As my daughter approaches her first birthday here in just a few days, I can’t help but look back at all the motherhood lessons I have learned since giving birth to her.
Motherhood changes you. You aren’t the same person you were before, and it’s a beautiful thing.
Some of the changes are hard to describe, probably because I’m still in the process of learning them. Others, I learned quickly because I had no choice but to face the unknown.
Motherhood is a journey. It’s something that seems to happen to you overnight, yet the impact from it lasts forever. It’s like a slow river you jump on to with your canoe. You aren’t sure how it will bend, what rapids you will hit, or when, but you know the journey will be beautiful and completely worth it.
You know that you will be a different person at the end of it.
Let’s check out these 12 motherhood lessons I’ve personally learned on my journey (one for each month!)…
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Things Don’t Go As Planned
My pregnancy begins my motherhood journey in a way, but I really didn’t notice the impact until I went through labor and delivery.
I’d encourage you to read my birth story here, but to sum it up, I planned to have a home birth but it ended in a hospital c-section. It didn’t go as planned. Recovery was very difficult, and my motherhood journey began nothing as I pictured.
Even though things didn’t go as planned, I serve a God that is far bigger and greater than me. He is sovereign and I can trust Him and His plan.
This motherhood lesson became something I learned initially, and then over and over again as my daughter grew.
Enjoy The Small Everyday Moments
The first few months of motherhood were difficult when it came to sleep training. It’s exactly what it says, training. It takes time, patience, and hard work.
Many days I wished the first few months away. I wanted to get to the point where my daughter slept through the night, could soothe herself to sleep, and go down for naps by herself.
And while those days eventually came, I wish I had soaked in the newborn days a bit more. They truly do go so fast. I want to enjoy every moment of every day and let tomorrow come when it is ready.
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Have A Mom Community
After my daughter was born, we moved to our dream homestead in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan (you can follow our homestead journey here!). Not knowing anyone in the area and being a new mom was certainly a challenge.
Being a part of MOPS, our church community, and meeting new friends through selling items on our homestead brought me so much joy!
I learned the importance of having mom friends and a mom community that is encouraging and supportive!
This Is The New Normal – Embrace It
As a new mom, your identity changes. I used to work full-time in corporate America, and now I was staying home with my daughter. I love that I get to be the one to raise her, and I am so grateful we can afford it as a family.
But, it’s hard to mentally change your identity. Some days it feels like the constant changing diapers, soothing cries, loads of laundry are pointless. However, I know that my role as a mother is one of the most valuable in the world.
I have the privilege of raising my daughter to love God and serve others, instilling values in her every day.
Keeping my identity grounded in the Lord throughout all of life’s changes and not my worldly circumstances has helped me through the transitional season.
And even though I don’t work full-time anymore, this blog has been an amazing side hustle to give me a creative outlet while my daughter naps. Having a side hustle can be a wonderful benefit to your mental health as a new mom!
Related Post: 7 Side Hustles Any 20-Something Can Do
Trust Your Mom Gut
I’ve learned to take everything with a grain of salt and to trust my gut on “mommy” issues.
There are so many conflicting beliefs and opinions when it comes to raising children. My number one goal as a mom when it comes to navigating a topic, such as sleep training, is to research both sides and then make an informed decision.
An informed decision on what is best for my family takes the guessing out of “Am I doing the right thing?” or “Am I doing a good enough job?”
I’ve learned to trust my instincts as a mother in a far greater capacity than listening to what everyone else thinks. As a mother, you know what is best for your child!
Baby Fever Is Real
This one is kind of funny, but I had no idea that I would desire another child so soon after my first daughter was born. Maybe it was the fact that I was so in love with her, or maybe it was because I could never picture her being an only child.
I knew she needed a sibling, and I honestly couldn’t wait to have another baby! We were pregnant again only a few months after our first daughter was born, which was very exciting.
This is probably one of the motherhood lessons you never considered. Just be warned….
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It’s A Selfless Job
Motherhood really turns you into a selfless person. Your needs never seem to come first anymore. Your baby constantly needs so much from you: nourishment, comfort, assistance, etc.
And while it is very important to take care of yourself (ask for help when you need it!) it’s also ok to embrace this change. One of the motherhood lessons you can practice all the time is to be selfless.
There were so many days at the beginning of my motherhood journey that it seemed like forever before I finally ate breakfast and got ready for the day. You don’t receive a lot of recognition as a mother for all the hard work, time, and energy you put into your role, which can make it difficult to remain selfless.
Perspective is everything. Motherhood humbles you, and for all the right reasons!
Don’t Compare
It’s so easy to compare your baby to others’ babies around you. Are they developing at the same speed? Are they gaining the same amount of weight? Do they meet all the same milestones?
Each day I have to remind myself to not compare, continue to trust my mom gut (like the motherhood lessons above), and find joy in the season I am in with my baby right now.
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The Fruits Of The Spirit
Galatians 5:22-23 says, “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Against such things, there is no law.”
To put it plainly, I’ve been growing in each of these fruits since my motherhood journey began, and while it’s not easy, and often takes repentance and forgiveness when I fail, it’s beautiful to see the growth!
Take More Photos
I’m not someone that takes a lot of photos, and mostly just because I don’t think about it. Now that my daughter is one year old, I often just sit on the couch scrolling through old photos I took of her and reminiscing.
I always seem to wish I took more of them – those tiny hands will never be that small again! But, at the same time, I know that I need to show myself grace. The memories are sometimes even better than the photos.
But, if you want one of these motherhood lessons to be super practical, then this is one great place to start!
Parenting Is a Process
If you’ve made it this far then you’ve heard me say quite a few times that motherhood is a journey. It takes time, and as our babies develop, their needs change.
Now that my daughter is getting older, our parenting is changing to add in a bit more discipline and instruction. And it will only keep changing and adapting. Again, show yourself grace!
Love Is Stronger Than Words Can Describe
The love you feel for your newborn child is unlike anything you can describe. The instincts of a mother are so strong, I’ve never experienced anything like it before.
Being a mother is such a joy and a privilege and to be able to experience these deep emotions feels like such a blessing. Thank you, Lord, for this beautiful opportunity to be a mom!
Let me know in the comments below what your thoughts on motherhood are! I’d love to connect with you.

Kelsey at GoodPointGrandma

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