While I am not an unschooling mom myself, I am a homeschooling mom that loves to learn! These are some amazing books about unschooling and what it looks like to various families.
What is unschooling? Some define it as having no structured homeschool curriculum or schedule. Basically, unschooling is allowing your children to learn through the world around them and let them lead in exploring their interests.
Even if unschooling doesn’t sound like the perfect fit for you, these are some wonderful books to understand the unschooling perspective. I have met several unschooling families in our area, and reading these books helps me understand them better.
There is so much to appreciate about unschooling and you can discover it all for yourself in these books about unschooling!
Let’s check them out…
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This author makes an argument for unschooling, saying children need to be given the trust to lead their education and explore the world around them for themselves. While a traditional school setting puts children in boxes, unschooling gives children the freedom they need to be creative!
The benefits of unschooling are laid out so well in this book and the author makes strong arguments for it. The system is hurting our children and unschooling is one way you can save your children from being restricted in their education. Free play is the key.
Check it out on Amazon here!
Related Post: The 7 Best Homeschool Mom Books That You Need To Read Today
Do children actually need to be taught to learn? This is one of the books about unschooling that challenges that narrative. The school system doesn’t seem to be working, and instead, we need to go back to historical roots where children learned through experiencing the world for themselves.
The author shows you how simply memorizing facts at a traditional school squashes imagination and creativity. As someone who grew up going to a traditional school building every day, I completely understand this argument. It happened to me!
Unschooling even gives children more creativity than traditional homeschooling as it doesn’t involve following a curriculum. Education and schooling should not be considered the same thing according to this author.
Check it out on Amazon here!
Related Post: The 7 Best Homeschooling Books For Beginners You Need To Read Today
As a homesteading and homeschooling family, I love this book! It is about a family that goes off-grid on their farm in Vermont as they discover for themselves what unschooling looks like to them.
This book shows you what freedom children can have to learn when we let them! As his children explore life on their farm, they discover things that can never be taught in the classroom.
Check it out on Amazon here!
This is one of the best books about unschooling for beginners because it is a short and simple read. It breaks down the concept of unschooling into simple rules, such as “Learn something because you need it or because you love it.”
This is a great book to return to as well if you are already unschooling. It will remind you of why you do what you do when the days seem hard or long.
Check it out on Amazon here!
Related Post: Why Do People Homeschool With Rod And Staff Curriculum? Here’s 11 Reasons!
The unschooling movement is growing. People are turning away from the traditional school model and fully embracing letting children explore their own interests. If you are hooked on unschooling, then this book is for you!
This is one of the books about unschooling that specifically helps parents be good at their role of guiding their unschooling children. If you want to unschool but are worried your child will never learn enough Math or English to be a good citizen, then you need to read this book! It covers all these concerns and more.
Check it out on Amazon here!
This book is called 18 because it follows the author’s story of unschooling her three children until the oldest turned 18 years old. She is a former public school teacher that left the entire education system in America behind.
She talks about what the journey of unschooling for her and her children as they could suddenly pursue any interest they wanted! If you want a real-world example of what unschooling could be like for a family, then check this book out. Just remember, unschooling looks different for everyone!
Check it out on Amazon here!
Related Post: Why Do People Homeschool With Rod And Staff Curriculum? Here’s 11 Reasons!
If you read this book you’ll learn why one mom left the traditional school setting for unschooling and why she’s never going back! This is an honest approach from a family that went on a journey, and you’ll hear all about it.
I’ve heard so many people have related to this so well!
Check it out on Amazon here!
Which of these books about unschooling will you be reading first? Let me know in the comments below!

Kelsey at GoodPointGrandma

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