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The Ultimate Guide To #Adulting

Because #ADULTING.

Do you feel in the dark? I know I did after I graduated college! Here's everything you need to know to start your SUCCESSFUL adult life!

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I graduated from college last May. After I graduated I moved into an apartment, went on vacation with my family, and then started a new full-time job.


I was fully #adulting.


Life seemed pretty good and I thought I was set. Until a couple of months into my job when I realized I wasn’t satisfied. I wasn’t doing what I loved and I didn’t know exactly what it was that I loved. So I decided to try some new things and see if I could discover my “dream job.”


You may think everyone and their brother has a blog, and you’re right. So many people have tried blogging or putting content on the internet with their opinions. But I believe they do it because it has so many benefits.


Honestly, blogging has been therapeutic for me, and here are 10 reasons why you should start a blog after you graduate college.


Check it out…



10 reasons to start a blog after you graduate college

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1. Blogging helps you define your passions.


For years I have wondered why I was placed on this earth. God must have had a reason. It’s my job to go and find out what my life’s mission is – even if that means doing the next right thing.


Except, I feel average at just about everything I do and don’t feel like I excel at just one thing. I have several things I love but I don’t know if I could label them as passions.


Blogging has allowed me to talk about what’s on my heart. I’m not a verbal processor. I always process just by thinking. Thank goodness for writing. It has allowed me to share in a non-verbal way and brought new insight into what I truly love. Writing has shown me what I could talk about at any point in the day.


Start a blog after you graduate college and learn more about yourself!



2. Blogging is better than binge-watching.


After college, I became less busy – no more homework, extracurricular activities, and fewer people around. I was working an eight-hour job but felt so unproductive when I got home from work.


I knew I needed a side hustle. I needed something productive I could fill my time with.


You can choose to fill your time with meaningless things or you can choose to do something great for this world, something that is going to make a difference in the long run. I chose to put my time towards something that will challenge me as a person. When you start a blog after you graduate college, I can attest to all the new things you learn and experience!



Related Post: 8 Aggravating Things No One Ever Told You About Blogging



3. Blogging gives you a creative outlet.


I am not a creative person. I don’t consider myself talented in any sort of way when it comes to anything artsy. But I’ve learned I still need a creative outlet. Something I can make with my own two hands.


I once handed my business card to a stranger who commented on how I had designed it. The font was very small and I apologize for saying I wasn’t very creative. She assured me that I may not feel creative but I certainly am. Creativity is a learning process.


Everyone has a level of creativity and you need to release that in some form. Blogging has shown me what it looks like to take what you love and creatively make something out of it. I’m freer to create than I have ever felt in my entire life. You can be to when you start a blog after you graduate college!




4. Blogging gives you something tangible you can be proud of.


You just used your creativity to create a beautiful blog. Now you have something tangible you have created with your own two hands. After hours of figuring out how to structure your blog, how to design your posts, and how to present your thoughts and feelings to the world, you have created a masterpiece.


It is something that can be admired by others. Something that others will compliment and visit often. Something that when someone says “well done” you can smile with pride and acknowledge the hard work that has come to fruition.


Seriously, this is such a rewarding feeling and I crave it after hours of hard work.




5. Blogging teaches you lessons and is an incredible form of personal development.


With blogging comes a lot of learning. You have to learn the site you are using. You have to learn business tools like branding, marketing, advertising, and more. You have to learn how to serve an audience and sell a product in some cases.


After college, it is so hard to keep developing as a person. You have been in a learning environment most of your life and now, bam, it’s gone.


No one is teaching you anything. You are not learning unless you challenge yourself. You are not becoming a better person unless you decide to take risks, try new things, and go to new places.


I have learned so much about myself just through this small process of starting a blog – how I handle frustration, how I present myself, how much I know about different subjects, how I view others, and what others think of me.


I’ve grown so much already in just a few months of blogging, I can’t wait to see how the journey challenges and shapes me even more.



6. Blogging enables you to become self-sufficient.


So far in my life, if I ever had a problem I knew I could find the answer by asking my parents, a teacher, or a friend. Now, there aren’t authority figures around me to ask for answers.


If I don’t know how to do something simple, like changing the color of my blog’s menu bar I must Google the answer or find advice from another blogger.


I am creating my blog. It is mine. That means it’s my responsibility to find the answers. I have to learn to become self-sufficient. But that’s also what makes my blog so much more enjoyable.


Blogging has helped me become more independent.




7. Blogging gives you a platform to share what you love.


I love eating healthy, sharing my Christian values, and giving money-saving tips. Before blogging, I knew some things I liked but I wouldn’t be able to narrow them down and if you asked, I wouldn’t say these things are my passions.


When I started my blog after college, I just started writing. When I started writing I figured out what I loved to share because I began writing about these things.


Whatever it is that you love, share with the world why you love it. Or just write, as I did, and see what comes out. Your love for something will overflow and be a blessing to others.


I’m not good at vocalizing what I love but now I have a platform to share what I love that can inspire and help others. Start a blog after you graduate college and you can do the same!



8. Blogging allows you to become vulnerable.


I’ve written some crazy articles about things most people don’t know about me. Some examples – I’m saving my first kiss for my wedding day, I don’t swear or have tattoos, and I value modesty.


A lot of those things are crazy to most people, but they are something I feel called by God to share. They are scary to say and tell people. It’s easy to feel judged or laughed at.


Sharing deep values I hold that are different has helped me break out of my comfort zone. Breaking out of my comfort zone gave me confidence bigger than this world.


I have never been more confident in my life.


Be different and be proud. Stand up for what you believe in.





9. Blogging has opened new communities for me to be a part of.


Anytime you try something new, there’s a new community waiting around the corner for you. I love that blogging has caused me to meet new people, join new groups, and find others who have similar passions to me.


There is so much joy in finding similar people to you, and also striving towards the same thing. It makes the journey that must more enjoyable, having others to relate to and connect with.



Related Post: Launch Your Blog Course Reviewed – How I Started My Blog From Scratch



10. Blogging means you gain a new skill.


Have you heard the line that you can train for any job or wait patiently for the opening in the company, but if you don’t have marketable skills it won’t matter?


It’s all about developing a skill that sets you apart to advance.


If you have a skill that others do not have, you have a better chance of getting that job.


Blogging gives you new skills. It gives you more insight into how things online work and it gives you more knowledge of how people share online.


Mastering a new skill to add to the resume never hurts.


If you’re ready to start a blog then you’re in luck! I share exactly how I started my blog here:




You can read all about it here!


Comment below what blogging questions you have! I read every single one of them!


If you’re Interested In A Course on Starting a Blog I HIGHLY RECOMMEND this Course! It’s what I used to Get Started!




launch your blog course reviewed


2018 is the year I decided to take the risk of blogging and I’m so glad I did.


Blogging has no rules. You make it what you want; you write how you want. There are no prerequisites or requirements. You don’t need to be a professional writer, I’m sure not.


It is simply you sharing everything your heart desires to share. Share your blog with me below, I’d love to follow your journey!


Click here for free information on how to start a blog after you graduate college!



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Kelsey at GoodPointGrandma

Hey there, I'm Kelsey! I'm so glad you are here. I'm a 20-something helping you live your most fulfilling life. I hope you'll join me in this old-fashioned & simple lifestyle!
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