Let me put some of that worry aside for you and answer your questions!(:


Q1. What are essential oils? Why do I need them?

A1. If you know me at all, you know how much essential oils have changed my life. But something that I get asked a lot are what are they?? Well here is your answer…

Essential oils are the “lifeblood” of a plant. They protect plants from disease and provide nutrients. Plants rely on the essential oils to grow and adapt to their surroundings.

Essential oils can be found in a plant’s flower, stem, leaves, bark or fruit. They are usually extracted through steam distillation. Essential Oils are very complex, containing hundreds or thousands of different chemical compounds; this is what gives each plant its unique healing attributes and characteristics.

They were man’s first medicine! You may just be hearing about essential oils for the first time but they have actually been used for a really, really long time. Today, essential oils are still used to bring health and wellness to the body – mentally, emotionally and physically!

Young Living Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils can:
-reach every cell in your body within 20 minutes when applied topically
-help eliminate toxins in your body
-help support the different systems of the body: digestive, nervous, muscular, circulatory, respiratory and more
-pass through the blood-brain barrier & promote cellular regeneration
-work on emotions via the limbic system of your brain
-promote healthy emotional wellness and relax and clear the mind
-transport nutrients
-be powerful antioxidants
-remove toxins from the air & promote healthy, breathable air
-be a great alternative to chemical or toxic fragrances

To learn more, check out this page and follow my Instagram account here!


Q2. How are they used?

A2. There are three common ways oils are used: aromatically (inhaling or diffusing), topically (applying to the skin) and internally (ingesting them).  Each bottle of Young Living essential oil is labeled with directions for how that oil can be used, and these directions vary based on location, so you should always consult with the product label for appropriate use directions.


Q3. Do they work?

A3. YES! These oils aren’t man made…they come straight from the Creator! They have given me so much, from sleep support to improving my health, but also allowing me to live a chemical & toxic free lifestyle! No more poisoning myself with chemicals in products from the store. I can now support my body in the most natural way possible! They are so beneficial to my emotions, hormones, skin, athletic lifestyle and more!


Q4. Can I use them during pregnancy or while nursing?

A4. It is strongly recommended that, prior to use of essential oils, you seek the advice and recommendation of a competent, trained health care advisor who is experienced in EO usage. We also recommend letting your midwife know that you are using essential oils while pregnant, so they are aware and can help you if need be. It is generally recommended to avoid overuse and excessive use of Clary Sage, Sage, Idaho Tansy, Hyssop, Fennel, and Wintergreen as well as the blends and supplements that contain these oils during pregnancy. Here is a wonderful article on the use of essential oils during pregnancy. Most essential oils can be used safely during pregnancy and nursing and are a wonderful and natural way to balance the mood and support the body during this special time.


Q5. Why do I have to become a member when signing up? I don’t want to pay a membership fee…

A5. When you grab you grab a Premium Starter Kit and join Young Living the membership is included for free! This means all future purchases will be 24% cheaper because you’ll receive membership pricing! After a year your membership will go away if you do not spend at least 50 PV (equivalent to $50). Young Living has so many products (check this page out) that it won’t be hard at all, I promise! There is no monthly fee, booyah!


Q6. What else do I get when I signup?

A6. So much! A fun welcome packet with resources from me and endless resources from our leaders! After you grab your Premium Starter Kit, you get added to our Facebook communities which is honestly the best thing ever! Everyone is so welcoming and walking through this journey with you.

We have loads of free resources for you, including:
*Daily Product Information
*Team Books
*Weekly Classes
*Exciting Events
*Huge Giveaways
*Mentorship Programs
*Young Living News & Updates
*Plus New Friendships! & More…

I will be guiding you each step of the way, helping you find ways to use the oils that will benefit you and your family.

We even have specific groups you can join including:
*Oils and Animals
*Pregnancy and Mommas
*The Business Place
*And More!

I love that I have a new community to do life with, it is so fun! We would love to have you be apart of it as well!


Q7. Do I have to sell anything or join the business?

A7. No, you don’t, but it is always an option for you! Most people are just product users but selling is such an amazing opportunity as well! You could sell a couple kits to friends and family to cover the cost of your oils and then stop as well. I’d love to chat more with you about this amazing opportunity!

To make a commission with Young Living you have to spend 100 PV a month, equivalent to $100. I love doing the business side of this because I have been getting all my oils and YL products for free! It has been such a blessing!


Q8. What is Essential Rewards?

A8. Your monthly wellness box straight to your door! Similar style to many of the other subscription boxes out there. You get to customize it each month, only getting what you want and there are TONS of benefits! I would never purchase oils any other way.

I have Ditched & Switched almost all of my household products through Essential Rewards. I love it because it allows me to get things that I would be buying anyway–household cleaner, mouthwash, lotion, shampoo, and conditioner, etc. sent right to my house with discounted shipping. Plus I get points back on everything that I order that I can use toward future purchases. If you are going chemical free, this is the most cost-effective way to do so!!


FAQ’s on Essential Rewards

Q: How do I sign up? You can sign-up at the time you grab your Premium Starter Kit or anytime after. If you are signing up after you first log into your virtual office at youngliving.com. On the left-hand column, there will be a section labeled Essential Rewards, click here and add your items to the cart. Then pick your processing date (the date your order is prepared to ship and your card is charged). You can change this date whenever you need to. Last pick your shipping and add your payment information. You’re good to go!

Q: What is required? There is a minimum of 50 PV required each month, about $50. Your order is completely customizable each month, just make sure you go in and update it before it processes each month or you will continually be shipped the same thing! PV stands for Personal Volume and is how Young Living measures the value of the items your purchasing.

Q: Can I cancel at any time? You sure can! But I suggest committing to trying it out for 3 months before you make any decisions, as after 3 months you’ll be earning 20% back ahhhhh crazy!

Q: Do my points add up? Yes!! They roll over each month and only expire after 12 months (which won’t be an issue because you’ll be spending them for sure!).

Q: What are points? It’s basically like a cash back system! If you log into the virtual office, there will be a spot in the top left corner that says “Rewards Points Balance”. That is your ER points! You get 10% back the first 3 months, 20% back months 4 – 14, and then 25% back FOREVER after that!!! This is unheard of…where else can you get this kind of percentage back??

Q: What can I use them for? ER points are only eligible to redeem via quick order (another reason that I make a quick order!). If you go to the quick order tab and click on any section, you will see products with a little blue flag next to the price. If it has the flag, you can use your points on it!

Q: Quarterly gifts? What do you get? This varies by country, but in the US, you get Peppermint Vitality after 3 months, Thieves Vitality after 6 months, 15ml Tea Tree after 9 months, and the exclusive Loyalty blend after 12 months. You’ll get the Loyalty blend on every 12 month anniversary too!

Q: Free promos? Every month we announce in our team groups what oils/supplements/products you can get for free just by placing an order on Essential Rewards! They are at the levels 100 PV, 190 PV, 250 PV, and 300 PV. Be sure to tune in the beginning of each month to see what you can get…it’s always my favorite thing to check(: These will automatically be added to your qualifying Essential Rewards order.

Q: How do I change my order? Just log into the Virtual Office, select the “Essential Rewards” tab, and click “Change my order.” Then go through and add the goodness to your cart, and click “save order” when you’re done!

Q: I had an emergency come up and need to push my ER back a few days. Can I do that? You definitely can! Just call Customer Service and let them know what day you want your order to process that month.

You can quit at any time, but when you stop you go back to month one and loose rewards points if you don’t spend them before quitting.

More questions? Just shoot me an email at the bottom of this page!


Q9. Why Young Living?

A9. Young Living has 20+ years of experience and is the world leader and pioneer in essential oil research and distillation process!

Young Living oils are beyond organic. Why? Check out their seed to seal process here: http://seedtoseal.com/en

Each batch of oils is rigorously tested in-house for therapeutic viability. Check out their testing process here: https://www.youngliving.com/blog/how-young-living-delivers-the-purest-essential-oils/

Young Living owns their own farms across the globe which you can learn more about here: https://www.youngliving.com/…/company/about/younglivingfarms. You can actually visit the farms and participate in the harvest/distillation process. Watch the Idaho Balsalm Fir harvest here: https://vimeo.com/92847776

Additionally, Young Living is the only company to submit their oils to AIRASE for purity testing. Read more about AIRASE here: http://airase.com/

With over 120 singles and blends, Young Living has a great selection of oils available. Their unmatched Seed to Seal process to guarantee the purity and potency of every oil. The oils do not have an expiration date and are safe for ingestion.

I have so much confidence in this company, ESPECIALLY as they are the world leader in essential oils and have had the experience and the expertise when it comes to distillation and harvesting, having high standards and a commitment.

If you have ANY questions, please don’t hesitate to ask! I’ll answer them as best we can or will find the answers from those who mentor me!

Also, don’t forget you can’t purchase oils from the grocery store and here’s why.


Q10. I’m ready to dive in! How do I get my Premium Starter Kit of oils?

A10. I’m so glad you asked! You can read all about how to purchase your kit and join the community here!


Are You Ready to Learn More?! Try this FREE 7 Day Email Course...


When I first got started with essential oils I was so overwhelmed with the amount of information to learn about them. 

Don’t worry! I don’t want you to go through the same thing! This course was created with you in mind, friend. Click to find out more!


Still wondering about something? Send me an email!


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