Many women think that they can’t afford to be a stay-at-home mom, yet with some simple life changes it could easily be possible! The key is that it requires sacrifice.
I gladly sacrifice all these things and more so that our family can live on one income, and I can be home with my children all day! There is no greater joy in being a mother than walking through life with my children.
Plus, my children need me! They don’t need strangers or family members to meet their needs. They need their mother. I love being present for them each day and am so grateful to God that it is possible for our family!
If you need ideas on what to sacrifice so you can also afford to be a stay-at-home mom, then check these out! Start implementing them today and see where life takes you!
Let’s check them out…
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Move to where it is cheaper so you can afford to be a stay-at-home mom today!
Downsize Your House
You don’t need a big house with multiple bedrooms. Our family of five currently lives in a tiny house! And actually, there are so many amazing benefits to it.
Lose A Car
Become a one-car family when you quit your job and stay home. It’s a sacrifice but between the vehicle, insurance, gas, and upkeep, you will save thousands of dollars!
New Clothes
Get a few great pieces of clothes at the thrift store and be content with them. You will save hundreds of dollars.
Cook From Scratch
Only buy whole ingredients at the grocery store. Consider buying in bulk. Find some great recipes online, and cook at home. Refuse to eat out for a year and see not only how it changes your budget, but also your habits and your health!
Clean With Vinegar
You can clean your whole house with some vinegar and water, and maybe add in a few essential oils too.
Give Up Social Media
The ads and constant stream of businesses promoting their products in your face will save you money!
Unplug and Turn Off
Turn off the lights when you aren’t in the room, unplug unused cords, and look for ways to save on your electric bill where you can.
I love washing all my dishes by hand immediately after we use them. It is quick and effective, not just saving money but also time.
Have a small cosmetic bag of a couple of items and only replace them once a year. Wear minimal makeup and enjoy your natural beauty!
Make Your Laundry Soap
I love this laundry soap recipe! It costs me pennies for each load of laundry I run.
Hang Dry Your Clothes Outside
It’s better for everything: your clothes, your electric bill, the environment, etc.
Don’t Use Shampoo or Conditioner
This one took some time for me to achieve but I have completely stopped washing my hair and it’s amazing! I only use a bit of Castille soap to wash my body and I love it!
Make Everything Else Yourself Too – Toothpaste, Sunscreen, Salves, Tinctures, etc.
The latest trend is to switch to all-natural products. However, these are expensive and usually silly, because you can make if for a fraction of the cost yourself. This is my favorite book of recipes to get started!
Fix Things Instead of Buying New
Sew your garments, take care of your tools, and make do with what you have. Advertisements constantly try to convince us we need more and we need new, which just isn’t true.
Recycle Containers to Organize Your House
Reduce, reuse, and recycle to afford to be a stay-at-home mom! Practice being frugal each day.
Skip The Spas and Salons
Do your hair at home, including cutting and coloring it! Paint your nails at home, or don’t paint them at all!
Get The Cheapest Cell Phone and Cell Phone Plan
You don’t need unlimited data because you need to be present with your family anyway!
The Morning Coffee Run
A classic example of saving money that is so effective. If you still buy drinks out, stop today! You only need water. Make coffee at home. Give up the soda, juice, and alcohol. You don’t need it!
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Watch the DVDs on your shelves, play the board games in your closets, and visit the park for free! Don’t spend money going out to various entertainment events that cost money.
DIY Your Décor
Stop buying unnecessary seasonal décor and household trinkets. They clutter your space and won’t last! Instead, be intentional about your décor and take time to make it exactly how you want it to be.
Find local ways to enjoy some time away from home. One of my favorites is a weekend at the library reading and blogging!
Buy Few Gifts
Your children don’t need more things either. Take the time to bake for them or go on a date with them instead. And make simple homemade gifts or treats for others to afford to be a stay-at-home mom!
Use Cloth Diapers
Cloth diapering your children will save you hundreds of dollars! Plus, you can also make your wipes, disposable or reusable.
Your children (or yourself) do not need to be in year-round sports, or sports at all. There are so many cheap and fantastic hobbies they can have at home or simply play with friends.
Gym Membership
Instead, find the time to work out at home, run around the block, or pick up a hobby that requires labor like gardening!
Have A Garden
Growing your food saves hundreds of dollars and is better for you too! Seeds want to grow and gardening is not as hard or as complicated as it may seem. You can even grow many things in pots on your patio!
Multiple Shoes
I have two pairs of shoes for each season and that’s all I need! You can easily find a style that works with outfits for several different occasions.
TV Subscriptions or Cable
Read books from the library instead! Or check out DVDs there. Plus, YouTube is free too.
Kid’s Devices and Cell Phones
Not only is it safer and healthier for your child to be screen-free but it also saves you money!
Consider Homeschooling or Unschooling
You can find free curriculum online or skip the curriculum altogether. There is no need to spend extra money for school events or functions if it works for your family to stay home instead!
First-Hand Items
Have you seen all the things you can buy at the thrift store lately? You can find everything you need for your home there with just a few visits! Owning second-hand is just as good, if not better sometimes.
We all love our pets, and maybe it makes sense for you to keep yours. But, if you spend a lot of money on dog walks, grooming, toys, food, treats, vet visits, and more, consider finding a new home for your furry friend. Yes, it’s a sacrifice but it can make a big difference in being able to afford to be a stay-at-home mom.
Car Payment
Buy an older car with cash and avoid the car payments. You will save so much money! You do not need a new car, just a reliable one.
Pay Off Your Debt
Stop paying interest on your loans. Focus on paying off your debt as soon as possible and you will start seeing how easy it is to afford to be a stay-at-home mom!
Credit Cards
To avoid more future debt only have debit cards. You don’t need a credit card! Getting rid of ours was one of the best decisions we ever made.
Sell Things You Don’t Use
Go through your home and start decluttering it. Sell everything on Facebook Marketplace or Craigslist! (Put the money you make towards your debt.) It’s not all about what you have to sacrifice but how you can make some extra money as well.
New Books
Only use your local library! You are paying for it with your tax dollars, so take advantage of it. There is more than books there too, from media to educational classes.
Use Grocery Pick Up
If you have free grocery pickup near you, use it! It will help you spend only what you budgeted for and avoid impulse buys. And only utilize it once a week to force you to use leftovers.
Rent Instead of Buy or Barter
Some items like large machinery or tools that you may only need to use once or twice may be cheaper to rent for the day instead of buy!
New Baby Items
I found all my baby items that were not gifted to me used! There is a plethora of them online and at thrift stores from clothes to beds to feeding to toys.
Read My Other Blog Posts
I share even more ideas on how to save money here:
6 Positive Benefits To Quitting Your Job And Resigning After Maternity Leave
How To Save Money On Groceries As A Stay-At-Home Mom
11 Natural Household Items To Make Yourself And Save Money
7 Multiuse Reusable Items To Save Money In Your Homemaking
How To Cultivate Contentment In Motherhood And Be Grateful Everyday
The 7 Best Homemaking Books For A Cozy And Peaceful Home
7 More Books On Homemaking You Can’t Miss Out On
11 Things I No Longer Do As A Mom Since Taking My Job As A Homemaker Seriously
Can You Become A One Income Family? Here’s How We Survive and Thrive!
Being a one-income family isn’t necessarily easy, and I’m certainly not perfect at sticking to this list, but all the sacrifice is completely worth it! Do you agree? Let me know in the comments below!

Kelsey at GoodPointGrandma

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