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It’s officially fall here in the UP and we could not be happier! It has to be my favorite season. But with cooler weather rolling in, that means it’s time to start wrapping up our outdoor projects, do a fall clean-up of the yard and animals, and pull out all our winter clothes!


Keep reading to see if we got it all done…


Our Homesteading Journey - September 2021 Update

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Labor Day Weekend


The first weekend of September 2021 was Labor Day weekend and we traveled downstate as a family for my twin sister’s baby shower in Holland. We stopped at a Discount Tire about halfway to patch a small hole in one of our tires.


Unfortunately, the associate did not patch it correctly and we ended up stranded on the side of the highway with a flat tire. Everything nearby had closed for the evening, so we had to wait till the next morning to have the issue resolved – which it was!


We missed the shower sadly but still had about a day to visit family and friends. The trip was an adventure, to say the least but totally worth it!



Baby Chickens and Butcher Room


The baby chicks that we introduced you to last month are growing so fast! The young roosters in the group are already starting to attempt to crow in the mornings.


They are currently in our utility room of the barn and are running out of space quickly. This month we purchased the supplies we need to build their chicken coop (that project will happen next month) and also a few items off of Facebook Marketplace.


Once the chickens are moved to their coop, the next project is turning that utility room into our butcher room. It’s where we will process all our rabbits, chickens, fish, deer, etc. so we found another freezer, utility sink, and possibly a fridge to put in the room as we assemble it (hopefully next month as well).



House Addition – Outside Complete


Landon finished putting all the logs on the side of the house and is now finishing up caulking it and preserving the wood. He’s even been able to do some work on the inside of the house addition too, like moving in the wood pellet stove, moving his office to the corner, and several other little things.


We also bought a new-to-us kitchen table on Marketplace now that Landon’s office is out of the main area of the house. It’s long and fits the space perfectly! It’s really starting to feel like our completed home vision is coming to life!


One Saturday was also clean-up day and we were able to clean up the yard from all the construction and cut the grass one last time. It feels so good to see the end in sight, and have a clean yard again!




2 Year Anniversary and Baby #2 Coming Soon


It was so fun to announce on social media this month, on our second anniversary, that baby number two is on the way! We can’t wait to meet our little one this March!


We are planning another home birth and keeping the gender a surprise again. We are so happy our little ones will be close in age! Thank you, God, for this wonderful blessing!




Hit A Deer


The sad news this month was that I hit a deer and totaled our car. Thankfully no one was hurt (it was me and Harmony in the car on the way to babysitting) and the airbags didn’t deploy.


Landon came to my rescue, and we brought the deer home for processing! Now we have a freezer full of venison, which makes the incident a little less horrible.


We had some family bring us an older vehicle they no longer needed, which was a huge blessing, and we got to visit with them as well! God always provides!!




A New Milestone With Our Rabbits


Our rabbitry has hit a very cool spot – all our female rabbits (5 of them total) are either pregnant or have a young litter they have given birth to. It takes a while to this point since you can’t breed them until they are 6 months old.


We have lots of rabbits to process soon and it’s so nice to have so much meat stored up in the freezer for this winter!



Garden Set Up Finished


One huge project I wanted to complete before winter was getting the garden all set up! We had tons of woodchips from debarking the wood that sided our house.


The wood chips became the base layer of my no-dig garden beds, four large ones in total. The rabbits have been a huge help too, and after doing a deep clean of the rabbit room in the barn I had lots of manure to stack up as the next layer.


We also fenced it in all the way around, mostly to keep out our own dogs from trying to eat the manure!



Well, a lot sure did happen this month and it was another chance for us to lean on God for all our needs! See you next month as we continue to tackle lots of projects!

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Kelsey at GoodPointGrandma

Hey there, I'm Kelsey! I'm so glad you are here. I'm a 20-something helping you live your most fulfilling life. I hope you'll join me in this old-fashioned & simple lifestyle!
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