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Do you need a good podcast recommendation? Here are some of my favorite podcasts for Christian women as a busy mom! Each podcast offers different topics and discussions, so there is something for everyone.


I love listening to podcasts during my kids’ quiet time in the afternoon or after dinner when I’m washing the dishes and closing up the kitchen. It is so enjoyable, but I also have to remember that as a Christian it is important to only fill my mind with what is true, good, and right (Philippians 4:8).


These are Christian podcasts that I have personally enjoyed over the years and found to align closely to scripture. However, that doesn’t necessarily mean I endorse all opinions or perspectives presented. Some of them I listened to when I was still single or newly married. Now, others that include parenting topics interest me more. But in all seasons, we must use discernment when we listen to an outside voice.


I didn’t include any sermons or Bible apps in this list. However, listening to the Bible in audio form or a sermon series from a trusted pastor can be so beneficial to our spiritual walk, so consider that as an option as well.


Let’s check them out…



12 Encouraging Podcasts for Christian Women On All Topics

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  1. Relatable with Allie Beth Stuckey


I had to include Allie’s podcast first on my list because it is currently the one I most enjoy and listen to most regularly. I love that Allie covers all sorts of topics involving culture and politics. And, I love that she comes to it with a Christian perspective. I feel equipped to answer some hard questions in life after listening to her or her guests.


I also enjoy and recommend her books, “You Are Not Enough and That’s Ok” and “Toxic Empathy”.


Check it out here!



  1. The Durenda Wilson Podcast


Durenda is one of the podcasts for Christian women that provides loads of wisdom. She is a homeschooling mom and also a grandmother, faithful to her many callings. After reading her books, The Unhurried Homeschooler, and The Four Hour School Day, I knew I had to start listening to her podcast for more wisdom.


She doesn’t only discuss homeschooling, but also homemaking, parenting, and Christian living!


Check it out here!



Related Post: The 7 Best Books For Christian Moms To Read Over And Over



  1. Now That We’re A Family with Katie and Elisha Voetberg


I have to admit that sometimes I get annoyed with this podcast due to simply the way they communicate and have stepped away from it for a season in the past. However, I love Katie and Elisha’s ministry and vision for sharing the love of family and encouraging other families towards Christ! They talk about all sorts of topics related to the Christian family. These also offer unique perspectives on large families, as they both come from families with 10 and 11 kids.


Check it out here!



  1. Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark


I’ve been listening to Alex’s podcast since the beginning. Now that it has rebranded, I still love it and the mission! Alex interviews two guests every week to share how to heal a sick culture, whether physical, mental, or spiritual. I have learned so much about health and wellness just from listening to these guests, that sometimes it’s hard to keep up with!


I love that she keeps me informed and focuses on our whole body! Alex is a Christian and while she lets her guests share their perspective, she is selective on who she has on the show and shares her perspectives as well.


Check it out here!



Related Post: 7 More Christian Motherhood Books For Christian Moms



  1. Risen Motherhood with Laura Wifler and Emily A. Jensen


Sadly, the ministry of Risen Motherhood is coming to an end, but their podcasts will remain on the internet to listen to! These ladies cover all sorts of real and honest conversations that mothers struggle with quite often, and they do so from a godly perspective. It is one of the podcasts for Christian women that specifically focuses on motherhood.


I have enjoyed their books a great deal, including Risen Motherhood and Gospel Mom.


Check it out here!



  1. The Daily Grace Podcast


I have done several of the Daily Grace Co yearly reading plans and loved them. They help me stay in the word each day of the year. It is especially helpful to have the podcast to listen to as well to summarize and explain a bit more of what I have read! You have to specifically search for the podcast dedicated to that reading plan, but there are other sections to their podcast as well that cover all sorts of topics!


Check it out here!



Related Post: The 7 Best Christian Books You Need To Read On Singleness



  1. A Word Fitly Spoken with Michelle Lesley and Amy Spreeman


This podcast is solid in Biblical teaching! While I haven’t listened to much of it, I have had it recommended by friends and enjoyed following Michelle Lesley specifically over the years. They strive to offer cultural topics of discernment and wisdom, plus often warnings of false teachers and topics sliding into the church.


Check it out here!




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  1. At Home With Sally (Sally Clarkson)


Sally Clarkson is a favorite by many and rightly so. She acts as a mentor figure offering her wisdom in parenting, homeschooling, and living a life for Christ. Her “Tea Time Tuesdays” makes you feel as if you are enjoying a cup of tea right across the table from her. If you’ve ever wanted to pick the brain of an older and wiser lady, this podcast is for you!


I also love several Sally’s books, linked here.


Check it out here!



Related Post: The Top 7 Biblical Christian Parenting Books You Need To Read Today



  1. Courageous Parenting with Angie and Isaac Tolpin


I love how encouraging this podcast is for all parents looking to raise kingdom kids. As they always say, “a podcast for Christian parents who want to equip confident Christian kids in an uncertain world.” Angie and Isaac cover all sorts of topics and offer paid memberships in their app and website as well if you want to dive deeper or on a more personal level. Now that they have seven seasons of episodes, you will be sure to find a Biblical answer to any problem you face!


Check it out here!




  1. Set-Apart with Leslie Ludy


During my teen years I devoured the Ludy’s books, magazines, and sermons. I loved how they were so strong in their biblical faith and convictions. Their resources answered all sorts of my questions on the Christian faith. I’m so happy Leslie Ludy has started a podcast to dive into some of these topics even deeper.


As it says on her website, this podcast covers “purity, purpose, devotional living, true beauty, and Bible study, mentoring, leadership, friendships, romantic relationships, marriage, and family,” and more! There is a topic here for you, making it one of the podcasts for Christian women that you will turn to year after year.


Check it out here!



Related Post: 7 More Books On Christian Parenting That You Can’t Miss Out On



  1. Parenting with Ginger Hubbard


You may have heard of Ginger from her book, Don’t Make Me Count To Three! She shares wisdom in applying the truths of the Bible to parenting in today’s day and age. I haven’t listened to her podcast topics that discuss problems with older children, but I love that she has a podcast to turn to for more nuggets of truth after reading her books.



Check it out here!



  1. The Briefing with Al Mohler


Lastly, this podcast is exactly what it says it is: a daily update on the political and cultural state of our world from a Biblical perspective. It is unlike some of the others in that it is not specifically for women but could be something you enjoy listening to with your husband each day, or even several of your friends. I used to enjoy listening to these quick synopses on my commute to work.


Check it out here!



Which of these podcasts for Christian women will you be listening to first? Are any of them your favorites, or perhaps a new recommendation you haven’t heard of yet? Let me know in the comments below!


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Kelsey at GoodPointGrandma

Hey there, I'm Kelsey! I'm so glad you are here. I'm a 20-something helping you live your most fulfilling life. I hope you'll join me in this old-fashioned & simple lifestyle!
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