Did she just say that?! 

You betcha, I did!

Listen, don’t do it! Friend, I will not let you buy essential oils from Amazon, Meijer, the health food store, etc.

But you think to yourself, they are so much cheaper! Getting a membership scares me. They are probably the same quality…

I was the same way. I didn’t know the difference.

Here’s the hard truth. Oils from the grocery store are not regulated; therefore, companies can put any filler or additive into their “essential oil.”

Most of them will either be another ingredient altogether or contain toxic fillers. These types of oils can cause more harm than good when applied to the body. They may be labeled as “pure,” but are actually cheap oils. You have no idea where they came from.

Think about it this way: the product is “watered-down.” Lavender from the store will not be potent and you will need 10 drops just to get the effect of the oil. Whereas, lavender from Young Living is only straight lavender essential oil. Nothing is added to it, nothing is watered-down. One drop gets the job done. Don’t believe me, just smell a bottle a lavender from the store and then smell Young Living’s lavender.

Quality matters.

You are using essential oils to get natural solutions and create better wellness for your body. Why would you buy a product that could be reversing this?

Pick a company with rigorous standards for their oils. Young Living never adds fillers or toxins. They don’t even use pesticides or herbicides on their soil just to ensure no toxins are present! You can actually visit their farms anytime to see how they grow the plants and test to meet strict standards!

Young Living is above organic.

You can visit their farms. They weed by hand and have their own oils for pesticides. They distill their oils without chemicals. No additives, no fillers, no herbicides present.

“Seed to Seal” is not just a slogan, it’s the excellence put in place since the beginning. Each bottle of oil is tested several times before it is cleared to go to market, and if one oil does not pass, the whole batch is thrown out.

I have a scavenger hunt challenge for you. Go to this site:

Are you there?

Ok, first: What are the three pillars of the Seed to Seal promise? Read through each of these.

Next, find the Global Farms Map. How many lavender farms are outside of the United States? Brownie points: find your favorite farm – where would you want to visit first?

After you find your favorite farm, click on a link to the oil created there. How would you benefit from this oil?

Isn’t it incredible that Young Living puts such high standards on their oils? I know I can trust them for every product they create.

I’ve been taught my whole life to pursue excellence in everything I do. I support a company that pursues this same motto and I am so proud to work for them.


So now you know.

Now you have no excuse.

The PSK right here is your

new best friend.


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When I first got started with essential oils I was so overwhelmed with the amount of information to learn about them. 

Don’t worry! I don’t want you to go through the same thing! This course was created with you in mind, friend. Click to find out more!

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