Being a mom is an incredible role to have in this world. It has so many amazing benefits that can’t be bought. Yet, there are so many things I have given up as a mom too.
The love and joy I experience from my children is something that can never be replaced! It’s amazing to think that God gave mothers these unique and valuable positions in our children’s lives – to impact them in countless ways.
But as beautiful as motherhood is, it is also a sacrificial role. Life is completely different once you become a mom. You have to give up your time in so many different ways. You may also give up your career, your past friendships, and even your car or house.
But one thing I know for sure – the sacrifice is worth it. Over and over again.
When I first became a mom, I learned that I need to take this new role of motherhood seriously. I began by giving up these things: 11 Things I No Longer Do As A Mom Since Taking My Job As A Homemaker Seriously
Let’s dive into what else I’ve given up as a mom…
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No Dishwasher
Since we moved into our tiny house after my first daughter was born, I was without a dishwasher. At first, it was hard to adjust to. Washing dishes by hand takes a bit more discipline.
And honestly, I’m still learning to be more disciplined in washing dishes after every meal. It can be tempting to wait until the end of the night to do them all.
As we add on to our tiny house my husband has asked me if we want to install a dishwasher. Now, after almost two years of living without one, I told him I didn’t want one!
Not having a dishwasher feels quicker and more efficient to me in my homemaking. It also teaches me to be disciplined. I find myself rinsing dishes sooner so that I don’t have to scrub them later. To me, keeping minimal dishes and washing them by hand is actually a more practical solution to keeping the kitchen clean.
Even though a dishwasher is something I have given up as a mom, I’m not saying it is for everyone! Maybe just try it for a week or two and see what you think.
Related Post: 11 Things I No Longer Do As A Mom Since Taking My Job As A Homemaker Seriously
No Days Without A Plan Or Rhythm
In this previous blog post, I shared that I don’t like to be overscheduled in my days. But, I also don’t like to go into a day without a rhythm or plan.
I’ve been making it a habit to look at my calendar the night before or during my morning quiet time. Then I know if anything is going to interrupt our regular rhythm of the day. Perhaps it’s an appointment, a bill that needs to be paid, or a priority to preserve something from the garden.
Whatever it is, I’ve given up as a mom days that feel like complete chaos. I know what needs to be done and I do it joyfully, to please the Lord!
“She watches over the affairs of her household, and does not eat the bread of idleness.” Proverbs 31:27
No Television
We do not have a TV in our house, and we plan to keep it that way. We have one in storage we may pull out for an event, like the Olympics or a family movie night. My husband and I will also watch a show every once in a while before we go to bed, such as for a date night.
But television is not something we focus on in our house. I find it can be a big distraction from my motherhood tasks. It causes me to get a lot less done and fills my mind with mindless nothingness. There are so many more productive things I could be doing or learning!
No Alcohol
I’ve decided to stop drinking alcohol, just as I have given up as a mom coffee and caffeine as well. I don’t think it is wrong to drink alcohol, although I don’t think it is right to get drunk.
A glass of wine with your meal or a beer during a football game can be fun and enjoyable. However, as a mom, I’ve chosen to not purchase alcohol or consume it so that my budget and health will thank me later!
If you still want to consume alcohol here and there, you are by no means a bad mother! But, I would challenge you that turning to a glass of wine every night after you put your kids to bed should not be your comfort. Find comfort in God alone!
Related Post: 7 More Christian Motherhood Books For Christian Moms
No Comparing My Role To My Husband’s
As a new wife and mother, I found myself comparing my motherhood tasks to my husband’s tasks at times. It was completely unfair. He does so much for our family, and it is not right of me to point fingers or place blame.
Instead of wishing he would do my tasks for me, I instead chose to take my job as a homemaker seriously. I needed to treat my tasks as a job and complete them each day with a positive attitude.
Of course, I am not perfect at this, but this change of heart has only strengthened our family and marriage! When he does do the dishes for me, for example, I know it is a wonderful surprise and not something I should expect.
Is this something you have given up as a mom? Take some time to think about how you can truly enjoy the monotonous tasks of your day and approach them with a thankful and grateful heart.
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No Unedifying Music
Now that I have children, I am extremely aware of the music that is around us. I want my children to only hear things that point them towards God and are encouraging to them.
I love listening to country music but some of it is not edifying, especially for children. My days are now filled with music based on scripture, mostly for my children, but I find my attitude as a mom changing as well!
The music you listen to as a mom directly impacts how you perform throughout the day and the things your children are learning!
No Sleeping In
Whether I like it or not, I can’t sleep in as a mom. My children are up for the day waiting for me to feed them, clothe them, play with them, and take care of all their needs. It’s a demanding job with no time off.
You never stop being a mom and that can be an overwhelming feeling at times. But, children are a blessing! Our sacrifice to care for them changes us.
I love to sleep in but since becoming a mom, I can’t remember the last time I did it. And, that’s ok. It is something I unintentionally gave up as a mom and have had to make the decision to embrace.
No Days Off
Every afternoon we have a quiet time/nap time where the children go to their bed and either sleep or play quietly. It gives everyone a chance to refuel for the rest of the day, including me!
As I was saying above, motherhood is a full-time job that never goes away. While I don’t have free time or days off like a standard 9-5 job, I do have times in my days when I can refuel and do something just for me.
Sometimes that isn’t even during nap time. Sometimes it’s not until late in the night when everything is cleaned up, all the animals are fed, and the kids are in bed. But it is no longer something I despise or negatively dwell on.
Instead, I know that motherhood is demanding but I chose it to enjoy it, and embrace it fully! It makes all the difference.
Related Post: 12 Powerful Motherhood Lessons I Learned During My First Year
No Big House And Endless Possessions
While children aren’t extremely expensive, they do have needs and wants. Something we have given up is a big house and lots of things that we want. But, we don’t actually mind!
The things in this world will not last, but family will. As a mother, I am constantly reminding myself to keep an eternal perspective.
Trends come and go, so I intentionally avoid purchasing things that will go out of style. It also helps living out in the country away from big box retailers. However, there is always online shopping that can be tempting. Instead, I thrift our clothing and purchase only what we absolutely need!
No Luxury Vacations
While vacations are something I have given up as a mom, it is also something we as a family have given up since becoming homesteaders. Vacations are wonderful and maybe something that your family chooses to take yearly or even more regularly.
However, our family does not take vacations so that we can enjoy this homesteading lifestyle!
No Selfish Heart
And lastly, being a mother means giving up my selfish heart. I selflessly give to my family over and over again day after day and I chose to enjoy it and be grateful for it!
Being a mother is changing me and instead of looking at all of this as things I have given up as a mom, I see so much more that I have gained (look for a blog post on those details soon!)
What have you given up as a mother? Let me know in the comments below!

Kelsey at GoodPointGrandma

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