If you’re in a rut and you’re just not sure what it takes to put your goals into action after college, then you are in the right place.
This post is for you if you want to know to achieve your goals after college in an easy, tested, and proven system that actually works. If you want to take the guesswork on what steps to take next and how to implement the right strategies then don’t go anywhere.
Some of you reading this are going to be goal-oriented. You thrive on do lists that you can check off throughout the day. You love to take time to plan out your week, month, and year and probably have a five or 10-year plan in the back of your head.
Yet, now that college is over, it’s a little confusing about the best method to use.
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Others of you have never been that great at goal setting. It does not get you motivated and you’re just unsure of what to do to change that. You can get things done if you are in the right mood or mindset and if you have a reward at the end of it.
Yet, you need a tool to help motivate you and guide you.
You see, before college, back in those high school days, we had so many different goals that we wanted to achieve. A lot of them seemed realistic at the time and as you grew older you became discouraged.
Related Post: The Worst Advice You Could Get In Your 20’s
For example, you wanted to become a pro soccer player in high school, but once you hit college, you realized how hard that actually was to accomplish. Or you wanted to a musician with your own record label but then you realized that it takes a lot more than you expected to get there.
We squash our goals before we even go for them.
College caused us to shape even more goals in our heads after high school. They involve future careers and relationships. Our college goals were still easy to label and identify because we knew the track we were headed on.
But, then you graduated from college. Or you hit your 20’s.
And if you’re like me, you realized that the rest of your life wasn’t laid out for you. You realized you are given so many options. There is no one telling you to do this or go here or do that because you now have an endless choice of possibilities.
And that’s what makes goal setting so hard after graduation. That’s why it is so hard for so many people to accomplish what they want. It’s why it is how hard for you to achieve your goals after college.
So how do we even know what goals to set after college? What is the best way for you to achieve your goals after college?
How Student’s Goals Change After College
In college, you were given goals, that’s what made achieving your goals during college so much easier than achieving your goals after college.
Your professor told you to do the assignments by a given day and your syllabus laid out everything you needed to do. You were given a planner in the form of a syllabus, whether you used it that way or not.
And even in sports, you were given a plan. You were told what day you need to show up for practice and games and were given a layout of what each session was going to look like.
And music and other extracurricular are the same way. You warm up, you do the tasks in the order that makes sense, and you continue to do them until you get to the successful spot you are shooting for. Practice makes perfect.
But here’s the thing: that’s exactly why so many 20-somethings face anxiety and extremely high levels of stress.
They were told what goals to set and accomplish their entire life, and yet now there is no path laid out for them at all.
That is a huge part of my story and a huge part of why I started this blog. I was feeling anxious and stressed like at no other time in my life because I had no idea what step to take next. I had no clue about how to achieve goals in my 20s.
You can read more of my story here.
Related Post: How To Overcome A Quarter-Life Crisis
I needed a planner that would get going where I needed to go. Thankful I was growing a business as well so I picked up a START planner and it helped me grow this blog in huge ways already. And if you are interested in starting a blog just click here.
But recently I came upon a planner that all 20-somethings need to get their life on track after college graduation.
It is a productivity tool like none I have seen and can’t stop recommending it to people. But you’ll have to keep reading to see exactly why and what bonuses come along with it.
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New Goals You Will Probably Have After College
While in college your goals may have been to get good grades, lead a campus group, get involved in volunteer work, get the first chair in the band, or get a starting position on the court, your goals take a huge shift after you walk across that stage.
To achieve your goals after college you now have to think about what those new goals look like.
I knew I had to start thinking about adulting matters hardcore. What apartment should I get? What jobs should I apply to? Where should I put my money to keep it safe and grow it?
(p.s. I answer all those questions and more in my blog posts, so be sure to click around this blog.)
Related Post: How To Land Your First Entry-Level Job After College
The list goes on and on. And these are wonderful goals to have, but to accomplish these goals you need a planner and a proven system that works. But before we get to that, here are some very simple tips for you to start getting more productive.
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- Batching
The first way I started becoming more productive and accomplishing the goals I would set after college, was the system of batching that I learned from the internet.
I can’t remember if I read about it on a blog or if I saw a YouTube video but either way, I thought it was brilliant.
What is batching? It is simply batching all your similar work together at one time. For example, if you are like the old me, right out of college, I would open my emails and scroll through them whenever I had free time or whenever I saw a notification pop up.
However, I was wasting tons of time looking at emails throughout the entire day. And worst of all, I was reading emails and thinking that I would reply later but I would completely forget to do that when more things would pop up to distract me.
Instead, I now batch my emails and it is truly a game-changer. I only look at my emails once in the morning and once at night. I sit down and I read and respond to each one and once I am done I move on to something else.
I have become extremely more productive and also, more predictable. Now, I don’t have people expecting me to reply asap. They know I will reply to one of my batched times and it gives everyone a little bit more stability.
What can you batch together starting today to become more productive and achieve your goals after college?
- Turn Off Notifications
This is another huge one that I feel like I could say has changed my life. I also came across this time after college and after implementing it I have never gone back.
I turned off all the notifications on my phone and have never felt more freedom. Here’s the thing, when you constantly have all these voices grasping for your attention, it’s really hard to get productive work done and achieve your goals after college.
You need to be the boss of your attention. You need to tell Instagram, Snapchat, and whatever other apps you use when you will pay attention to them.
The notifications are your phone and the apps on it control your time and your attention. Take back that ownership and only go on them when you have downtime or have scheduled it in.
Related Post: 12 Steps You Need To Take After You Graduate College
There is no need to hear or see a notification going off on your phone all the time. If it is still important, you will still make time for it without needing to be bombarded constantly.
- Unsubscribe
Another big one that I am a huge fan of is unsubscribing. About once a month I will go through and unsubscribe from any unopened emails or ones that are not giving me value.
I will also unlike and subscribe on my YouTube, Instagram, and other social feeds to clean them up.
Basically, I know that in order to achieve your goals after college you need to stay focused on the important things and what really matters. You need to keep your life simple, clean, and organized.
What can you unsubscribe from or unlike today that will allow you to feel a breath of fresh air and become more productive?
- Chrome Extensions
To help me with those three points above, I also installed the Chrome extensions Facebook News Feed Eradicator and Distraction Free YouTube which you can download when you click on them.
Facebook Eradicator allows me to still go on Facebook and do my normal work on it in the groups I participate in, without getting distracted by my news feed. It just simply hides it from my view and I love it.
YouTube blocks all the suggested videos on the side which has been a huge help. I can go onto YouTube now and watch a video and exit right after instead of watching 10 more videos that seem interesting on the side.
Highly recommend downloading these. But if you really want to achieve your goals after college, then it is time to get to the good stuff.
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The Best Way To Achieve Your Goals After College
The best way to achieve your goals after college is to have a planner that does all the work for you. And the best planner that I can recommend is the Slay Your Goals Planner.
This bad boy will do everything from motivating you, giving you reflection questions and prompts to be asking yourself, different designs and layouts to choose from, monthly calendar options (with no dates!) so you can start today, and so much more!
Why do I recommend this product out of the bazillion other planners out there?
I know it is the exact structure and layout that every 20-something fresh out of college needs.
You need a plan for your life after college. You need direction. And most of all, you need a tool that isn’t going to be cumbersome.
The Slay Your Goals Planner is a planner designed to get you, yes you, slaying your goals over and over and over again. It is a proven system that works and that has worked for so many people already.
Don’t believe me? Just read the testimonies here.
Achieve your goals after college by giving yourself a plan for the year, the month, the week, and the day. Give yourself a way that is impossible to not be intentional.
This planner is a make it or break it for so many people after college. Skip the anxiety-driven life where the questions in your head just promote more and more stress and instead jump to freedom.
Freedom to live the post-college life you have always wanted. Freedom to set up the right habits now in your 20s. And the freedom to create a successful life.
I believe you deserve a better future. If you believe too, then check out the planner here today!

Kelsey at GoodPointGrandma

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I love this – my planner has SAVED my sanity. Great rec’s!
Thanks Ashlee!
Batching is really helpful. I’ll have to try hiding my newsfeed on Facebook, that can be so distracting! This sounds like a great planner for my niece. She’s a recent college grad.
Yes, it’s super easy to add the extension and super helpful! I would love for you to pass this post on to her, I’m sure she could benefit! Thanks Beth(:
So many awesome tips! Turning off notifications on my phone was game-changer!
Right?! Seriously gave me so much freedom I didn’t even know I was missing!
[…] Related Post: How To Achieve Your Goals After College […]
[…] It is a fabulous way to crush your goals, especially in your 20’s! See more of why I recommend it in this blog post here. […]
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