As a mother, you have a deep and meaningful calling, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t mundane sometimes! You can find contentment in motherhood and joy in your daily tasks by practicing these things daily and weekly.
It starts with being intentional about the little things. The small and simple ways that we cultivate a heart of gratitude are what play dividends in our heart attitude and bless us in the future!
I’m not saying contentment comes easily. Especially when we look around us and see how easy other moms have it, or so it seems. But, it is something worth striving for daily. When we have a discontent heart and attitude it doesn’t just affect us, but also our spouse, children, and close friends.
Here are some things I practice daily to help me have a grateful heart and find contentment in motherhood!
Let’s check them out…
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“Do Your Thankfuls”
When my husband and I were first married I wrote this blog post. It was the first time I shared about our evening routine to “say our thankfuls” to each other every evening before going to sleep.
It’s many years later now and we still do it! We haven’t been perfect, but we have been consistent and I have certainly noticed that it helps my heart attitude be grateful.
We each say five things we are grateful for and then three things starting with “I loved it today when you…” It reminds us of what happened throughout the day, share some things with the other that are important to us, and ultimately be grateful to God. Then we pray together before going to sleep.
Even if you can’t do this exact routine, find a way where you can be held accountable to say five things you are grateful for each night before bed. You could also try a gratitude journal. As our children get older, we are going to have them do this same thing to form this life-giving habit!
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Spend Time Alone Before Phone Time
While this doesn’t happen in every season of motherhood, such as the newborn season, I have a boundary where I don’t look at my phone in the morning until after I have spent quiet time alone with the Lord.
This involves reading my Bible, praying, and focusing my heart before the day begins. I noticed that whenever I pick up my phone first thing in the morning, I tend to get irritated or frustrated more easily by little things.
Plus, we don’t keep our phones in our bedrooms! I recommend leaving your phone on your kitchen counter or in another room to charge to set a healthy boundary for contentment in motherhood.
Don’t Buy Things You Don’t Need
One of the first side-effects of discontentment is to start purchasing things we don’t need and overspending. This is because we get a slight immediate thrill when we purchase something new. But, that quickly wears off and we are left with buyer’s remorse oftentimes.
If you notice your budget getting tighter or find yourself spending more money than you usually do, let this be a trigger for you! Set up boundaries, reevaluate your budget, make returns, sell items, and start working on correcting your heart from spending so much!
Remember to only purchase what you absolutely need and always check your heart’s motive before making large purchases. Sleep on the thought of the item to purchase a few nights before hitting buy.
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Cut Out Social Media
Comparison is another huge reason that we feel ourselves slipping away from contentment in motherhood. We see what others have, we see how easy their home life seems to be, and we want that too.
I am guilty of being naïve to what I see on social media as a true reality when it never is! Reality is everything behind the camera and news feeds that you never see. Many people are good at acting and there’s no way we could possibly see everything behind the scenes of everyone’s lives.
One thing you can do to start is to perform a social media detox. You could also consider doing a social media free month. Evaluate how you feel afterward. I can almost guarantee you will find more contentment in motherhood!
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Joy In The Little Things
The morning sun shining through the cracks, the baby giggling at the funny face you made, or the child falling asleep on your lap. These simple moments bring so much joy to our motherhood journey!
Soaking in the little moments, holding on to them as tight as you can, will bring you so much joy! I know that when I have chosen to really soak in the little moments and ignore the mess around me, I have come to really feel joyful as a mother.
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Don’t Complain About Your Family To Others
There is nothing that sounds more ungrateful than a wife complaining about her husband or children to someone else. I know we all have hard situations and circumstances, but simply complaining about your family to others is unbecoming.
Complaining only breeds more discontentment. As mothers, we have to actively choose to show grace over and over again to our spouses and our children.
We may not like how they do or say something but that doesn’t give us a right to complain about them to others. Instead, choose to view motherhood as a blessing and a high calling in your life!
Being a mom is something I am blessed to do, not something I have to do! It’s all about your perspective.
Do Unexpected Acts Of Kindness Weekly
A simple note to your children, a surprise massage for your husband, or a simple “thank you” can make a world of difference! It’s little acts of kindness throughout the day that really make the biggest difference!
In fact, these acts of kindness can be outside of the home too! How can you show a random stranger kindness once a week? Being generous really affects us in some incredible ways!
As mothers, we tend to throw self-pity parties for ourselves and think that everyone else should be serving us. If instead to continue to be selfless and look to the needs of others, we will grow to be more loving, more kind, and more content!
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Vocalize Something You Love To Each Family Member
When you notice one of your children doing something positive, never hesitate to vocalize it! Tell everyone how much you love them. Be grateful for them.
The more grateful we are for those around us, the more content we become! Make it an effort to always tell your spouse and children how much you appreciate them, even if it’s scheduled such as every night before bed so you don’t forget!
Be Present In The Moment
Stop and look around you. It may seem like your house is a mess and there is chaos everywhere, but that means you are blessed! You are blessed with a safe place to live, a family to take of, and people that love you!
We so often get focused on the daily tasks or things we are missing out on that we forget how much we are blessed with right in front of us! I’m sure there is someone in the world right now that can’t have what you have but would give up anything to have it.
That’s really incredible to think about when you stop and breathe in the present moment. Contentment in motherhood truly cultivates when we slow down.
Stay Home More And Avoid Busyness
Since living on our homestead in a rural area far from town I have been forced to stay home more. And honestly, I love it!
Staying home more keeps life simple. There’s less noise and things calling for your attention all the time. Plus, you simply are saying no to a busy and unfulfilling life. I find that I feel most fulfilled when I stay home and take care of the people and things God has blessed me with!
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Take A Step Back
Now that you’ve read these tips and tricks on contentment in motherhood, take a step back and evaluate your life. What can you do to start finding more contentment each day? How do you need to change your perspective?
Motherhood is a joy and a blessing when you are grateful for everything the Lord has given you! What tip and trick is your favorite? Let me know in the comments below!
Kelsey at GoodPointGrandma
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