equipped to be a wife, mom, and homemaker! But, only by the grace of God.
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Growing Into Motherhood
Becoming a mom, and then becoming it again and again to more bundles of blessings, changed me more than I ever thought possible. It continually changes me. The Lord challenges me each day to set an example, to love sacrificially, and to put their needs before my own.
It is not about me, it is all about God. IINAMIIAAG. A life motto for me. My life is not my own. I’m here on a greater mission, a calling. I have an eternal perspective – the key that changes everything.
But, now as a mom, that calling is still to make disciples of Christ, they are just playing at my feet each day instead. They seek me for hugs and comfort, boundaries and safety. Both tangible and intangible needs I would fail to provide for them if not my Provider gave it first.
Through Christ, I can recognize that motherhood is a journey. It’s a marathon. It has an eternal finish line. Daily I am reminded that all I can do is pray. Everything is out of my control! How initially scary that is, but as I lean into it, how incredibly freeing it is! As I sing with my children each night before bed, “He’s got the whole world in His hands” I well up with tears as I meditate on this simple truth.
I have learned, and still learn daily, to give it all back to Him. God has my children. And He uses me in countless ways to reach their hearts. God is growing and shaping me each time I seek Him first and choose to obey His word. And He equips me to do it all for His glory alone!
Related Post: The 7 Best Books For Christian Moms To Read Over And Over
The Process of Managing A Home
The tasks of a mother are so easy compared to centuries ago in some aspects, yet our modern world seeks to change motherhood in a psychological way that we have never seen before.
Managing a home is lame and there are better things I could be doing to impact this world they say. Yet, I’ve seen firsthand how a warm meal on the table delights the souls that sit down to eat it. I’ve seen how a tidy room brings newfound friendship in siblings. I’ve seen how my husband can impact others when his basic needs are met and he’s not scrambling to find a clean t-shirt.
I have experienced the huge impact of managing a home well. God has given me giftings and when I put them to use in my home first and foremost, it creates a ripple effect. It exponentially blesses others.
Folding the laundry. Cleaning the toilet. Decluttering the closet. The tasks of motherhood seem small, and unnoticeable until they go unmanaged for a day, yet without them, the world would fall apart. A mother that dies to herself each day to care for her house and her family is truly one of the greatest blessings to this world, and we can experience that when we lean into it.
With God, I find true joy as I clean the baby’s dirty diaper again, take the trash out of the car, and weed the garden for the millionth time. He takes my labor and multiplies it for His kingdom. What a privilege it is to be used by Him!
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Learning Along The Way In Marriage
It’s easy to give up when things get hard. We want to prioritize ourselves. We want to be served and feel entitled to certain things in life. Yet, marriage turns everything upside down. You realize for this thing to work, you have to learn to be selfless.
Learning over time to be a servant in my marriage has only increased my joy. How could that be? How could the world see joy in promoting someone else and dying to myself over and over again? It can’t. Yet, Christ enables this!
My pride wants to win daily. Each moment of each day I must first crush my selfish desires and choose to be humble as Jesus was. Humility changes everything. I fail daily yet I am also shown grace and given forgiveness daily.
“Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.” Philippians 2:3-4
True love resembles the most amazing love we could ever experience – the death of our Savior on the cross for our sins. We learn to love when we intentionally seek to model it out each day. The Holy Spirit is our helper.
Related Post: The 7 Best Christian Marriage Books You Need To Keep On Your Shelf
The Joy And Fulfillment That Comes From All Of It, An Eternal Perspective
I’ve learned that being a wife, mom, and homemaker requires an eternal perspective. And I’ve learned that I need to be reminded of that each day.
Practically, I must read my Bible, be in continual prayer, and be surrounded by other believers to remain faithful to this calling. But, as I am faithful, as I lean into biblical truths of humility, selflessness, and self-control, I experience true joy.
I could never persevere in this race (Hebrews 12:1-3), I could never stay faithful in my marriage, and I could never raise my children well, without the Lord. Nothing else in this world matters I remind myself. I truly enjoy my work as a wife, mom, and homemaker because I choose the hard each day and seek forgiveness when I fail.
There is never perfection, only sanctification. Oh what joy, what an opportunity, what a truly humbling blessing it is to serve my Creator in this way! Thank you Lord for molding and shaping my heart to be more like you through all the messes I make.

Kelsey at GoodPointGrandma

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This is beautiful, Kelsey! You’re an inspiration to me. Thanks for sharing your perspective!
Thanks for the encouraging words Shannon!