Lately, I’ve been blogging about what I have given up as a mom, here and here. But, I’ve also gained so incredibly much as a mom!
The things I have gained since becoming a mother are almost too hard to put into words. Some things about motherhood can just not be described, at least not easily. That feeling when your newborn baby looks you in the eyes, or the love a spontaneous kiss from your toddler conveys, melts you in so many ways.
But, then also the sleepless nights, the toddler tantrums, the messy house, it all shapes you towards a selfless and loving heart in ways you never knew were possible.
Basically, motherhood is a journey. It’s not a goal or a destination. It’s a changing, growing, challenging, yet beautiful time in our life that never stops. Once you are a mom, you’re always a mom.
As I think about what I’ve gained since becoming a mother these things start to come to the front of my mind.
Let me share them with you…
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Grateful Heart
Every day feels more impactful, more meaningful, and dare I say more valuable, since becoming a mom. I have an extremely important duty each day, and night, as I raise the next generation. I have the responsibility of teaching my children everything they need to know about this world, and to do it in the best way possible.
And, for that I am grateful. I am grateful I have this amazing responsibility, that God has placed it in my lap and now I can run with it. It’s not easy, but each day I am so grateful to experience motherhood.
Related Post: 7 More Christian Motherhood Books For Christian Moms
Child-Like Faith
By nature, I am a very serious person. It’s hard for me to joke around or even add a joke to a conversation. Of course, my husband is the exact opposite of me and has certainly helped me loosen up.
But, now that I am a mom, I have realized the importance of a child-like attitude throughout the day. Children really do show you the wonder of the world as they discover new things every single.
Being able to experience this wonder with them has also given me a child-like faith, as Jesus calls us to have. It is so easy for children to leave the cares of the world behind and just believe. My children help me do that better each and every day!
Matthew 18:3 says, “And said, “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”
Less Serious Attitude
On that same note, my children help me enjoy each moment. Instead of being so uptight about not getting their clothes dirty in the mud or accidentally dropping some paint on the floor during a craft, I’ve learned to just let it all go!
Motherhood teaches you to embrace the messy, embrace the chaos, and love it all too! It is something I am working on but have also gained since becoming a mother initially.
Things That Truly Matter
Another thing I have gained since becoming a mother is a new perspective on life. What truly matters? So many little things I used to concern myself over just don’t concern me anymore.
For example, what other people think of me used to be such a big deal. Now I’m much more concerned about the heart of my child. I have drifted into the background. My thoughts are much less on myself and much more on my family.
Family is what truly matters. So many other early things about this world will not last. However, my family is something so special and important to me.
Related Post: 11 Things I No Longer Do As A Mom Since Taking My Job As A Homemaker Seriously
Emotional Strength
I’ve also been more on the emotional side. I can come to tears easily, especially when my feelings are hurt. But, emotional strength is something I have gained since becoming a mother.
All the hard moments of motherhood grow and shape me so much that there just isn’t even time to cry over it! So often you just have to push through the difficult moments, like two screaming babies in the grocery store, and then recover when I have to catch my breath.
I’m not saying I never have emotional breakdowns as a mother, but looking back at things I used to cry over, everything has changed. I now handle my emotions better in tough situations. And, the more years I am a mother, the more experience I have in handling these emotional moments.
New Friendships
When I became a mom, some friendships certainly drifted away. Because those friends weren’t mothers themselves it became difficult to relate to each other and ultimately stay in touch.
On the other hand, God has given me so many amazing friendships with other young moms in the area. Some from our church, some from our local MOPS chapter, and some from mutual friends.
Being a mom can bring you friendships and connections you would have never otherwise known!
An Eternal Perspective
Similar to the child-like faith, my children regularly help me keep an eternal perspective. This world will fade away but we live eternally with Christ if we believe and are saved.
Matthew 6:19-21 says “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
I want my children to live eternally in heaven with me. My mission as a mom is to show and teach them the gospel message. I desire for them to make Jesus their personal Lord and Savior and ultimately, that is all that matters!
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Seeing The World Differently
Just like I have gained since becoming a mother a new perspective, I also see the world differently. I find myself regularly thinking about what our country and world will be like when my children are adults. What will their challenges and struggles be? How can we make a difference now so that our children won’t face these same difficulties?
My husband and I, as a mother, are building, creating, and leaving a legacy! That is a huge responsibility and honor. Because I feel this calling in my life, I view the world from that perspective. Whereas, before I was a mother, my goals and thoughts were more focused on myself, not the next generation.
Related Post: 12 Powerful Motherhood Lessons I Learned During My First Year
A Harder Work Ethic
I wrote this post, 11 Things I No Longer Do As A Mom Since Taking My Job As A Homemaker Seriously, because motherhood is a full-time job!
In fact, many studies have come out showing that is even more than a full-time job. It is demanding and never-ending. The laundry always needs to be done, there is always a dish that needs to be washed, and always a child with questions to answer.
I’ve always been a hard worker, but motherhood required me to really manage my time and use my energy to work efficiently and at the same time, happily! Motherhood often pushes you to brinks you didn’t know you were capable of but somehow you still do it, again and again.
A Deeper Marriage
Often you hear people talk about their marriage negatively after they have children. There is suddenly less time for your spouse and you seem to drift farther apart. And without strict boundaries this is true. You can place your children in a more important place in your life than your spouse quite easily, and often without even realizing it.
But, when you do place boundaries in your life, like regular date nights, afternoon chats, and even scheduling in that sexy time, marriage can thrive and be more incredible even after children!
A Deeper Love
Lastly, there truly are no words to describe motherhood. A deeper love is the best way to explain what I have gained since becoming a mother because there is no other way to describe it.
A new part of your heart opens up that you never knew was possible. You have feelings you have never felt before and you go no adventures you never thought would be so fulfilling!
Motherhood is incredible and so I am thankful God made me a mother.
What have you gained since becoming a mother? Let me know in the comments below!

Kelsey at GoodPointGrandma

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