As stay-at-home moms, we set the tone for our families. If we’re stressed, so is everyone else! It can certainly be hard to be a calm stay-at-home mom consistently.
I’ve noticed that the days that I am in a grumpy mood and snapping at my husband and kids are the days when everything seems to go wrong. It’s incredible how our attitude can literally determine the direction things go during our day.
It’s those days that I need to remind myself to take a step back, examine my heart, and evaluate the why behind my attitude.
I truly do desire to be a peaceful and calm stay-at-home mom every single day but that just isn’t the reality of life. Life is hard and some days just don’t go according to plan!
However, I’ve noticed that when I implement these tips and tricks, staying calm throughout the day becomes more of a habit. I am able to stay more peaceful and calmer if I check these boxes!
Let’s check them out…
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Go Outside Everyday
There are so many incredible benefits to getting outside every single day, no matter what the weather is!
I’m thankful that we live on a homestead because it forces me to go outside every single morning and evening to feed and care for our animals. Even in the bitter cold and long winters we have here, I still bundle up and go outside every day.
The fresh air, exercise, and sunshine help my body get going for the day. Being outdoors is a part of a healthy lifestyle that we can’t ignore! God designed us to be out in nature and as a result, we get all of its amazing benefits.
A quick walk each morning will certainly make you a calm stay-at-home mom! Give it a try today and see the difference it can make.
Related Post: Need Meal Ideas? Here Are My Top Go-To Meals As A Homestead Mom
Create More Than You Consume
As technology has advanced over the years stay-at-home moms (including myself!) have turned to television and social media as an outlet. We consume so much content every day that we can so easily lose ourselves and the reason behind why we do what we do.
We no longer participate in knitting, quilting, baking, gardening, sewing, reading, writing, and working with our hands in other various ways. We’ve lost the joy of creating things because we are too busy consuming them.
It’s so easy to consume all day long, but that just leads to depression. Instead, ask yourself what you can start creating instead!
An easy challenge to start with is replacing one time of day when you usually scroll social media with a time of day that you will read a book instead!
Creative Outlet
Speaking of creating, this blog is one of my favorite things to create each day. In my free time, I love to write blog posts and share my tips and tricks with others!
I honestly believe every stay-at-home mom needs some sort of creative outlet. It doesn’t have to be income-producing (but it can!) and it doesn’t have to be time-consuming. It can be simply sewing some new curtains or learning how to bake bread.
All it has to be is something that you enjoy and that challenges you! Maybe it’s even just a way to bless others by creating homemade gifts.
If you think blogging may be something you enjoy as well, check out this page! Having moments to myself to work on my creative outlet has certainly made me a more calm stay-at-home mom.
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Follow A Daily Routine
When I don’t have a routine or daily rhythm to my day as a stay-at-home mom I feel frazzled. It quickly triggers me to become stressed and frustrated, taking it out on others around me.
The sooner I can back on my daily routine the better! Our daily routine starts with breakfast, then doing the farm chores, and resetting the house before preparing for lunch. Then we have nap time, snack time, playtime, and dinner. Lastly, our bedtime routine closes out the evening.
Our routine is simple and not extremely detailed. It is just a flow to our day that we all know to follow. What is the flow of your day like? Is it consistent every day? Do you need to stay home more often to establish that routine?
Try being more intentional about your routine to be a peaceful mom.
Related Post: 11 More Unique Things I Have Given Up As A Mom Since Staying Home
Bulk Food Storage
As a stay-at-home mom, I cook all our meals from scratch every day. It can seem overwhelming at first to think about it, but one thing that has helped is having nearly every ingredient on hand.
When we started to keep bulk food storage in our pantry it was a game changer. It made it so easy to make any meal I wanted, whenever I needed it. No more quick trips to the store for ingredients or eating out because we had no food in the house.
Start thinking about how you can stock up on things like beans, flour, oats, sugar, salt, and other simple ingredients. Then, slowly change your mindset to making more meals from scratch each day!
Related Post: How I Use My Freeze Dryer In The Winter Months So It Stays Running
Learn To Say No
As a mother, I’ve learned that I need to say no more often. It is my responsibility to make important decisions for our family each day. Just because I feel pressure from someone to go somewhere, do something, or buy a certain item doesn’t mean I have to do it.
I need to understand the needs of my children first. Saying no to the extra play groups so my children could have their nap routine is one example of a decision I am glad I said no to. My children are happier and more joyful when they are well-rested.
You can say no to all sorts of things as a mother to protect your children, but also to keep you in a peaceful and calm state. There is no need to overwhelm yourself for the sake of something trivial.
There you have it, my top tips on being a peaceful and calm stay-at-home mom today! Which tip will you be implementing today? Let me know in the comments below!

Kelsey at GoodPointGrandma

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