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This month started out with some really incredible weather, then became very snowy, and then ended again with beautiful weather!


We were so busy this month from traveling to birthdays to hunting and fishing and getting ready for winter. We had to plug in all the heated waterers, unhook the hose, winterize the boat, figure out our trash location for winter, and more. But, it’s all done now and we can start to relax for winter!


But let me go into more detail on everything else…


Our Homesteading Journey - November 2022 Update

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Garden To Bed For Winter


I don’t think I ever shared how I put the garden to bed for winter over the last couple of months. First I actually freeze-dried the banana peels I had been saving in the freezer over the summer and blended them to powder. I sprinkled that powder all over the garden beds.


Then I layered chicken manure from our brooder, where we raised all our baby chicks this past summer. After that, I piled on the rabbit manure (and mixed in hay). I was going to put a final layer of fallen leaves but never got around to it before the snow came.


I also planted garlic for the first time ever and am hoping for a great garlic harvest this next summer!



Fishing Salmon


We traveled down to Chicago earlier this month and Landon stopped by the old rivers he used to fish in the upper suburbs and Wisconsin. He was able to catch TONS of salmon and now we have fish in the freezer as well….yum!



Hunting Season


Landon was baiting the deer and watching his trail cameras for weeks before it was officially deer season. Well, it all paid off and he shot a four-pointer on our land!


It was exciting for us because we love to eat venison! We don’t purchase ground beef, so we rely heavily on venison for some of our favorite meals, especially in the winter.



Chicken Coop Complete


Landon finally completed the chicken coop addition, as we call it! Really, it’s a new chicken coop for the new flock of egg layers we raised this past summer, but it’s attached to our main original chicken coop.


It was a big accomplishment because it was made completely from wood from our own land that Landon milled himself! He still needs to finish building the nesting boxes and putting the trim on, but the chickens are all safe and warm.


We also butchered a couple of roosters that made a nice dinner for us one evening!



Winter Projects Beginning Soon


Now that it’s full-blown winter and hibernation is kicking in we are beginning some indoor winter projects. Landon is going to put up more shelves, I’m freezing drying some more food for storage, and we’re prepping for next year in lots of ways.


But more on those projects in detail in the coming months! Thanks for reading, and as always, feel free to leave a comment below!


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Kelsey at GoodPointGrandma

Hey there, I'm Kelsey! I'm so glad you are here. I'm a 20-something helping you live your most fulfilling life. I hope you'll join me in this old-fashioned & simple lifestyle!
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