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As the year ends, we are slowing down on the homestead. There isn’t much to report this month regarding the homestead because instead of working we are resting, enjoying Christmas, and spending time with family! That means the house build will pick up again in the new year.


But here are a few things to note…


Our Homesteading Journey - December 2023 update

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Deer Hunting


The crazy warm weather this month means that there isn’t snow at Christmas! It also means that deer season was difficult, and Landon was unable to fill his tags. It also has to do with the house construction being loud and disrupting the usual patterns on our land.


Thankfully we were given some vension from friends and have some roadkill to still stock the freezer a bit!



Freshly Milled Einkorn Sourdough Bread


My Christmas present (to myself) this year was a grain mill! I also started creating an einkorn sourdough starter from my freshly milled grain. I’ve been having so much fun mastering making einkorn bread! I told Landon this is nearly the healthiest bread I could make – freshly milled einkorn sourdough bread! And boy is it delicious too.



einkorn sourdough starter



Fire Cider


I finally got around to creating our fire cider for the winter. Here is the recipe I used. It is basically letting all the good things for your body – onions, garlic, ginger, horseradish, apple cider vinegar, etc. – sit for a month. Then you strain it and drink it with honey as needed. It helps greatly with staying healthy during the winter months, as sharp as it is!



Check out the “Our Homesteading Journey – Reflections on 2023” update next, and then we will see you again in the new year! Thanks for reading!


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Kelsey at GoodPointGrandma

Hey there, I'm Kelsey! I'm so glad you are here. I'm a 20-something helping you live your most fulfilling life. I hope you'll join me in this old-fashioned & simple lifestyle!
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