The Ultimate Guide To #Adulting

Because #ADULTING.
Do you feel in the dark? I know I did after I graduated college! Here's everything you need to know to start your SUCCESSFUL adult life!
Christian relationship advice can tend to have a negative stigma around it.
How come no one is able to give me clear directions to follow? Why is it I always feel like I’m messing up? And I want to do it God’s way, but why do I always get mixed messages?
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You may be feeling this way because you have never had a good example to look up to. Or perhaps no one has been able to answer your questions clearly for you.
We, as humans, tend to believe the lie that relationships do not require that much time and effort.
So. Not. True.
A Christian relationship is not contingent on the fact that you have been in Christian school being taught these principles from day one or if you had a good example to look up to. While those things may help, it is important that you put in the time and effort to learn about what the Lord expects in relationships.
I have faced so many relationship questions and after studying the Bible, growing in my relationship with the Lord, going to church I still wanted to hear it from another trusted source. That was when I began reading more about God’s design for relationships in some amazing books.
So, if you’re wondering how to have a Christ-centered relationship, then look no further! I have compiled a list of my Top 5 books on Christian relationships by trusted authors.
They helped me feel secure in the wise decisions I was making and I know they can help provide guidance to you as well!
Top 5 Christian Books on Biblical Relationships
5. Praying for Your Future Husband, Preparing Your Heart for His by Robin Jones Gunn and Tricia Goyer
I remember reading this book as far back as middle school and it inspired me to think of my life in a new way I had never thought of before. I began to realize that life was not just about the present.
It was the first time I really began noticing guys and that meant I also began noticing how none of them were showing interest in me. My friends all seemed to have “guy friends” or at least little flirty relationships but I was without one. Now, I consider it a blessing because I was not old enough, wise enough, or mature enough to handle that in middle school.
This Christian book on biblical relationships is one of the first books I remember impacting me. It showed me that you need to start preparing for your future husband now. The decisions you make now will affect him in the future. All the relationships you participate in now, before your future husband, will be something you will have to share with him.
So, instead of focusing on getting a relationship, this book encouraged me to focus on prayer and preparing my heart for that future relationship. It is a wonderful read to point you back to the One who loved you first.
If you feel the need to understand how to make your life purposeful before a relationship, I would encourage you to read this book.
See it on Amazon here!
4. I Kissed Dating Goodbye by Joshua Harris 
The book title itself brings controversy. Are Christians supposed to date? What does God think of dating? Why would courtship be better than dating? What even is courting? These questions are all addressed in this book by Josh Harris.
When this book was released I felt like everyone was talking about and giving their opinion. Some agreeing with it and some saying that it is too far. So I decided to read it and decide for myself, (the best thing to do in any controversy!)
This book led me to realize the importance of setting boundaries within a relationship. I had heard the term before but when I read the book it gave boundaries a purpose. Their purpose was not to keep me locked up, away from any fun, missing out on everything. Their purpose is to protect you from regret and glorify the Lord throughout the relationship.
Relationships can be hard and challenging, and it can be even harder doing them the biblical way but in this book, Josh will help you see the benefits of centering a relationship around Christ and why that is so important. He answered so many of my initial relationship questions when I was beginning high school and helped lay a solid foundation for my understanding of them.
Definitely one of the Christian books on biblical relationships that I would recommend!
See it on Amazon here!
The Ultimate Guide To #Adulting

Because #ADULTING.
Do you feel in the dark? I know I did after I graduated college! Here's everything you need to know to start your SUCCESSFUL adult life!
Related Post: My Honest Review of “I Survived I Kissed Dating Goodbye”
3. Love That Lasts by Jefferson & Alyssa Bethke
I just adored this book. In fact, I went to the lake near my apartment, sat down on a bench for three and a half hours, and read the whole thing in one sitting. Being raised in a Christian home and attending Christian school most of my life, I had already heard a lot of the couple’s advice but I was whole-heartedly refreshed with what they had to say.
This book is a great read because it gives different perspectives. In each chapter, Jeff and Alyssa will switch on and off. Jeff is able to give a rebellious perspective and how a male views relationships while Alyssa is able to provide the more sheltered, female perspective which I related very easily.
This book is great for a college student. Having just graduated college I could relate to their love story on so many levels, from the joyful times to the heartache that can so easily come.
If you are looking to be encouraged in why focusing on God throughout the entirety of your relationship, from beginning to end, is so important and if you are looking to understand exactly why God has a perfect plan for the good times and bad in relationships then this book is a must-read.
See it on Amazon here!
2. Loving Your Husband Before You Even Have One by Kim Vollendorf 
This is a favorite on this list of Christian books on biblical relationships!
I have been a single girl for a while and I resonate so much with all the other single girls out there. Just today I was scrolling Facebook and two new engagements popped up right away. And as wedding season approaches, here I am about to that person without a plus one at each wedding…again. It can be disheartening.
Over the years God has really grown me and shaped me into a woman that is so content in being single and loving the life she has been given. However, that does not mean those feelings disappear. They also try to creep back up when I’m third-wheeling or watching a romantic comedy. This book has helped me control those lies of, “I’m not good enough” or “I’m not worthy” and helped me realize that patience is a skill.
Patience is something you need to work on all the time. It is something you will never fully master but it is something you can get very good at. Patience alongside God’s truth has helped me kill those lies and live into who I am as a single woman today.
This book encourages you to not focus on what you are missing now but preparing for who you can be in the future. It is an amazing read in your single years.
See it on Amazon here!
Related Post: The 7 Best Christian Books You Need To Read Before Marriage
1. When God Writes Your Love Story by Eric and Leslie Ludy 
And number one goes to the book that made the largest impact and the authors I will always look up to.
I’m a huge Eric and Leslie Ludy fan because their ministry is one where they are not scared to say the truth. Instead of following the culture, they follow God. They always speak truth and life. Leslie’s book especially has been some of the most impacting books in my life and caused me to make changes that are often laughed at by the world, such as now swearing and saving my first kiss for my wedding day.
This book will truly inspire you to everything God has called you to be in the realm of relationships. Both the male and female perspectives help you understand each angle and what God requires from each role.
We are selfish and we want to control our lives. Christ laid down His life for us so that we could turn around and do the same for others. Your life is much more fulfilling when you are releasing the pen of your life from your own hands and giving to the Lord and surrendering to His plan.
If you’ve had failed relationships in the past then know that this book will allow you to find a more fulfilling and loving relationship centered on the Lord. This Christian book on biblical relationships is my number one recommendation always!
See it on Amazon here!
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So while relationships can be hard and there’s usually a lot of questions with little or no answers, these books will be a refreshing option for you.
They provide the biblical truth that you can trust and apply to your life. From middle school to post-college these books have been impacting me in huge ways and have laid the foundation for what I expect a Christ-centered relationship to look like now.
Set time aside to educate yourself and learn from these authors. They are human too but they understand what Christ calls us to. I probably would be making some pretty unwise decisions if it wasn’t for the guidance of these books and other influencers in my life.
Leave a comment below telling me if you’ve read any of these Christian books on biblical relationships and what you think!

Kelsey at GoodPointGrandma

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I really like how you said to put in the time and effort to learn about what the Lord expects in relationships because then you’ll have a much better understanding. I think reading is a good way to do that so I’m glad you listed some books I could read. I’ll be sure to check these or some like it out!
Thank you so much for the encouragement! I am so glad this post has been encouraging to you and a helpful resource!
Hi Kelsey , I Really appreciate this recommendation, it will help me a lot on my new <a href=””>blog</a>
Glad I could help!