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This month was pretty cold at first with some snow and lots of frost, but we got the Indian summer we were hoping for at the end! Now we are still enjoying some 60-degree temperatures!


We continued to prepare for winter this month with some last-minute things on the house, barn, and other tools that needed some repair. We also enjoyed some local fall festivities and a trip to the Porkies to see some last fall colors.


Let’s dive into it…


Our Homesteading Journey - October 2022 Update


Deer In The Garden


I had some final cool weather crops growing in the garden – kale, beets, carrots, and lettuce – but ever since we gave the dogs their doghouse (see last month’s update) they seem to be slacking on chasing the deer out of the garden!


One morning I went out to the garden to start putting it to bed for the winter and all my plants were eaten with deer tracks next to them. I was angry! I had harvested a bit of these crops already, but this was the bulk of it. We may need some deer fencing for next year…


Even though the garden ended earlier than I would have hoped we still had such an abundant harvest, thank you, Lord! I started applying manure from the chickens and rabbits to get it ready for winter. I’ll finish up next month before our first snow.




Tractor Broken Again


Unfortunately, our tractor was not fixed for long before it broke again. It seems that the engine needs to be rebuilt and we are hoping a mechanic can get it working again soon!


With that problem, many projects are taking longer than expected or being stalled. Oh well, it will work out, it always does!



House Ready For Winter


Landon finished getting the house ready for winter. He fixed various things, got our wood fireplace/pellet stove working, and sprayed the outside log siding down.


We are ready for the snow around the house…now to just finish up everything around the barn!



Milling Wood For Chicken Coop


Landon has been milling wood on our land to make the next chicken coop. Our baby chicks are all outside now from the brooder and in the meat chicken tractors until their coop is done!


Hopefully, the chicken coop will be done by my next update. We need to get it done soon!



Butchering Day


We ended the month with a large butchering day! We butchered our 40ish meat rabbits and four roosters. It makes for a long day but it sure is nice to have that meat in our freezers!



Thanks for stopping by and we’ll catch ya next month!


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Kelsey at GoodPointGrandma

Hey there, I'm Kelsey! I'm so glad you are here. I'm a 20-something helping you live your most fulfilling life. I hope you'll join me in this old-fashioned & simple lifestyle!
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