Having a morning routine is arguably one of the most important parts to your day…after all, the morning sets up the rest of the day!
By establishing a morning routine, you can set up the day for success!
Personally, it was much easier for me to set up my own morning routine when I was single before I married my husband. However, once we got our system down after we got married it was amazing having the accountability that comes with sharing a routine.
I promise, having a morning routine as a couple isn’t as hard as it sounds. Accountability helps you both stay on track and get things done.
As a disclaimer, I will be writing from the perspective that you and your spouse have very similar schedules where your morning routines can easily line up. That is the case for myself and my husband currently, so I can speak to that perspective easily.
But, even if your schedules don’t fully align, you can still have a successful morning routine as a couple! I encourage you to be creative in tweaking my advice below to align with your schedules and unique situation.
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And here’s the thing, whether you want a morning routine as a couple or not, it will happen. You will get into some sort of rhythm because humans are habitual creatures. Fighting a lazy and unproductive morning requires you to be proactive as a couple.
To have a morning routine as a couple you be willing to work as a team. And, teamwork requires selflessness, patience, and trust along with many other things.
After you finish reading each of these steps below to create a successful morning as a couple, sit down with your teammate. Discuss each area, allow your husband to lead, and then verbally give your commitment to following through with the routine each day for one month.
One month is the perfect time frame because it allows you to tweak the routine to your best needs and desires as different scenarios arise that you didn’t plan for. It will also cause a habit to form and you’ll have a morning routine that is foundational to your marriage.
Let’s get started in creating your successful morning routine as a couple!
Get Up Habitually
A major factor in your morning routine is the time you wake up. If you and your husband are able to, go to bed and wake up at the same time every night.
I have personally found that going to bed at the same time every night and waking up at the same time every morning has increased my sleep. I feel more rested and it is easier to get out of bed in the morning. Check out this article on why you should start waking up at the same time every morning.
Additionally, when you get out of bed at the same time as your spouse, you are building a team mindset. You are forming the simple habit of getting up together. But why is that teamwork?
Getting up at the same time allows you to hold each other accountable.
I know that if I do not get out of bed right at 7:30 am every morning, then I will not have enough time to get everything done before I leave for work at 9:30 am. And if I don’t get those tasks done, then the whole family suffers.
My husband keeps me accountable for my tasks by waking up at the same time as me, and I do the same for him.
Begin setting up your morning routine as a couple by asking each other what the ideal time to get up is so that everything can be done efficiently, without any rushes. It will truly make it easy for you to have a fantastic rest of your day.
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Take Care Of Yourself
The next part of your morning routine will probably involve going to the bathroom, getting dressed, and getting ready for the day. This is easy to set up when you are single because you know exactly what you need.
However, as a couple, it is more difficult because you both have different needs.
What do you need to do to prepare yourself for the day? What does your husband need to do to prepare himself for the day? And then, what time do you need to get those things done?
For us, we go to the bathroom and get dressed immediately but that is it. I put on my flannel and hiking pants typically because I need to care for the dogs, chickens, and plants later on. Then, before I leave for my corporate job is when I really take the time for self-care.
At about 9:15 am I will change into business professional clothing, do my hair and makeup, and freshen up before I drive to work.
On the other hand, my husband works from home. He can put on whatever he wants and stay in it all day. We found that my routine of changing twice and his routine of changing once still worked very well together.
To make the self-care portion of our morning routine successful it just took some communication. Find out what each spouse needs and come up with a game plan.
One last tip: make sure you are aware of all your needs and your spouse’s needs. Don’t try to push a self-care need later into the day to free up your morning. In fact, taking the time for self-care is best done in the morning.
This may include extra beauty time, doing a hobby or something creative, or maybe as simple as playing music. Communicate with your spouse on how you can incorporate it into your morning routine together.
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Start Your Day With God
I don’t know about you, but any day that I don’t spend time alone with God (TAWG time as I call it!) in the morning is a bad day.
The whole day feels off when my relationship with God is put on hold. Why is that? Because God is the most important relationship in my life.
Without communication with my Savior, the Lord of the Universe, I don’t know where to turn. I must begin each day in the presence of God because it is where my hope, love, joy, and ultimate fulfillment comes from.
One of my all-time favorite hymns is, “In the morning when I rise, just give me Jesus.”
I am so thankful for the leadership of my husband because this is the biggest priority in his life as well. He knows that my relationship with God, and his relationship with God, are important things in our lives and he is very firm on making sure we have TAWG time every single morning.
After we got married, Landon, my husband, also made sure we were spending our own time with God before doing any other tasks in our day.
Some people will wake up and jump right into their TAWG time. However, my husband and I are not morning people and we need a good cup of coffee, some eggs, and the shades drawn before we can focus on reading, praying, and singing praises to God.
After we wake up, get changed, make breakfast and coffee then we each go to a different room. My time will look slightly different than Landon’s time because we each have our own relationship with Christ.
My morning with God begins with a quick prayer to quiet my heart. Next, I will open my Bible to where I left off. Currently, I am reading through the entire Bible and will read one chapter or several depending on what I am reading and hearing. Then I may journal or pray and then meditate on what I read.
Afterward, we will meet back at the table. Landon will ask me, “What did you read? What impacted you?” and I will start a small discussion on what I learned. Next, Landon will share. Lastly, we have a book f prayer requests from friends and family and we will pray over each one.
There is nothing like coming together as a couple after you read scripture. It is such an impactful time where I can learn something new or see a different perspective I didn’t see before.
Our morning routine as a couple means spending our own time alone with God, but then coming together and being one couple before Him. It is 100% my favorite part every morning and I am so blessed that our schedules line up so that we can do it.
Related Post: Re-Learn How To Study The Bible As A Young Adult
Take Care Of Everything Else Alive
After we finish praying, we will typically break. Landon will go and work on one of his projects and I will go do my morning chores.
For me, that means keeping everything else alive!
From watering the plants, picking up the dogs’ poop, feeding the chickens, or making a meal, I make an effort to get as much done as I can.
I also take the time to make my lunch for the day. The goal is always to have food meals prepped ahead of time on the weekends so I just have to add fresh veggies or fruit to the meal.
Sit down with your spouse and assign make a list of the tasks that need to get done each morning right when you wake up. Then, assign each person a specific task so that it gets done every day because a habit is formed.
Put the list on the fridge and hold each other accountable.
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Do Your Chores
Continuing off of the previous point, I next move to the other household chores. Here is a list of tasks I aim to do each morning:
- Continue the laundry where I last left off
- Empty or load the dishwasher
- Make the bed (one of us does this immediately when we wake up, usually Landon)
- Organize the files
- Check the bank accounts and pay bills
- Work on my blog
- Turn the compost
- Clean high-traffic areas
Most days I don’t get all of these done because I just don’t have the time I need. And these tasks will vary from day to day.
If you’re like me, you have a running checklist going off in your brain at all times and so you just kind of know what you need to do. However, I can’t rely on that checklist.
Start writing down the tasks you need to get done the next morning or the night before. Then, you won’t be making that checklist in your mind before you fall asleep, hoping you remember everything when you wake up.
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This is the part of the morning routine as a couple that you don’t necessarily need to do as a couple, so have fun making your list of important tasks and getting them done in your allotted time!
Make A List And Take Action
So how does it feel now that you have the basics of your morning routine down as a couple? It’s not difficult when there is a lot of communication.
To have a successful morning routine as a couple, it starts today.
Set aside time to sit down together. Then, go through each one of these steps and write out your morning routine together.
Don’t forget to leave everything on the table. What do you need to set your day for success? What does your spouse need to avoid stress, worry, and rushing around the house?
Take time to see each other’s perspectives and keep the main things the main things – spending time with God and spending time accomplishing your goals together as a team.
I would love to hear in the comments below what you have found useful as a married couple in the morning. What do you like to do to feel ready to jumpstart each day? Let me know in the comments below!

Kelsey at GoodPointGrandma

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This is a great post! It really is important. Our dog helps us make sure we get our routine going 🙂 We love it, though!
haha yes my dogs too!!
These are great ideas! I love that you said we should start our day with God!!
Thanks Lily! It really is the most important part of my day! (:
It’s great that you and your husband were able to figure out a routine that worked for the both of you, and that benefited your overall family and life the best! My partner and I have been living together for 7 years, but have completely different and irregular schedules, which means our days and nights are always changing, so our routine is to make the best of whatever the week ahead of us contains. We’re hoping to have a more “normal” routine in the future, but we’re also happy doing things a little differently than the generations before us. We’ll… Read more »
That’s amazing Indya! Sometimes our schedules won’t align in life but it’s encouraging to hear you have found a rhythm despite this!
I love my husband, but we do not coordinated routines lol. I also find that going to bed and getting up around the same time helps me so much, but his schedule varies like crazy and he’s fine! He can go to bed at 10pm one night and then stay up util 3am the next. Luckily I sleep pretty well so it doesn’t bother me. For the times that we are getting up around the same time, we are lucky to have two upstairs bathrooms… I’ve made the guest bathroom my “getting ready” bathroom where I can do makeup, hair,… Read more »
Isn’t it funny how everyone is so different?! Part of your morning routine is finding solutions that work for both of you and that’s amazing. Thanks for sharing Becky!
[…] getting married, my husband and I have been intentional about having a morning routine (check it out here!) and night routine as a […]