Many women are fearful of birth, especially in today’s modern culture. I can’t deny that I was a bit at first too and I wanted to know how to avoid birth trauma!
The modern-day feminism movement is to blame, in my opinion. One of the most amazing things we can experience as women is the journey of pregnancy, labor, and then motherhood. It’s something God gave to just us, not men, and what a privilege it is!
However, our culture today tells us that there is more freedom in staying single, sleeping around, and aborting any babies in an unwanted pregnancy.
I’m here to tell you that I have never felt more freedom than in the family unit that God designed! Being a wife and a mother has been one of the most joyful and freeing experiences. I believe that starts with waiting to have sex until you are married, marrying a Godly man, and then having children (biological or adopted) as God blesses and directs you.
And if you haven’t followed that exact path, there is always redemption through Christ!
If you are wondering how to avoid birth trauma, then it begins with setting aside the feminism lies of culture. First, have the attitude that you are blessed to be carrying a child! Whether your pregnancy was wanted or not, you have something that other women that struggle with infertility may never get to experience.
After we have a grateful attitude there are three steps we can actively take to know how to avoid birth trauma! Let’s dive into those…
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Be Educated
In order to avoid birth trauma, it begins with being educated on the topic of birth! Education frees us to know what to expect and how to handle possible “what-if” situations.
Education begins with reading books, talking to others that have walked your journey, and taking a pregnancy class!
I recommend reading these books for a positive birth experience free of trauma: 7 Pregnancy Books You Need To Read For A Positive Natural Birth
I also highly recommend taking this class during the second and third trimester of your pregnancy: The Top Ten Reasons To Take A Bradley Method Class
Once I became educated in first, the options I had available to me, and second, the choices I was making, my confidence grew exceedingly.
But, it wasn’t just my education that was going to make the difference. It wasn’t until my husband was educated as well that I truly knew how to avoid birth trauma.
My husband’s education, through reading this book out loud together and through taking the Bradley class together, gave him the confidence to lead. And, when my husband was able to lead me through pregnancy and birth, I knew I always had someone advocating for me and supporting me.
Without the education, my husband and I received I know I would have experienced a traumatic birth.
Our planned homebirth ended with an unplanned c-section. If you ask almost everyone that went through similar labor and delivery, they would label it as traumatic.
Related Post: The Birth Story of Harmony Sage
These three reasons, especially being educated, saved us from experiencing a traumatic birth. Because we knew our options, we were able to find the best provider in our area who respected our wishes and did everything possible to keep our labor and delivery as natural as possible.
Because we were educated in procedures and processes that happen during birth, we were able to make our wishes know and stick to our more natural approaches.
No one’s birth goes completely as planned. Knowing how to avoid birth trauma begins with educating yourself!
Be Prepared
Don’t wait until the last possible minute to do anything, no matter what your personality is!
Start reading books, talking with others, and taking a birth class early on in your pregnancy. Make the baby registry, look for free or discounted baby items around town, and start preparing the nursery or baby areas early on.
When you start early you will be more prepared. And, when you are more prepared you will more comfortable in any situation and avoid more stressful times.
You have no idea when your baby will come. Be ready for anything by being prepared early! Here’s a list of baby items I used right away after my baby was born. I am so glad I had them on hand.
Lastly, when you are educated and prepared, then be confident in the decisions you have made.
Whether you want a natural home birth or an epidural as soon as possible, it is important to know why you made the decisions you made! When you understand the reason behind your decisions and understand the impact of each one, it is easier to be confident in your decisions.
For example, the Vitamin K shot is typically given to all baby’s that are born. But, as a parent, it is still your decision to decide if you want your baby to receive that shot or not.
Instead of reading a pamphlet on it the day you go into the hospital for labor, take the time during your nine-month pregnancy to research it. What is the benefit of the shot? Why is it administered? Are there any other options? What are the potential consequences?
My husband and I were first, educated on the shot through the Bradley class. We were then able to make an informed decision. And lastly, we were able to be confident in that decision when we were asked about it.
And that’s the key – that our decision was informed! We had the research to back it up!
When you are at the hospital and presented with the different questions the staff asks you, you don’t have time to research the options at that moment. You can hear the hospital’s opinion on the topic, but that is only one side to the argument.
It is traumatic to have things happen to you that you did not wish to because at the moment you didn’t know you had other options. Or, it’s traumatic to make a decision on something that you don’t know all the information about because there just isn’t time to research it at the moment, and then later regret it.
This is how to avoid birth trauma: be educated, be informed, know your options, be prepared, and then be confident in those decisions!
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I know you will have a wonderful birth experience when you do everything you can do and then leave the rest in God’s hands. Trust the Lord and He will carry you through!
Let me know how your pregnancy is going, your birth story, or if you have any questions in the comments below!

Kelsey at GoodPointGrandma

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Great advice! I was never afraid of child birth, but then again, I was all about the epidural!!! LOL
These are great tips for someone who wants to become a mother and has reservations about birth, but there are many women out there who don’t want that path and that’s okay!
Thanks Kait!
I’m not at that point in my life yet, but I’ll be sure to do lots of research beforehand to ensure I’m making the best choices for myself!
Great to hear!!
[…] Related Post: Fearful Of Birth? Here’s How To Avoid Birth Trauma In 3 Easy Steps […]