If you want to raise outdoorsy kids then you’ve come to the right place! These are the best books on getting your children outside more so they can have a wonderful childhood.
In our technology-driven world, we all know that children spend way too much time indoors and in front of screens. From the television to devices, there is stimulation constantly in front of them!
I remember the first time I took my daughter to the dentist. We were both so overstimulated just sitting in the lobby with multiple television screens, loud music, and the background noises of the dentist’s equipment running.
Then, when we were called back the first question they asked my one-year-old was what T.V. show she wanted to watch! I couldn’t believe it. I kindly refused and she sat perfectly still without the need of being stimulated.
If you want to raise your children will less screen time and more time in nature then there is no better time than now! It takes intentionality and what may seem like more hard work at first, but it pays dividends in the future.
Our homesteading lifestyle simply doesn’t have room for excessive technology use, and we love it that way. Here are some of my favorite books on getting children outside more filled with tips, tricks, and motivation!
Let’s check them out…
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In this book, the author touches on the difference between her Swedish upbringing to American culture. In Sweden, children play outside year-round and babies naps in freezing temperatures! But in America, the playgrounds are regularly empty.
Children don’t go outside enough in America and the book follows the author as she discovers for herself what really is the best solution. She even moves her whole family to Sweden for six months to discover the differences.
She truly believes children spending time in nature is extremely important for their health and mental upbringing! After reading this book I know you will come to agree.
Check it out on Amazon here!
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What is 1000 House Outside? Simply, it’s a challenge to spend that amount of time outside in one entire year. If you’re up for the challenge, you can join the hundreds of other families that are doing it too.
This book will give you tons of practical ideas on how to make getting outside more fun and easy for your family. Whatever your excuse is, from bad weather to time commitments, this book will encourage you to go outside in each season. Each season has something new to offer!
As a family living in the frigid Upper Peninsula of Michigan, I appreciate this challenge to make sure we are taking advantage of all the outdoor time we can!
Check it out on Amazon here!
This is one of the books on getting children outside that is full of practical advice on getting kids in nature more! It doesn’t matter where you live, you can start planning different excursions to do with your children outdoors.
It can be as simple as planting a garden, going fishing in the creek, to walking a simple nature trail. But it can also be a fun camping adventure in the woods!
It may take you out of your comfort zone or cause your kids to complain at first; however, it will teach your children to appreciate the world around them in new ways! Curiosity, stewardship, and resilience will all grow in your children as they learn to love the outdoors.
Check this out on Amazon here!
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I appreciate that this book is from a pediatric occupational therapist who values unrestricted movement in children! Outdoor play with bare feet and rough tumbles actually encourages your children’s various motor skills to develop properly.
When our children sit for long hours in the car or on the couch in front of screens, not only is the stimulation from the show hindering their mental growth, but their lack of movement actually is too!
We need to encourage our children to jump in ponds, climb trees, and dig in the dirt. Unstructured outdoor play is the key to a healthy child!
Check it out on Amazon here!
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Did you know that being in nature helps our children avoid anxiety, depression, and stress? It also helps their attention spans grow!
If you want your child to start engaging in nature more but don’t know where to start this is one of the books on getting children outside that is perfect for you. In it, you will learn tips and tricks to connect with nature better.
This book will help you as a parent be an adequate guide to your child as you train them to be a wild child! And, this book covers several various age ranges as well.
Check it out on Amazon here!
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Why do we keep our children inside so much, even if we know they should be outside more? It’s not just laziness but also our fear of them getting hurt! We think that being inside is safer and we have fewer regrets. I know I have felt this parental protection at times.
The author helps you with these fears in this book by giving solutions. Ultimately, as parents, we have to learn how to let them go more. We also have to be local advocates for areas of open space for our children to roam and explore!
If you want a deeper understanding of what the current problem we face is and how we can prepare for the future, then check this book out.
Check it out on Amazon here!
I love the clever title of this book. We need to be fearless as parents as we let our kids explore the outdoors. And we need to set an example for them as we take them on outdoor adventures!
The author has years of experience guiding people of all ages on trails, rock climbing areas, rafting adventures, and more. He equips you to be able to do the same!
The book is filled with inexpensive and fun activities that you can easily do as a family. It is one of the books on getting children outside that will make you want to get outside more too!
Check it out on Amazon here!
Which of these books on getting children outside is your favorite? Let me know in the comments below!

Kelsey at GoodPointGrandma

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