If you missed my first post on the best homemaking books, then be sure to read that blog post first here! After writing that post I couldn’t help but share more books on homemaking that I absolutely adore.
These books on homemaking speak directly to my heart in so many ways. As moms, we can struggle with feeling burned out, exhausted, and unseen in our daily tasks. We can wonder if our homemaking actually makes a difference each day.
But, of course, we know deep down that we are simply unreplaceable. All the different hats we wear as moms, from housekeeper to teacher to baker and doctor, can’t be done by others in the same way.
We have the loving care and heart behind the actions that bring eternal value to them. Our daily tasks and actions do matter! So much more than we even notice each day.
Remember “the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.” These books on homemaking will be encouraging and inspiring to you and I can’t wait to share them with you!
Let’s check them out…
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As a mother, you have your own unique creative giftings. But, so often we forget to transfer those gifts and natural talents from a career or hobby to our everyday homemaking!
It’s a skill that came so naturally to women years and decades ago, but because of our busy and convenience-center culture, we forget to be creative in the way that we care for our family through the art of caring for our home.
This is one of the books on homemaking that will give you encouragement and practical ideas on how to make your homemaking more creative and enjoyable! And while it is definitely an older book, it is still so relevant today.
Check it out on Amazon here!
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I love the practicality of this book. It will teach you how to do so many at-home homemaking tasks in a simple way. It focuses on stocking your kitchen, making delicious recipes, preserving food, and creating your own home care products.
After reading this book you will most certainly be a better homemaker! That is if you put the different recipes and skills to the test during the appropriate season of the year.
Check it out on Amazon here!
Living on a homestead myself, I love the farm focus of this book. But more than that I love the overall moral: live a simple life that focuses on what truly matters surrounding your faith and your family.
Even if you don’t live on a homestead or have no desire to move to the country one day, this is one of the books on homemaking that is a must-read. It will teach you what a simple life actually looks like. And, what homemaking can become for you when you learn to see the beauty and joy in each part of it.
An intentional life filled with hard work as you chase your dreams is actually a simple life.
Check it out on Amazon here!
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We’ve all heard several different organization tips before. But then why does our house still feel so unorganized? Why can’t we as homemakers seem to get it all under control?
It’s because we need someone to walk us through the process and hold our hand the entire way. And that’s what this book will do for you!
The author breaks down each area of the home, why it is a pain point, and how to approach it correctly. I love that it also has checklists and is relatable to any type of home that you are living in!
Check it out on Amazon here!
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This book is truly focused on helping you find contentment as a homemaker. Because of social media, we constantly see what we don’t have – the beautiful entryway, the organized game closet, and the perfect garden filled with herbs to put in your meal for dinner.
But even apart from homemaking, how can we find contentment in our body image, in our family, and in our current life situation? The author points us back to Christ and shows us that living in the mundane isn’t mundane at all!
If you need encouragement in your striving, knowing that striving can only satisfy so much, then this book is for you!
Check it out on Amazon here!
This is a book I knew I had to have permanently on my bookshelf when I came across it. I had recently switched over to making all my own household products – laundry soap, shampoo, sunscreen, taco mix, candles, and more – and I was annoyed with not having all the recipes in one easy place to access.
This book truly has it all, and it makes it all simple by listing all the ingredients you need for all the recipes. Your cupboard doesn’t have to be overflowing with ingredients to make all your own household products. Instead, you can have a simple amount that makes everything!
This is one of my top recommendations for books on homemaking because it makes it so easy to have clean and cheap homemade products that get the job done! Plus, the author’s story is a wonderful example of the importance of making things yourself.
Check it out on Amazon here!
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We currently live in a tiny house, and while in a way it is a good excuse to not have people over and practice hospitality, I have learned that I just need to get creative instead. We host friends and family over in the summer when we can stay outside for example.
Hospitality is getting lost so quickly in our culture, yet it used to be a huge aspect of homemaking. Taking the focus off our ourselves and thinking of others, whether bringing them a meal or inviting them into our space, truly helps us have a more fulfilling life.
If hospitality doesn’t come naturally to you, just like it doesn’t to me, then this book is a must-read for you!
Check it out on Amazon here!
There you have it, the best books on homemaking! Which one will you be reading first? Let me know in the comments below!

Kelsey at GoodPointGrandma

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