Your 20s are a transformative time in your life! You seem to gain so much but at the same time, there is also so much to eliminate in your 20s.
But before we start talking about everything to eliminate, it’s important to know that the habits you establish in your 20s will impact the rest of your life. Don’t believe me?
After I graduated from college I felt lost. I didn’t know the “adulting” steps to take next and I had no one to show me the ropes.
I knew that how I handled my first real paycheck after college would start building financial habits – and I wanted them to be good habits! I knew that I had to be intentional about the friendships I made and the career path I chose. There was also finding the right place to live, car to drive, groceries, staying fit and so much more.
Whether I liked it or not I was starting to form real-world habits in my 20s.
College was over and it was time to get moving. That’s why I started this blog. To help other 20-somethings set up the right habits for success immediately after college or as soon as adulting is demanded from them.
One of the keys to setting up the right habits in your 20s is to first find the things you need to eliminate in your 20s. Sounds backward right?
After I graduated college and my life was quickly changing, I knew I had to slowly get rid of quite a few things that were not needed in my new adulting adventure. I’ve included 52 of the most important things for you to eliminate in your 20s so that you can get a head start. Don’t skimp on any of these.
Why 52 things? Because it’s a weekly challenge. Each week, eliminate one thing. Before you know it, one year into your adulting journey and you’ll be ready to go!
Let’s do this!
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Personal Memorabilia
After I moved out, my parents handed me all of my things. I knew that some things were important, but others simply were not. Save the things that give you happy memories but get rid of anything that simply doesn’t need to stay with you going forward.
Old Books / Textbooks
You don’t need them anymore. Sell them and earn some extra cash on the side.
Social Media Detox
Here’s a blog post with the steps to follow. Life is changing. It’s time to clean out your social media presence.
Journals You’ll Never Read Again
Hear me out, I love to save my journals. Some of them carry my deep emotions from the life trials and joys that God has brought me through. However, you likely have journals that you will never touch again. Recycle them.
You should only have the basics and a couple of extra items for special occasions. Throw out anything you have not touched in over six months. You likely won’t touch it again.
Clothes With Holes Or Stains
I used to save clothing with stains and always said one day I would get around to cleaning them better or repurposing them. That day never came. Donate them to someone that will use them.
People That Are No Longer Close Friends
Your season of life is changing. Some people will naturally drift further and further from you. Others will still be there but may not be an encouragement to you. Instead, they may be negative and do more harm than good.
Toxic friends are one of the things to eliminate in your 20s.
Pantry Items You Need To Eliminate In Your 20’s
I have noticed that when I have less food and only food I use the week or a few weeks after I buy it, I tend to be more grateful. Pantry items that have been there for a while need to go.
Pet Toys
The ones that don’t get played with anymore could certainly be given to a better home!
Unused Office Supplies
I am so guilty of having a junk drawer that doesn’t get touched too often. When I clear out the extra paper, pens, and random items life is so much more organized.
Chemical Disinfectants (A Must To Eliminate In Your 20’s)
They’re not good for you. Healthy options are available! I use Thieves Household Cleaner and it’s cheaper than anything on the market. Made from pure essential oils, you only need one capful in a glass spray bottle to get the job done.
Related Post: How Essential Oils Help Me Accomplish My Goals In My 20’s
Games You Don’t Like
Whether it’s an old Wii game, workout DVD, or board game – if you don’t like it and don’t use it anymore then eliminate it in your 20s. Plus you may be able to make some extra cash from selling it!
Old Devices And Cords
I had the most freeing experience. I went to Best Buy and dropped off my old electronics and cords. They recycled them for free and I no longer had them taking up unneeded space.
You get junk mail and unneeded emails every single day. Am I right? Even though you don’t open them, they are taking up space and creating noise. Everything that is around us sends off frequency waves. So even though you don’t notice or acknowledge it, it is still impacting you internally. Unsubscribe right away!
Sports Equipment
I played college soccer and afterward kept everything. Big mistake. Don’t do what I did. Face the fact that your sports days are done. Save your cleats in case you play a pickup game here or there but get rid of everything else.
Rusty Tools
When I find old tools they get donated right away. I simply don’t want an item taking up space. I only keep items that have a specific use for me.
Credit Cards
I firmly believe you only need one credit card. Any other credits take up space, give you more to manage, and are likely doing more harm than good. Eliminate in your 20s the credit cards you do not need.
Related Post: How To Create Your First Successful Budget After College
Bags And Purses
It’s so easy to randomly have a surplus of these. An easy way to eliminate them is to get rid of anything you have not used in the last year.
Do you have a medicine cabinet full of medicine you no longer take or use? Then they need to be disposed of properly. There’s reason to keep them for an “in case I need them again in the future” thought.
One Use Items
Ziplock bags, paper towels, plastic utensils – all of these and many more items in your home are only used once. There are so many amazing reusable alternatives available. We use silicone bags, rags, and regular metal utensils as our alternatives to those examples.
Unused Appliances
I have a veggie spiralizer that I thought I would use all the time when I purchased it. However, I think I have used it less than once a year. It is quite bulky and takes up space so it is time to sell it for some extra money!
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Holiday Decorations
Keep a small bin of a few items you like to bring out each year during the holidays but get rid of the unused items. I had collected so many random things I never used after college. Take the time to eliminate these in your 20s.
Unused And Old Furniture
Do you have extra furniture items you save in case you ever need them? It’s simply not worth it. If you don’t use them throughout the weeks, donate them to a local charity.
You really only need a couple of pairs of shoes. I would advise no more than 7 pairs. Any more will not get worn for their true value and take up unnecessary space. Shoes are something to start decreasing after college and to eliminate in your 20s so bad habits do not form.
Old Files
You should keep important documents for 3-5 years. Anything older than that is not necessary to keep. Shred or burn the files and paperwork you no longer need. Make room for all the new adulting ones because they are coming!
Do you have coats and jackets that get worn only a few times each year? If so, consider selling or donating them. Usually, two or three coats are enough to get you through each season.
Extra Lotion Bottles
Ok, anyone else finds that they have random bottles of lotion, shampoo, or moisturizers that just seem to slowly grow into a bigger and bigger pile? Time to discard them!
Related Post: 17 Steps To Saying No In Tremendous Ways
Containers That Collect Dust
This could be large storage containers, food containers, or anything that does not have a specific daily, weekly, or yearly use.
Anything You Can Find Online
Receipts can be emailed to you. Files could be downloaded directly on your computer. Your library has access to eBooks and digital magazines. If you can store it online, then do it! As long as it is safely stored on a trusted site with password protection.
While coupons can sometimes be handy, I do not use them or promote them often. They tend to take more time and energy than the savings are worth. Especially if you have to drive to multiple stores.
Craft Supplies
If you have scrapbooking pages you never got around to making, old craft items from your childhood, or random pieces of fabric you are saving in case you need them one day then get rid of them. You won’t use them again.
Your Needs
This is probably a weird one to hear. Emotions can come from the things we own. Do you find fulfillment in your makeup and how you look? Or do you find it in how your house looks? The material things of this world will always fail us. We must find true fulfillment in Christ alone.
Related Post: Re-Learn How To Study The Bible As A Young Adult
Junk Food
Throw out the ice cream, frozen chicken nuggets, and chips. Consider growing your own food. Or buy local organic produce instead. One of the best things to eliminate in your 20s and start forming healthy eating habits today.
Mental Clutter
Remove the desire to be an overnight success. Eliminate the need for perfectionism. Get rid of a fixed mindset and exchange it for a growth mindset.
Small Gadgets
Don’t fall for the social media ads that say you need a new small gadget. It promises it will improve your life but instead, it gets thrown into the junk drawer. Get rid of small useless items that really don’t solve any problems.
Lingerie & Undergarments
I bet you have some that are stuffed in the back of your drawer. If you haven’t worn it in the last six months then it’s time to donate it!
If you won’t re-read it then there is probably no reason to keep it! Ok, keep it if it means something important to you…or you just want a library in your home, which is the case for me.
Small Décor Pieces
This could include candles that are almost out, small knick-knacks, or random memorabilia you don’t need anymore. Goodwill is a great place to bring these items for donation.
Garage Items
You might not have a garage yet in your 20s but you will likely be getting one at some point in your life. This place can quickly become a place for junk. Go through this area and throw out items on a regular basis.
Too Many Blankets
I love to be cozy! But even cozy has a limit. Blankets are easy to quickly eliminate in your 20s.
T-Shirts (Seriously, Eliminate In Your 20’s!)
The graphic t-shirts that you seem to just collect in college for every event. Try taking those and turning them into a t-shirt quilt. This was so fun for me to do after college. I knew I would never wear them again but I wanted to still have the memories.
Jewelry You Won’t Wear
What is your career going to be now that you are in your 20s? If it’s a business professional, it may be wise to keep some jewelry. If it’s not, you made need to start eliminating several pieces from your collection.
Related Post: 5 Easy Tips To Enter The Workforce Boldly After College
Collections just take up a lot of space and don’t serve a purpose. Often they are kept for years and years as a security blanket. If you have collected something that doesn’t have a use, then consider eliminating it from your life.
Fans / Heaters
Get one good one. That should be a habit that you begin to form in your 20s – buying one good one of each thing and not something cheap that breaks and before you know it, you have to buy another one again.
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You don’t need a lot. You probably only end up wearing your favorites anyway. Three swimsuits are a good number to have and rotate between.
If you have one for decoration, and then another for light you are doing it wrong. Get one that serves a dual purpose. Start cutting back on duplicate items in your 20s.
Gifts You Received But Don’t Use
Do you feel obliged to keep something because you were simply given it as a gift? Maybe you are waiting until the person forgets or a perfect time to re-gift it. You don’t need to hang on to it.
Old Sheets And Comforters
Pillows too! If you have a linen closet full of old sheet sets for a day later in the future, it’s probably best to donate them and make a more useful purchase in the future. Look for ways to upcycle these items around the house. There are lots of cool DIY options on Pinterest!
I seemed to collect these over my college years. After I graduated I disposed of them.
Fake Plants
Instead of fake plants, get real ones instead. Challenge yourself to learn adulting skills and start keeping them alive!
Scarves Or Hats
Again, minimize items in your wardrobe that simply take up space. Instead, have a few items that will last and that you love.
The Thoughts That Discourage Your Dreams
Last but not least, eliminate the thoughts that will discourage you from pursuing your dreams. With God, anything is possible. (Phil. 4:13)
There you have it! A 52-week adulting challenge to get you on the right track as you begin forming the right habits in your 20s!
How is the challenge going for you? Let me know in the comments below.
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Oh, for sure! This is an amazing list. I have to say, BIG YES to ditching those old college textbooks! Mine were in storage for about 10 years before I realized, “what the heck am I doing with these?!”
Oh my gosh nooooo lol
One thing I thought I’d NEVER get rid of is my book collection, but I did a little over a year ago, and I’m actually glad I did! I had hundreds of books that I was never going to re-read – despite the fact that these were brand new books – so I donated them to multiple charity stores, and I felt great knowing that I was helping others add to their own book collection for a fraction of the price of new books. I still keep my favourite books, or ones that really touched my heart, but now I… Read more »
I haven’t got there yet with my books but I think one day soon I will be! I just love my books <3
I wish I had done a lot of these in my early 20’s – because now I’m in my early 30’s and trying to minimize and get rid of stuff! But better late than never I guess.
Yes! It is never too late to start!
This is a great list of ideas to declutter! I like to do a deep purge/re-evaluation once per year to make sure everything I have serves me well.
That’s wonderful Morgan.
this is so useful! i’ll admit that I felt lost too right after college and could’ve used tips like these.
<a href=””>cute & little</a>
I’m so glad I can help others in the same situation. Thanks Kileen!