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    If you’re like me then you’re probably looking for some easy cash to make on the side…aka some side hustles for 20-somethings! I mean, money makes the world go round, right?


    Or keeps you from being broke.


    And if you’re a 20-something fresh out of college then you have hit the right blog page. If you’re new here then let me introduce myself…


    Hey, I’m Kelsey, also a 20-something pretty fresh out of college. After graduation, I spent a year just trying to figure out this thing we call adulting and realized I don’t have a clue how to do it! Then I asked my friends, co-workers, family, dog, etc. for help too and they were just as clueless.


    So, I began researching and wondering, is there anywhere that helps us along the journey? When I couldn’t seem to find just what I was looking for I decided to create it myself.



    7 side hustles any 20 somethings can do

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    That’s when I began writing and sharing about everything I was learning while walking through the stages of my 20’s that so many of us go through. I want to offer guidance in a way that was counter-cultural. Advice that actually gave sound information and legitimate help.


    I decided to call this blog GoodPointGrandma. If you’re part of our community then you know that #beinga20somethinggrandma is something we strive for here. What exactly does that mean? It means we try to be wise like a grandma and take wisdom and apply it to our lives.



    Related Post: How To Easily Start A Blog Today




    You see, one thing I kept hearing from older and wiser “grandma’s” was that your habits, your knowledge, your future success, well it all begins in your 20’s.


    Your 20’s are a defining decade.


    They are the years where you will set up the right habits, or they are the years you will flop. You’re 20’s may arguably be the most important years of your life. And that’s because it’s the years where you set up the entire rest of your life. I choose to set it up for success.


    That’s why #beinga20simethinggrandma means taking the right steps for a successful life. It means not seeking immediate gratification, but growing wealth over time. It means working hard at paying off debt, investing into retirement accounts month after month, and pursuing your dreams with slow consistent action.


    A 20-something grandma goes against the flow.


    But I don’t just write about how to set up the right money habits in your 20’s. I also share all about career tips, healthy living, Christian values, book reviews, life tips, and more. So, stick around and join our community by signing up for the weekly coffee date in your inbox below.


    The Ultimate Guide To #Adulting

    Because #ADULTING.

    Do you feel in the dark? I know I did after I graduated college! Here's everything you need to know to start your SUCCESSFUL adult life!

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    Now let’s get on to the best side hustles any 20-something can do, because to me they basically require no hustle at all! These seven side hustles for 20-somethings feel more like an easy-breezy way to boost your income at the time of life when you need it most.


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    Related Post: How To Create Your First Successful Budget After College



    The side hustles for 20-somethings that actually work:



    1. Take Surveys


    Looking for ways to make money in your 20’s? Surveys are my best recommendation for a side hustle in your 20’s.


    Why? Because it’s been something I’ve been doing for years. I wish I had tracked how much I have made so far but at least a couple hundred dollars! And it takes me virtually no time.


    Not just saying that either.


    How it works: the survey pops into my inbox, I log in and take it. It takes less than five minutes most times. And the next day I have three dollars. (This example is with Pinecone Research)


    Three dollars starts to grow and before you know it, taking surveys gives me extra money to fund my latte problem. (And pay off some debt!)


    I take the surveys while I’m watching YouTube videos and I feel like I’m getting paid for doing nothing! The surveys are actually really cool most of the time too. I just did one on a product I would love to see in the stores because it is such a healthy alternative and I totally geeked out.



    Related Post: 21 Quick Ways To Stay Healthy In Your 20’s



    Sometimes the companies will even send you free products to try and give your review on, which is exciting too. And one of the best parts is that it gives you a voice.


    You get the chance to give your opinion on products that might or might not be hitting the shelves at the store down the road. Companies want to hear directly from consumers on what they want, and surveys are a great way for them to introduce new products and see what kind of reaction they get from consumers.


    Surveys are an amazing option out of all the side hustles for 20-somethings in this post and I would definitely get started with them right away!


    Here are my favorite ones:

    LifePoints US

    Pinecone Research

    Survey Voices

    Nielsen Panel






    US Opinion Poll

    Opinion Outpost (Canada)

    Daily Rewards (Canada)

    Zen Surveys

    Panda Research (US) (Canada)




    10 Things Anyone Can Do To Become Financially Independent

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      2. Rent Out Your Place


      Do you have extra space? Maybe an extra room you could clear out over the weekend? Or a guest house nobody lives in?


      That could be cash in your pocket! Put it up on Airbnb and you could easily make $1,000 a month but by being a host to people that need to crash somewhere in town for the night.


      Renting your place is an easy side hustle out of the side hustles for 20-somethings because it’s passive income if you have space already available.



      Related Post: 5 Sure-First Steps To Getting Your First Apartment




      side hustle for 20-seomthings

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      3. Start A Blog


      Blogging has become my passion. Starting a blog was the best thing I did for myself after college.


      I worked hard in college, and if you’re like me when college came to a close, I didn’t know what do with myself. I had so much free time yet nothing to pursue to keep me going. Anxiety hit me like a rock out of the sky and I knew I needed something to keep me focused.



      Related Post: 10 Reasons To Start A Blog After You Graduate College



      That’s when I saw a friend posted a blog post on Facebook. She was able to share her heart on the topic, and after reading the post I realized there could be a lot of potential here.


      Never did I actually expect that I would be able to make money blogging! Now I have a creative outlet, something I can create and make with my own two hands, a way to share my passions with the world, and the chance to make a side income while doing it.


      Becoming a blogger might just be the best decision of my life so far in terms of career and pursuing the life I want to live. If you have any inclination at all to start a blog, then just go for it and do it today!


      The investment is 100% worth it.


      Myth: You don’t even need to be a great writer to be a blogger. Funny right? Or super creative for that matter (I’m not!) You really just need passion, determination, hard work, and the joy that comes with doing what you love.


      Starting a blog is the best out of the best side hustles for 20-somethings on this list in terms of long-term growth.


      Click here to find out How To Easily Start A Blog Today and get going on a side-hustle that has the potential to exponentially grow before your eyes!


      Start Your Blog First

      Grow Your Email List Second

      Become An Affiliate Third

      And Take Blogging Courses Along The Way


      10 Things Anyone Can Do To Become Financially Independent

      Get the checklist today!

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        4. Drive Your Car


        You probably already have a car, so why not use it a bit more to bring in some extra cash. I’m sure you’re already spending a lot of money on your car anyways, between the repairs, gas, car insurance, the list goes on!


        Side money could help you cover those expenses and why not let this side hustle be the one out of these side hustles for 20-somethings that you do in all your spare time.


        When you don’t have to schedule this in, you might as well do it! Consider signing up for any of these programs below to see how you can do work in your pajamas and on your schedule.


        Not too bad if I do say so myself…



        Uber Eats

        Door Dash





        5. Walk Dogs


        If you’re a puppy lover (which who isn’t?!) then I have the perfect option for you. The side hustles for 20-somethings above may be easy, but what could be better passive income than holding cute pets all day long?


        Enter Rover. This is a pet sitting job where you can gain that extra income on the side and become a mastermind on all things pets.


        Only sign up for Rover though if you actually like pets. I swear a pet mom can sense your love for her pet before you walk in the door! And if you do, now is your chance to cuddle them all day long.


        I used to think in college that babysitting was the best option when it came to getting extra money for textbooks. But now I look back and wish I heard of Rover because it is probably an easier form of babysitting.


        The pet won’t wine, throw a temper tantrum, hit you, beg you to play princess or require a pick-up from dance lessons. The pets on Rover will just probably need to be walked, fed, and cuddled, and literally, any 20-something can do that.


        Sign-up for Rover today to make side money from the side hustles for 20-somethings that require little to no work. I promise it’s better than babysitting your neighbor’s kids.



        side hustle for 20 somethings

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        6. Network Marketing with Essential Oils


        It was right at the end of my last college semester that a friend invited me to her online essential oil class. She had previously mailed me a sample of essential oils in a roller bottle and I was loving using it here it there.


        At the end of the class, I decided to purchase the Young Living starter kit with several oils and a diffuser. After it arrived I started learning more and more about the amazing benefits essential oils have on our health!


        After being an avid user for a few months I decided to start sharing about it with others and began selling starter kits to friends and family with my referral link! Before I knew it I was making over $100 a month which covered the cost of my monthly purchases from Young Living! 


        Basically, I was getting my supplements, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, toothpaste, household cleaning products, dish soap, laundry soap, and more for free! Plus, not to mention all the essential oils. And the best part was that Young Living gives you cashback to buy more products for free!


        It was the best side hustle for me after college and I am still doing it today! If you are interested in getting started in your own network marketing business (there is so much potential with no limits!) then check out this page of resources or email me for more information:


        I’d love to have you on our team!!


        Click here to get going on this amazing side hustle for 20-somethings. Or check out these pages first:




        HOW TO SIGN-UP


        How Essential Oils Help Me Accomplish My Goals In My 20’s

        How To Easily Incorporate Essential Oils Into Your Life



        7. Freelance Your Work


        If you are naturally creative then consider freelancing your work out. Naturally gifted people can make easy money doing something they love already. And I mean, that’s super easy money.


        Consider Fiverr if you are naturally good at editing, proofreading, designing logos, etc.


        Check out their website and see what different services they offer. You might find one that you already do for fun and is an easy mindless hobby for you. Simply create a profile on Fiverr to show others your work and you’ll be getting paid before you know it.


        You could also do voiceover work, data entry, and other business skills on the site. The options are endless it seems.


        Fiverr is a full-time income for several people which I think is just amazing, so give it a go and see what you can do over there for some money on a hobby you’re doing anyway.



        There you go, seven side hustles for 20-somethings. But wait, there’s more!


        Bonus tip: gain a new skill so that you can get a more detailed and higher-paying side-hustle in the future.


        Here are some more side hustles for 20-somethings – great options if you want to make an investment first:


        Treehouse App

        American Service Pets


        Let me know what side hustles for 20-somethings you’ve tried and what works for you! I’d love to hear in the comments!


        The Ultimate Guide To #Adulting

        Because #ADULTING.

        Do you feel in the dark? I know I did after I graduated college! Here's everything you need to know to start your SUCCESSFUL adult life!

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        Kelsey at GoodPointGrandma

        Hey there, I'm Kelsey! I'm so glad you are here. I'm a 20-something helping you live your most fulfilling life. I hope you'll join me in this old-fashioned & simple lifestyle!
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