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September going into October is our rainy season here. It’s been raining so much that it has helped us adjust to being inside more often, which is good now that winter is around the corner.


Because our tractor remained broken down for most of the month (it is finally fixed yay!) a lot of projects were delayed. Next month some big projects we will be tackling are building a third chicken coop, finishing the mill building, fixing various areas of the house, and more.


This month we also took a trip downstate to be with some of my family. It was wonderful but now we are in full prep mode for winter!


Let’s check it all out…


Our Homesteading Journey – September 2022 Update

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More Chicks Arrive


At the very beginning of the month, we had our order of 15 Americana chicks arrive. We also had our last round of chicks hatch from our incubator. At the beginning of November, they will be old enough to go outside (it’s too cold at night for them without a heat lamp).


We will be building a coop for them next month and then butchering a few roosters from our incubating. We should have about 25 hens when we are all said and done for this new flock.


It is exciting that we will be able to offer more farm fresh eggs for sale on our farm stand next year!



First Frost


Or average first frost date is September 15 and this year it came about a week late. It hit us hard, and the garden is done producing except for a few cold weather crops – lettuce, carrots, spinach, kale, and beets.


I haven’t put the garden to bed for the winter quite yet, so be on the lookout next month for my process in doing that.


Here’s to hoping my green tomatoes will ripen indoors soon!



Building A Doghouse


Landon is building a doghouse for our dogs currently. In the winter especially, they refuse to sleep in the barn and stay warm unless it is completely miserable out. They want to be by the house, guarding it, which we appreciate.


They need a doghouse to stay warm and safe in the winter so here’s to hoping they will sleep in it!



Apple Picking


We had lots of friends over to apple pick on our land. We had an amazing harvest this year and it still looks like there isn’t a dent in the number of apples we have! If you are reading this and want to come over and pick apples before they are all gone, just let us know.


Landon also attempted to press some homemade apple juice/cider and it is quite delicious! It was a long process of boiling the apples and then pureeing and straining them, but still worth it. We will probably invest in an actual cider press next year.



Thanks for reading and we will catch you next month!


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Kelsey at GoodPointGrandma

Hey there, I'm Kelsey! I'm so glad you are here. I'm a 20-something helping you live your most fulfilling life. I hope you'll join me in this old-fashioned & simple lifestyle!
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