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February has been a slower month, but we’ve also squeezed in some family adventures. We are all ready for spring to hit and hope we don’t experience too many late winter snow storms in the next couple of months!


We also have some exciting news to share…keep reading!


Our Homesteading Journey - February 2023 Update

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Starting Seeds Indoors


I’ve decided to start some seeds indoors this year and I went with the soil-blocking method. While it is a bit more advanced, I wanted to learn eventually and decided to just purchase the supplies now. So far, I’ve managed to figure it out and my onions are sprouting. Check back next month when I plant tomatoes and a few other vegetables!


Landon got creative with our tiny house and built a little floating shelf off of our loft area to put the seed starts! It is working out wonderfully.




Perch Gone


Our barn cat Perch has decided to take off and we miss him! We started with two male barn cats in the summer of 2021 to keep away the mice. But being males, we knew they probably wouldn’t stay around forever. Pike left us for good this past July, but Perch has always stayed around. He’s been gone for a few weeks now so I’m not sure he’s coming back…I hope he’s ok out there!


Update: I’m happy to report he has just returned! He must have stayed warm in a neighbor’s barn throughout all the freezing cold weather! Let’s see how long he stays around this time…



Ice Skating


We’ve been ice skating a bit at the local outdoor rink but not as much as we had hoped since the weather this year has been so up and down! It sure does help the winter blues when we can get outside!



Hosting Chickens


All our chickens are doing well and laying a lot! We are also hosting some chickens for some friends of ours temporarily and hoping that they continue to integrate well into our flocks.



Preparing For The Summer


We are having another baby this summer and we are also planning on building a house on our land! Wow, it’s going to be a lot, but we are excited and know that God will equip us and provide for us.


The baby is due in mid-August and we are praying for another safe home birth. The house build will start as soon as the ground unthaws and continue throughout the entire summer. Landon plans on doing a lot of the work himself. We are currently working on blueprints, quotes, and other behind-the-scenes things. We hope to have it all enclosed by the time winter hits again and then work on the interior throughout next winter.


The tiny house will become a guest house and rental space for us once we officially move into our new house!



Thanks for reading and I’ll be back next month for another update!


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Kelsey at GoodPointGrandma

Hey there, I'm Kelsey! I'm so glad you are here. I'm a 20-something helping you live your most fulfilling life. I hope you'll join me in this old-fashioned & simple lifestyle!
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