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I have to admit, I love my easy Babywise schedules! Keeping my babies on a schedule has not only allowed me to sleep through the night quickly after birth but also know what to expect each day.


Right now my daughters are 14 months and 2 months old and I have used Babywise on both of them since the very beginning. I know sleep schedules can be a controversial topic in the baby world, and that means they just aren’t right for every family. My family has especially found freedom in implementing sleep schedules starting at two or three weeks post-birth.


I’m grateful to my mom and aunt who introduced me to Babywise when I was pregnant with my first. I pick up the book (which you can find here) to read along with the notes my mom had saved from her baby-raising days.


But, one thing that I specifically needed, in terms of my personality, was a quick, simple list of schedules to follow. After a quick Google search, I used this blog post as a reference for my first daughter for a few months until I realized I could simplify it and keep it as a photo on my phone to reference.


Let me share with you my exact easy Babywise schedules…


Simplified And Easy Babywise Schedules For Your Baby's First Year

Don’t forget to Pin this image for later!



How To Use The Easy Babywise Schedules


Here is the process I followed, and what may work for you…


I start by putting the schedule change date on the calendar of my phone for the whole first year of my baby’s life. For example, when she will turn two weeks old, I make a calendar event and write “Start week 3/4 sleep schedule.”


Once I fill in my calendar with all the dates of the schedules below, then I make a graphic on Canva (you can just save mine below or make your own) of the sleep schedules. Then, when the date comes to transition to the new sleep schedule, I download the graphic, save it to my photos, and sometimes make it my screensaver.


That way I always have the easy Babywise schedules to reference at the right time!



Related Post: Elimination Communication and Sleep Training: Do They Work Together?



Please note that this is highly simplified. It is straight and to the point. If you want more details and other categories than sleep added in, I suggest this blog post that I referenced often with my first daughter.


Also, adjust these schedules to fit your life. The blog post I have referenced starts the day at 7 am. My family starts our day at 8 am. Do what is best suited for your family and just adjust the schedule accordingly.


And, in the middle of the night when you are asleep, don’t wake your baby at the scheduled times. Those are rough estimates of when your baby will wake and cry for you. Once the baby goes down for the night, go to sleep. Then when you hear the baby cry, keep the lights off and feed the baby. Don’t do a diaper change unless it is absolutely necessary. After or during the feeding baby should fall back asleep right away. Sleep again until the baby wakes up.


Hopefully, at around six weeks old, the baby is sleeping a six-hour chunk at night. By eight weeks, the baby may be sleeping eight hours at night already! And soon after that, the baby will be sleeping for 12 hours! Wake the baby at the start of your day to stay on schedule.



My Easy Babywise Schedules


Week 1/2 Schedule – NO SCHEDULE


That’s right, the first two weeks of a baby’s life should only be for snuggles and establishing your milk supply. So, during the first two weeks of your baby’s life only focus on healing postpartum and nursing on demand!



Week 3/4 Schedule (Begins at beginning of week 3 of life/baby is 2 weeks old)


8 am                    EAT

8:30-45               WAKE

8:45-11               SLEEP

11                        EAT

11:30-45             WAKE

11:45-2               SLEEP

2                           EAT

2:30-45               WAKE

2:45-5                 SLEEP

5                           EAT

5:30-45               WAKE

5:45-7                 SLEEP

7                           EAT

7:30-45               WAKE

7:45-9                 SLEEP

9                           EAT

9:30-45               WAKE

9:45-11:30          SLEEP

11:30                  DREAM FEED

4:30-5                 DREAM FEED

8 am                    REPEAT



Week 5/6 Schedule (2 weeks after the last one)


8 am                    EAT

8:30-50               WAKE

8:50-11               SLEEP

11                        EAT

11:30-50             WAKE

11:50-2               SLEEP

2                           EAT

2:30-50               WAKE

2:50-5                 SLEEP

5                           EAT

5:30-50               WAKE

5:50-7                 SLEEP

7                           EAT

7:30-50               WAKE

7:50-9                 SLEEP

9                           EAT

9:30-50               WAKE

9:50-11:30          SLEEP

11:30                   DREAM FEED

4:30-5                 DREAM FEED

8 am                    REPEAT



Week 7-9 Schedule (2 weeks after the last one)


8 am                    EAT

8:30-50               WAKE

8:50-11               SLEEP

11                        EAT

11:30-50             WAKE

11:50-2               SLEEP

2                           EAT

2:30-50               WAKE

2:50-5                 SLEEP

5                           EAT

5:30-50               WAKE

5:50-8                 SLEEP

8                           EAT

8:30                     SLEEP

11:30/12             DREAM FEED

5:30                     DREAM FEED

8 am                    REPEAT


best babywise schedules for baby's first year

Don’t forget to Pin this image for later!



Week 10-15 Schedule (3 weeks after the last one)


8 am                    EAT

8:30-9                 WAKE

9-11:30               SLEEP

11:30                   EAT

11:30-12:30       WAKE

12:30-3               SLEEP

3                           EAT

3-4                       WAKE

4-6                       SLEEP

6                           EAT

6-7                       WAKE

7-9                       SLEEP

9                           EAT AND TO SLEEP

11:30                   DREAM FEED

8 am                    REPEAT



Week 16-17 Schedule (Begins at beginning of week 16 of life)


8 am                    EAT

8:30-10               WAKE

10-12                   SLEEP

12                        EAT

12:30-2               WAKE

2-4                       SLEEP

4                           EAT

4-5:30                 WAKE

5:30-7                 SLEEP

7-8                       BATH

8                           EAT AND TO SLEEP

8 am                    REPEAT



5th and 6th Month of Life Schedule (Begins when your baby turned 4 months old)


8 am                    EAT

8:30-10               WAKE

10-12                   SLEEP

12                        EAT

12:30-2               WAKE

2-4                       SLEEP

4                           EAT

4-6:30                 WAKE

6:30-8                 SLEEP

8                           EAT AND TO SLEEP

8 am                    REPEAT



7th Month of Life Schedule (Begins when your baby turned 6 months old)


8 am                    EAT

8:30-10               WAKE

10-12                   SLEEP

12                        EAT

12:30-2               WAKE

2-5                       SLEEP

5                           EAT

5-7                       WAKE

7-8                       SLEEP

8                           EAT AND TO SLEEP

8 am                    REPEAT



10th Month Of Life Schedule (Begins when your baby turned 9 months old)


8 am                    EAT

8:30-10               WAKE

10-12                   SLEEP

12                        EAT

12:30-2               WAKE

2-5                       SLEEP

5                           EAT

5-8                       WAKE

8                           EAT AND TO SLEEP

8 am                    REPEAT


Related Post: 17 Must-Have Newborn Baby Items For The First Week



Baby Turns 1!


Time to take a look at your schedule and reevaluate it. Does anything need to change? Consider when the baby will likely transition down to one nap. What would you like the next year to look like?


I hope the schedules make your Babywise journey even easier than they did mine! Let me know in the comments below if you have any questions about these easy Babywise schedules!


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Kelsey at GoodPointGrandma

Hey there, I'm Kelsey! I'm so glad you are here. I'm a 20-something helping you live your most fulfilling life. I hope you'll join me in this old-fashioned & simple lifestyle!
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