Comment Policy

I absolutely love and encourage comments from my readers! I enjoy receiving your feedback and reading your thoughts on the content I post. I want all my readers to be active in this community but to maintain a pleasant site I do have some community guidelines regarding comments.

Please understand that all comments are subject to the following disclaimers and policies of this website: Disclaimer Policy, Privacy Policy, and Terms and Conditions.

While I keep 99% of comments, I will remove these:

  • Harassing comments: While conversation and the sharing of different ideas are encouraged, all comments need to be respectful towards our contributors and those leaving comments.
  • Anonymous comments: We only accept comments from people who identify themselves.
  • Promotional comments: If a comment is solely promotional in nature, we will remove it from the site.

I reserve the right to remove any comments from the site; please leave comments that are respectful and useful.

If you have any questions on the commenting policy, please email:

The opinions and thoughts expressed on this site are my own. I am not a doctor or healthcare professional. Please contact your physician regarding your health, medical history, and diet. The information on this website is for informational purposes only. 

This website has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The content on this website is not recommended for medical treatment.  You should always consult your healthcare professional first before beginning any sort of medication, treatment, diet or any other form of health-related material.

No information on this site should be used to treat, cure, prevent, diagnose any disease or condition under any circumstance.


Thank you for your comments on this website. I really do love my community and am thankful for each one of you.