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As a beginner gardener myself I often turn to YouTube for gardening inspiration and advice! These beginner gardening books written by experts on YouTube are so of my absolute favorites.


Each one of these authors are people I personally follow on YouTube and have for several years or months. They are each so knowledgeable, especially on the specific climate they live in.


There are so many different gardening styles – tilling, raised beds, containers, deep mulch, lasagna method, and so many more. I was so overwhelmed when I wanted to start my first garden last year.


I picked up several of these books first to learn what I could. When problems arose I started searching YouTube for the answers and I stumbled upon these amazing creators and educators. Some of them I feel like I know personally from consuming all of their content.


Each one of these people are absolutely fantastic and I can’t wait to introduce you to each of them and their beginner gardening books!


Let’s jump in…


The 5 Best Beginner Gardening Books Written By Experts On YouTube

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  1. Vegetable Gardening for Beginners: A Simple Guide to Growing Vegetables at Home by Jill McSheehy from the YouTube channel Beginner’s Garden – Journey with Jill


This was the simplest gardening book I have read! It was so easy to understand and laid out beautifully.


Jill not only touches on the different gardening methods in this book but also goes over the most popular vegetables and herbs that you are likely growing in your garden. After reading this book I was completely motivated to start planning my garden for next year!


I love that she also breaks down simple gardening terms so you can easily understand gardening lingo. You will not feel overwhelmed while reading this book.


This is one of the most simple and practical beginner gardening books on this list, and I highly recommend it for beginners!


Don’t forget to also listen to Jill’s podcast and watch her YouTube channel for more inspiration. I enjoy watching her Instagram stories as well for real-time updates.


Check it out on Amazon here!




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  1. The First-Time Gardener: Growing Vegetables: All the know-how and encouragement you need to grow – and fall in love with! by Jessica Sowards from the YouTube channel Roots and Refuge Farm


Jessica has a beautiful family and YouTube channel. I love that her gardening videos are more of a vlog style and not a how-to method. She makes gardening fun and romantic at the same time.


Recently she was talking about how gardening was a spiritual experience for her. She could spend hours in her garden, admiring it and just enjoying it. It was such a beautiful image and something I strive for one day.


Her book reflects these characteristics – fun and romantic. The pages are filled with beautiful images, she tells gripping stories, and makes gardening feel like more than just sweating and picking weeds. Being in your garden should be a beautiful experience.


So while you will learn a lot of beginner basics in this book, you will also experience a new level of gardening that will have you hooked!


Check it out on Amazon here!



  1. Welcome to the Farm: How-to Wisdom from The Elliott Homestead by Shaye Elliott from the YouTube channel The Elliot Homestead


This book is all things homesteading, so it’s not just a gardening book! It makes a great purchase if you are also looking for information on preserving your garden produce, raising chickens, owning a dairy cow, raising your own meat, caring for bees, and having a small orchard.


Most of us that garden also do one or several of these other homesteading ventures! But, even if you don’t the whole first chapter alone is perfect for the beginner gardener!


Shaye covers the benefits of the home garden, compost, gardening methods, succession planting, seeds, and of course, how to grow your own vegetables and herbs. It is packed with information, and even though it’s only one chapter on gardening, it still has more information on some subjects than the other books.


The Elliot Homestead is a wonderful YouTube channel to watch and a favorite of mine when it comes to beginner gardening books!


Check it out on Amazon here!



top books on gardening for the beginner

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  1. The Autopilot Garden: A Guide to Hands-off Gardening by Luke Marion from the YouTube channel MIGardener


Luke is not only extremely knowledgeable about the garden but also saves his own heirloom seeds and sells them on his website! He’s found some innovative ways to work smarter, not harder in your garden.


His book shares with you the different strategies you can take to set up an efficient garden properly.


You’ll find clear instructions, quick resources, and accurate information in this book so that you can start gardening successfully immediately! I’m excited to try out some of these methods next year.


This is one of the best beginner gardening books so that you don’t have to make the same mistakes!


Check it out on Amazon here!



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  1. The Family Garden Plan: Grow a Year’s Worth of Sustainable and Healthy Food by Melissa K. Norris from the YouTube channel from Melissa K. Norris – Modern Homesteading


I love the advice Melissa give on all this homesteading in her podcast, YouTube channel, and various books! But, I especially love her approach to gardening – learn how to grow all your own good for a whole year.


Being prepared is essential in today’s world. You never know what disaster may hit, what supply chain issue may happen, or just what personal life expectancies may arise. By growing your own food and storing it you are taking control!


I have a goal to grow all our own food for a year’s worth of food to be more self-sufficient. This book is a perfect “how-to” guide to start gardening right now! She includes all the details that a beginner gardener would need to know and I took lots of key information away from the book.


Check it out on Amazon here!



There you have it, the best beginner gardening books from YouTube gardening experts! Putting this list together was so fun for me. Let me know in the comments below who your favorite YouTube gardener is!


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Kelsey at GoodPointGrandma

Hey there, I'm Kelsey! I'm so glad you are here. I'm a 20-something helping you live your most fulfilling life. I hope you'll join me in this old-fashioned & simple lifestyle!
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