Marriage is the best. There are so many amazing benefits when you get married young, I sometimes wonder why everyone doesn’t do it!
Often, I hear that people think of marriage as a prison. Once you’re in it you’re stuck. But in fact, marriage is full of freedom.
The joys of marriage far outweigh the confusion and uncertainty of living with someone that isn’t your spouse. Let me give you 13 reasons why you should consider getting married young.
But before we keep chatting, did you know that this blog post is a part of a series? I met the man of my dreams and we both wanted to share everything we learned through the process! Be sure to check them all out:
- Our Love Story
- Why We Waited To Kiss and Have Sex Till Marriage
- 4 Practical Dating Tips for Christian Women In Their Early 20’s
- The 7 Best Christian Books You Need To Read Before Marriage
- How To Accomplish A Gorgeous Wedding For Only $2,000
- How To Easily Prevent Pregnancy Without Birth Control
- 6 Things I Learned In The First Three Months Of Marriage
- 13 Surprising Benefits When You Get Married Young
- How To Plan A Remote Honeymoon In The Mountains
- How To Keep Your House Clean With Puppies
Now, let’s dive into the perks and benefits when you get married young!
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You can enjoy each other on the most intimate level.
As a Christian, I believe that sex is only acceptable when it is within marriage. God made us to be sexual beings and designed sex to be performed only between a husband and wife.
When you are young it is a great time to start looking for a husband or wife because it helps prevent sexual temptation from arising in your life.
If you are seeking after the Lord and have surrendered your life to Christ, you will have the desire to honor Him and obey His word. You will naturally have the desire to get married young so that your sexual desire can be fulfilled.
It is so fun exploring sexual intimacy as husband and wife together, where there are no restraints, fears, worries, or unknowns. And when you are young, you have more time to explore that realm together.
When you get married young, you have fewer years of fighting sexual temptation and more years of enjoying the beautiful gift of sex with your spouse that God has given us!
You get to be best friends and adventure buddies.
More so than just boyfriend and girlfriend, getting married allows you to become best friends in every sort of way – emotionally, physically, and spiritually. You become one when you enter the marriage covenant. Not just under God, but also in the “chemical bonding” that God created in sex. (Check out this article for more info.)
And that means you have a permanent best friend. It doesn’t get much better than that!
Having someone to always adventure with each day has got to be one of the best feelings in the entire world. Just today, my husband and I spontaneously woke up and went on a hike with our puppies. That hike brought us so much joy.
In marriage, you always have someone to do anything and everything with and it keeps life fun and adventurous when you know you get to those spontaneous adventurous things with them every single day for the rest of your lives.
You get to create the life you have always wanted together.
My husband and I dream together often about one day owning property up north that we can homestead, fish, and hunt on while we start and raise our family. That dream of having the simple joy of living out in the country, away from the busyness of the city, was fun to think about when I was single, but it was a thousand times more fun to dream about it together.
I knew that we could use our talents, abilities, and God-given gifts together much better than we could apart. We are a team and dreaming as a team is far more fulfilling than dreaming alone as it comes with more opportunity and more excitement.
We are committed to one another forever and get to work as a unit. Working as a team and leaning on one another’s strengths are truly great benefits when you get married young.
You learn important life skills and character qualities early on.
I once heard in my late teens someone say, “If you want to really become a better person and grow better and better each day, just get married.” That was a very true statement.
Getting married has pushed me to be more forgiving, kinder, more selfless, more supportive, more understanding, and so much more! I have become a better person each day I am married because I constantly get to make the choice to put someone else’s needs before my own.
I also have learned how to cook better, clean better, organize better, care better, etc. simply because the role of wife and puppy mom demands it.
When I was single it was so much easier to take care of one person, but as soon as I got married my character was tested at a higher level. Growing in character and learning new skills are some amazing benefits when you get married young.
You have an accountability partner that you can’t hide from.
Your spouse can help you in enormous ways when you work as a team. Need to lose weight? Your spouse can call you out on those midnight snacks. Need more sleep? Your spouse can encourage you to get to bed earlier.
And often you can go after these goals together and hold each other accountable in the process. When one spouse doesn’t feel like doing something or keeping to the goals, the other spouse can come along and encourage and support.
When you are weak, the other is strong. It takes intentionality, hard work, and the right attitude but it is amazing to have that person that knows every area of our life and can push you each day.
You don’t have to make as many sacrifices when you merge lives.
When you get married later in life, it’s likely both the husband and wife have established ways. Not just habits, but also community and social environments that may be hard to merge.
You may both have a house, both have separate investment accounts, both have separate communities you are involved in, etc. and all that makes it so much harder to unite when you get married.
On the flip side, the benefits when you get married young are that you both likely have little money, little established connections that are not easy to re-locate, less of an established career, and little family ties. When you get married young you get to plant your roots together faster.
I have seen that it can be harder to compromise the older you get. Young newlyweds tend to find it much easier to join lives as one.
You get to experience more life together.
You get to grow old together as a young married couple and experience more milestones together. When you get married later in life you may miss some of the biggest key moments that shape the person you are marrying. Why wait to experience all that life can throw at you together?
Growing old together allows you to fully lean on one another in the good times and bad, and just starting that younger and sooner helps your connection between each other to grow deeper and stronger family roots.
One of my favorite things about getting married young was that we were in our prime and could experience those fun, early 20’s years together. Those are some of the best memories that we will never forget.
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You get to learn together.
When you’re young and don’t quite know how to do all the “adulting” things of life, your spouse is the perfect person to laugh together and cry together with.
In marriage, I feel so much freedom to try new things boldly. If it doesn’t go according to plan, I have my best friend to laugh with. If I need help, I know my husband will always have my back. My biggest support system is always standing next to me.
When you have the joy of knowing that your spouse unconditionally loves you for you, no matter what, it gives you the freedom to go after new and exciting things, and as a result, you get to mess up and learn together through it all.
As things don’t go according to plan you can lean on one another, learn from your mistakes, and truck ahead, lifting each other up with encouragement. Being there for each other no matter what early on is definitely one of the best benefits when you get married young.
You gain a new perspective.
Having a husband at a younger age has allowed me to gain a new perspective on a variety of things. I have related to other couples, marriages, and situations more openly and with less judgment.
I have also learned how to understand a man’s perspective better. Having a husband helps me realize the deep desires of a man are to protect, lead, and provide for his family, and often the decisions he makes revolve around those characteristics. This perspective keeps me in check when I disagree with a decision or just don’t understand.
A new perspective leads to showing new levels of grace in hard moments.
You have a younger body for bearing children.
As mentioned in the first point, I am a Christian and believe that sex should occur within marriage only. When you get married young, that leads to the ability to start a family sooner.
A young married couple has a higher chance of pregnancy than an older married couple because your body is reproductively at its peak. Your body is ready to carry babies at a young age.
Starting a family sooner is one of the benefits when you get married young. Children are such a blessing, and as a Christian, I believe the mother’s ministry is to raise her children in the knowledge and sound doctrine of the word of God. Why not start that ministry when you are young?
You will get tested.
Most people don’t get married young, especially in today’s culture. Not getting married at all is even becoming more and more popular. For me, that’s sad, as marriage has many amazing benefits and is the furthest thing from being “tied down,” as I often hear it described.
Because getting married young isn’t common, you will be tested. You’ll get weird looks, you’ll get hurtful opinions, and you’ll likely get backlash. However, you will get to share the joy you have found in leaning on each other in marriage in your young years.
My husband and I love telling others about the benefits of getting married young because we can talk about how those hard opinions of being different only grew us closer together.
You get to change together.
Your twenties are some of the most transformative years of your life. You are learning so much when it comes to adulting and navigating life after college graduation or jumping into a career. One of the benefits, when you get married young, is that you get to navigate those waters together.
For me, I saw it as extremely beneficial that my husband and I are able to change together as we experience life together in our younger years, and doing that within marriage only helped me feel more safe and secure as I learned from these experiences.
The younger you get married, the less baggage you have. You are not set in your ways.
As you change and grow, why not do that with your spouse, someone who knows everything about you.
You don’t need to keep looking for greener grass.
It’s life-draining always looking for the greener grass. Once you know, why not take it and run?
Pursuing marriage when you are young allows you to enjoy your spouse in their youth, and every season after that. Your sense of fulfillment will deepen and your love for each other will grow as you get older together.
Always searching for something more, something better, something greater will never leave you completely satisfied.
Enjoy the spouse of your youth – it’s so much more fulfilling now and in the future!
There you have it, my 13 surprising benefits when you get married young. It’s not as crazy as you might think. In fact, our culture used to only get married young!
If you’re scared of commitment in marriage, then realize that there is a level of trust, maturity, and honesty that takes place. Don’t be naïve to just marry anyone. Make sure you are finding the right spouse. As a Christian, make sure you are allowing God to write your love story. Leave the pen in His hands.
Yes, there are many benefits when you get married young, but getting married young isn’t for everyone. I encourage you to look to God for wisdom, knowledge, and direction in your search for your spouse.
Did you get married young? What did you think about the benefits of getting married young? Let me know in the comments below!

Kelsey at GoodPointGrandma

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Yes, yes, yes! Couldn’t agree with this any more than I do! I love that we get to change and grow together. We got married at 23 and 22 and I don’t regret it for a second!
Aw, that’s so awesome!! Thanks for the comment, Kelsie!
I also got married pretty young and it was neat getting to “grow up” with my husband and learn about life with him. This is a fun post!
Yes, I’m so excited to grow old together! Thanks for reading!
I didn’t marry young. For me, it was about finding the right person. I love that you embraced marriage at a young age and have grown so much because of it!
Thanks Christa, yes it has been wonderful growing experience (:
Very interesting take on marriage! I can see how getting married young might be beneficial to some people and you make some great points. Thanks for sharing!
I’m glad you were able to see this perspective, thanks Morgan!
Kelsey, interesting take. While I think those are all benefits of getting married young, I think you have to be careful. Allowing God to write the story means plenty of people won’t marry young. It’s not as simple as you stated. Writing your opinion as tho it’s the only way is inaccurate and to some probably hurtful. I’m glad you’ve enjoyed the benefits of being married young, but while I wait for my husband, I am focused on using this time of singleness to grow and pour into others. Ultimately, we are to grow more like Christ in whatever stage… Read more »
Thank you for reading and taking the time to share your thoughts and experiences on this topic! I completely agree with you, nowhere in Scripture does it say that you have to marry young. There are many health benefits to eating healthy foods. How would one know this tho if not shared? In writing this post, I am sharing the benefits of getting married young. There are other foods that come in all shapes and sizes; some healthy and some not. The same can be said in personal love stories. Everyone has a different story which can be just as “healthy” or completely… Read more »
[…] can tell you that marriage really makes you define love. And you have the decision to define it the right way or the wrong […]