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There isn’t much to report on the homestead this month, which I am taking as a good thing! It’s been a quiet month of staying nestled down as we prepare for baby #2 (due March 7!) and watching the snowfall.


Landon has been plowing on the weekends, I’ve been napping a lot and keeping the house tidy, and we’ve been enjoying watching the Winter Olympics too!


Here are a few things worth noting…


Our Homesteading Journey – February 2020 Update

Don’t forget to Pin this image for later!




Rabbitry Update


This month we did have one of our baby rabbits die, sadly. It was strange, as one day it had extremely bad diarrhea but none of the others did. We cleaned it up and comforted it but knew that it probably wouldn’t make it till morning time.


The remaining nine should be ready to butcher at the end of next month. Our freezer supply of meat is getting low, so we can’t wait for spring temperatures to come to make butchering days a bit more enjoyable (both the rabbit and deer we have hanging will be butchered soon).


We’ve systematized breeding our rabbits so that they all give birth within a week of each other. (Check out this blog post!) We finished the first round of breeding for the year this month and all our moms should be giving birth soon. Check out next month’s update to see how many baby rabbits join us!



First Deer Skin Project


Landon finished his first tanning project! He sewed the deer hide that he tanned to create boot inserts. They are extremely warm and functional! I can’t wait to see what projects he comes up with next.



Massive Snowstorm


At the end of the month, we got hit with a three-day snowstorm that brought over 20 inches! It was hard to even plow our driveway after so had a neighbor help us. The snow is so high that we can hardly believe it each time we look out the window and try to walk out to the chicken coops! Will this be the last big snow is the real question though? We will see…



Thanks for reading, see you next month!

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Kelsey at GoodPointGrandma

Hey there, I'm Kelsey! I'm so glad you are here. I'm a 20-something helping you live your most fulfilling life. I hope you'll join me in this old-fashioned & simple lifestyle!
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