During the summer months, we offer fresh farm eggs for sale on our farm stand (north end of Pelkie Rd) and at the local farmer’s market. Check out our Facebook page for daily updates!
During the winter we offer an egg share program to pick up fresh eggs weekly.
Our eggs are unwashed and free range! There as farm fresh as you can get and we hope you will enjoy them as much as we do.

We raise Californian/New Zealand mixed rabbits on our homestead! They are one of our main sources of meat and we really enjoy it.
While we don’t currently sell our rabbit meat to the public we do sell our rabbit manure (“gardener’s gold”) to fellow gardeners!
We also sell our rabbits as pets or breeding stock. You can find more details on Craigslist or send us a message on what we currently have available.

We are excited to offer pastured meat chickens for sale for the first time in 2023!
Stay tuned for a link to a sign-up form soon.

We sold freeze-dried skittles at the farmer’s market this year (follow our Facebook page for daily updates) and you all loved them!
Next year we would love to offer more freeze-dried products. Be sure to come to the Chassell Farmer’s Market to try them for yourself!

We specialize in residential lighting from Christmas trees to outdoor decorations! Other events may be possible as well.
Landon grew up doing professional lighting with his dad in large affluent homes and now has his own services to offer in the Keweenaw! Full services include pickup, set up, and take down of your Christmas tree!
Share with others and contact us for a free quote today.

We hope to bring sheep to the homestead soon! They will be another meat source for us but we also hope to sell breeding stock or lamb meat in the future to the community!

If you aren’t local to us in the Keweenaw Peninsula then check out our Etsy shop where we offer some of our things for sale!